Single CF'rs


New member
Ever since being released back into the wild world of dating, I am finding that I have a very hard decision on my hands, to tell or not to tell. When you first meet someone and go on a date, do you tell him/her about your CF if they are not already aware? Are you up front or do you wait and see where if anywhere things are going?


New member
Ever since being released back into the wild world of dating, I am finding that I have a very hard decision on my hands, to tell or not to tell. When you first meet someone and go on a date, do you tell him/her about your CF if they are not already aware? Are you up front or do you wait and see where if anywhere things are going?


New member
Ever since being released back into the wild world of dating, I am finding that I have a very hard decision on my hands, to tell or not to tell. When you first meet someone and go on a date, do you tell him/her about your CF if they are not already aware? Are you up front or do you wait and see where if anywhere things are going?


New member
Ever since being released back into the wild world of dating, I am finding that I have a very hard decision on my hands, to tell or not to tell. When you first meet someone and go on a date, do you tell him/her about your CF if they are not already aware? Are you up front or do you wait and see where if anywhere things are going?


New member
Ever since being released back into the wild world of dating, I am finding that I have a very hard decision on my hands, to tell or not to tell. When you first meet someone and go on a date, do you tell him/her about your CF if they are not already aware? Are you up front or do you wait and see where if anywhere things are going?


New member

This is something I struggle with all the time. I used to wait a few weeks or even a month before saying anything. I wanted the guy to get to know ME before he found out about CF. Unfortunatley it never helped and I always ended up heartbroken. Well this last time I decided on our first date I would tell him and if he didn't want to keep seeing me then no big deal. Nothing lost. I got sick three days before our first date and ended up in the hospital. So I HAD to tell him and he has been by my side ever since. We are getting along GREAT and I couldn't be happier. I think it is a comfort level with you and him. It is alot to deal with but if they care about you and want to get to know you then it won't matter. Everyone used to tell me this all the time. I would just laugh and say whatever. But with Pat, he proved to me that it is true. Sorry if it sounds like I am gushing about him but I know where you are coming from and how depressed I felt that no one would ever want me, since I was not a whole person and can't offer all the things a healthy person can.

I have a few blogs written about this subject if you want to check them out. Also feel free to PM me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Dating sucks and then we get to add CF into the mix...oh joy oh bliss!


New member

This is something I struggle with all the time. I used to wait a few weeks or even a month before saying anything. I wanted the guy to get to know ME before he found out about CF. Unfortunatley it never helped and I always ended up heartbroken. Well this last time I decided on our first date I would tell him and if he didn't want to keep seeing me then no big deal. Nothing lost. I got sick three days before our first date and ended up in the hospital. So I HAD to tell him and he has been by my side ever since. We are getting along GREAT and I couldn't be happier. I think it is a comfort level with you and him. It is alot to deal with but if they care about you and want to get to know you then it won't matter. Everyone used to tell me this all the time. I would just laugh and say whatever. But with Pat, he proved to me that it is true. Sorry if it sounds like I am gushing about him but I know where you are coming from and how depressed I felt that no one would ever want me, since I was not a whole person and can't offer all the things a healthy person can.

I have a few blogs written about this subject if you want to check them out. Also feel free to PM me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Dating sucks and then we get to add CF into the mix...oh joy oh bliss!


New member

This is something I struggle with all the time. I used to wait a few weeks or even a month before saying anything. I wanted the guy to get to know ME before he found out about CF. Unfortunatley it never helped and I always ended up heartbroken. Well this last time I decided on our first date I would tell him and if he didn't want to keep seeing me then no big deal. Nothing lost. I got sick three days before our first date and ended up in the hospital. So I HAD to tell him and he has been by my side ever since. We are getting along GREAT and I couldn't be happier. I think it is a comfort level with you and him. It is alot to deal with but if they care about you and want to get to know you then it won't matter. Everyone used to tell me this all the time. I would just laugh and say whatever. But with Pat, he proved to me that it is true. Sorry if it sounds like I am gushing about him but I know where you are coming from and how depressed I felt that no one would ever want me, since I was not a whole person and can't offer all the things a healthy person can.

I have a few blogs written about this subject if you want to check them out. Also feel free to PM me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Dating sucks and then we get to add CF into the mix...oh joy oh bliss!


