Second Child??


Staff member
Anomie, our local CF clinic is VERY reactive, so they only treat if there are symptoms. So they don't encourage vest/neb treatments unless there are symptoms. The kids are pancreatic sufficient, so don't need enzymes.

When DS was 3 months old and I took him in for a chesty cough they told me "they cough, it's what they do". He had bronchitis! Majority of us in our area go to the City 250 miles away to one of two CF Centers and have tried to encourage this mom to do the same or at the very least to be more proactive, but she just won't.


Staff member
Anomie, our local CF clinic is VERY reactive, so they only treat if there are symptoms. So they don't encourage vest/neb treatments unless there are symptoms. The kids are pancreatic sufficient, so don't need enzymes.

When DS was 3 months old and I took him in for a chesty cough they told me "they cough, it's what they do". He had bronchitis! Majority of us in our area go to the City 250 miles away to one of two CF Centers and have tried to encourage this mom to do the same or at the very least to be more proactive, but she just won't.


New member
I am the youngest of five, two of which had cystic fibrosis. My eldest brother was born in 1960, my 24 year old mother's first born. He almost died within the first six months because the doctors didn't know how to diagnose him. My parents, unknowing of genetics (however my father was a phycianat the time) went on to have two other children - healthy. The third, my sister, was born in 1971 with CF. Obviously our family continued to grow, and I was born in 1978. The gentic chances of cystic fibrosis are one in six. I think your chances of having a healthy baby are pretty good. Our chances were two out of five. Ask my mom, my brother, sister, and I ... we would not trade one day for the special souls our john and leah were. they lived until their 30's, and made their mark upon the world in astounding ways.


New member
I am the youngest of five, two of which had cystic fibrosis. My eldest brother was born in 1960, my 24 year old mother's first born. He almost died within the first six months because the doctors didn't know how to diagnose him. My parents, unknowing of genetics (however my father was a phycianat the time) went on to have two other children - healthy. The third, my sister, was born in 1971 with CF. Obviously our family continued to grow, and I was born in 1978. The gentic chances of cystic fibrosis are one in six. I think your chances of having a healthy baby are pretty good. Our chances were two out of five. Ask my mom, my brother, sister, and I ... we would not trade one day for the special souls our john and leah were. they lived until their 30's, and made their mark upon the world in astounding ways.