New member

This is something I struggle with all the time. I used to wait a few weeks or even a month before saying anything. I wanted the guy to get to know ME before he found out about CF. Unfortunatley it never helped and I always ended up heartbroken. Well this last time I decided on our first date I would tell him and if he didn't want to keep seeing me then no big deal. Nothing lost. I got sick three days before our first date and ended up in the hospital. So I HAD to tell him and he has been by my side ever since. We are getting along GREAT and I couldn't be happier. I think it is a comfort level with you and him. It is alot to deal with but if they care about you and want to get to know you then it won't matter. Everyone used to tell me this all the time. I would just laugh and say whatever. But with Pat, he proved to me that it is true. Sorry if it sounds like I am gushing about him but I know where you are coming from and how depressed I felt that no one would ever want me, since I was not a whole person and can't offer all the things a healthy person can.

I have a few blogs written about this subject if you want to check them out. Also feel free to PM me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Dating sucks and then we get to add CF into the mix...oh joy oh bliss!


New member

This is something I struggle with all the time. I used to wait a few weeks or even a month before saying anything. I wanted the guy to get to know ME before he found out about CF. Unfortunatley it never helped and I always ended up heartbroken. Well this last time I decided on our first date I would tell him and if he didn't want to keep seeing me then no big deal. Nothing lost. I got sick three days before our first date and ended up in the hospital. So I HAD to tell him and he has been by my side ever since. We are getting along GREAT and I couldn't be happier. I think it is a comfort level with you and him. It is alot to deal with but if they care about you and want to get to know you then it won't matter. Everyone used to tell me this all the time. I would just laugh and say whatever. But with Pat, he proved to me that it is true. Sorry if it sounds like I am gushing about him but I know where you are coming from and how depressed I felt that no one would ever want me, since I was not a whole person and can't offer all the things a healthy person can.

I have a few blogs written about this subject if you want to check them out. Also feel free to PM me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Dating sucks and then we get to add CF into the mix...oh joy oh bliss!


New member
For me personally, I tell pretty much right away. I always have. If it means they walk away, at least you get it out of the way fast, instead of waiting weeks only to have them walk away anyway. Usually they don't walk away, though.


New member
For me personally, I tell pretty much right away. I always have. If it means they walk away, at least you get it out of the way fast, instead of waiting weeks only to have them walk away anyway. Usually they don't walk away, though.


New member
For me personally, I tell pretty much right away. I always have. If it means they walk away, at least you get it out of the way fast, instead of waiting weeks only to have them walk away anyway. Usually they don't walk away, though.


New member
For me personally, I tell pretty much right away. I always have. If it means they walk away, at least you get it out of the way fast, instead of waiting weeks only to have them walk away anyway. Usually they don't walk away, though.


New member
For me personally, I tell pretty much right away. I always have. If it means they walk away, at least you get it out of the way fast, instead of waiting weeks only to have them walk away anyway. Usually they don't walk away, though.


New member
I used to wait a while before telling anyone. Sometimes they'd get mad because they didn't understand why I couldn't stay out too late or sometimes I just needed to stay home and rest.<br><br>

My boyfriend now, however, knew about my CF before we started dating (We were friends first). So of course that makes it easier. Plus, he has asthma, so we have some stuff in common there. :)


New member
I used to wait a while before telling anyone. Sometimes they'd get mad because they didn't understand why I couldn't stay out too late or sometimes I just needed to stay home and rest.<br><br>

My boyfriend now, however, knew about my CF before we started dating (We were friends first). So of course that makes it easier. Plus, he has asthma, so we have some stuff in common there. :)


New member
I used to wait a while before telling anyone. Sometimes they'd get mad because they didn't understand why I couldn't stay out too late or sometimes I just needed to stay home and rest.<br><br>

My boyfriend now, however, knew about my CF before we started dating (We were friends first). So of course that makes it easier. Plus, he has asthma, so we have some stuff in common there. :)


New member
I used to wait a while before telling anyone. Sometimes they'd get mad because they didn't understand why I couldn't stay out too late or sometimes I just needed to stay home and rest.<br><br>

My boyfriend now, however, knew about my CF before we started dating (We were friends first). So of course that makes it easier. Plus, he has asthma, so we have some stuff in common there. :)


New member
I used to wait a while before telling anyone. Sometimes they'd get mad because they didn't understand why I couldn't stay out too late or sometimes I just needed to stay home and rest.<br><br>

My boyfriend now, however, knew about my CF before we started dating (We were friends first). So of course that makes it easier. Plus, he has asthma, so we have some stuff in common there. :)