Single CF'rs


New member
It's funny. I usually don't make it common to tell on a first date, since in my opinion that is heavy first date material. The last first date I went on (who turned out to be my current boyfriend) asked me what the green bracelet on my wrist was about (it says Life. Pass it On. and is for organ donation). I had to make a split second decision and decided to spill. I kept it light, the basics, I have CF, and I got a transplant. And that was it! Clearly if it's meant to be it won't bother the other person or even cross their mind twice. It worked out for me!


New member
It's funny. I usually don't make it common to tell on a first date, since in my opinion that is heavy first date material. The last first date I went on (who turned out to be my current boyfriend) asked me what the green bracelet on my wrist was about (it says Life. Pass it On. and is for organ donation). I had to make a split second decision and decided to spill. I kept it light, the basics, I have CF, and I got a transplant. And that was it! Clearly if it's meant to be it won't bother the other person or even cross their mind twice. It worked out for me!


New member
It's funny. I usually don't make it common to tell on a first date, since in my opinion that is heavy first date material. The last first date I went on (who turned out to be my current boyfriend) asked me what the green bracelet on my wrist was about (it says Life. Pass it On. and is for organ donation). I had to make a split second decision and decided to spill. I kept it light, the basics, I have CF, and I got a transplant. And that was it! Clearly if it's meant to be it won't bother the other person or even cross their mind twice. It worked out for me!


New member
It's funny. I usually don't make it common to tell on a first date, since in my opinion that is heavy first date material. The last first date I went on (who turned out to be my current boyfriend) asked me what the green bracelet on my wrist was about (it says Life. Pass it On. and is for organ donation). I had to make a split second decision and decided to spill. I kept it light, the basics, I have CF, and I got a transplant. And that was it! Clearly if it's meant to be it won't bother the other person or even cross their mind twice. It worked out for me!


New member
It's funny. I usually don't make it common to tell on a first date, since in my opinion that is heavy first date material. The last first date I went on (who turned out to be my current boyfriend) asked me what the green bracelet on my wrist was about (it says Life. Pass it On. and is for organ donation). I had to make a split second decision and decided to spill. I kept it light, the basics, I have CF, and I got a transplant. And that was it! Clearly if it's meant to be it won't bother the other person or even cross their mind twice. It worked out for me!


New member
I never reallyu tell the full story right away. I always explain the cough as something asthma related. I do however divulge that i am diabetic, because half the world is, and everyone knows what it is , but you mention cf and you get looked at like you have two heads. If i can see that the guy is going to be in my life for some amount of time and not just for a date or two, i will slowly ease it into the conversation at some point. I have found it is less scary( for others) when they see that i am a normal person who does normal things, and does not need special attention , before they know about my cf. I have found that if i tell someone right off the bat , they treat me a little more delicate than those who didnt know for a while.


New member
I never reallyu tell the full story right away. I always explain the cough as something asthma related. I do however divulge that i am diabetic, because half the world is, and everyone knows what it is , but you mention cf and you get looked at like you have two heads. If i can see that the guy is going to be in my life for some amount of time and not just for a date or two, i will slowly ease it into the conversation at some point. I have found it is less scary( for others) when they see that i am a normal person who does normal things, and does not need special attention , before they know about my cf. I have found that if i tell someone right off the bat , they treat me a little more delicate than those who didnt know for a while.


New member
I never reallyu tell the full story right away. I always explain the cough as something asthma related. I do however divulge that i am diabetic, because half the world is, and everyone knows what it is , but you mention cf and you get looked at like you have two heads. If i can see that the guy is going to be in my life for some amount of time and not just for a date or two, i will slowly ease it into the conversation at some point. I have found it is less scary( for others) when they see that i am a normal person who does normal things, and does not need special attention , before they know about my cf. I have found that if i tell someone right off the bat , they treat me a little more delicate than those who didnt know for a while.


New member
I never reallyu tell the full story right away. I always explain the cough as something asthma related. I do however divulge that i am diabetic, because half the world is, and everyone knows what it is , but you mention cf and you get looked at like you have two heads. If i can see that the guy is going to be in my life for some amount of time and not just for a date or two, i will slowly ease it into the conversation at some point. I have found it is less scary( for others) when they see that i am a normal person who does normal things, and does not need special attention , before they know about my cf. I have found that if i tell someone right off the bat , they treat me a little more delicate than those who didnt know for a while.


New member
I never reallyu tell the full story right away. I always explain the cough as something asthma related. I do however divulge that i am diabetic, because half the world is, and everyone knows what it is , but you mention cf and you get looked at like you have two heads. If i can see that the guy is going to be in my life for some amount of time and not just for a date or two, i will slowly ease it into the conversation at some point. I have found it is less scary( for others) when they see that i am a normal person who does normal things, and does not need special attention , before they know about my cf. I have found that if i tell someone right off the bat , they treat me a little more delicate than those who didnt know for a while.


New member
I'm not sinlge anymore, but when I was, I didn't tell until I thought things were going somewhere. As long as everything was casual, I kept it to myself. I explained the cough as asthma and I am very good at hiding enzymes when I want to be.


New member
I'm not sinlge anymore, but when I was, I didn't tell until I thought things were going somewhere. As long as everything was casual, I kept it to myself. I explained the cough as asthma and I am very good at hiding enzymes when I want to be.


New member
I'm not sinlge anymore, but when I was, I didn't tell until I thought things were going somewhere. As long as everything was casual, I kept it to myself. I explained the cough as asthma and I am very good at hiding enzymes when I want to be.


New member
I'm not sinlge anymore, but when I was, I didn't tell until I thought things were going somewhere. As long as everything was casual, I kept it to myself. I explained the cough as asthma and I am very good at hiding enzymes when I want to be.


New member
I'm not sinlge anymore, but when I was, I didn't tell until I thought things were going somewhere. As long as everything was casual, I kept it to myself. I explained the cough as asthma and I am very good at hiding enzymes when I want to be.


New member
I tell right away. I guess it's a personal choice and for some, depends on the situation. I used to think it was better to hide it, get them to fall in love with me, then spill when it was too late for them to back out (and of course I told myself that it wasn't his business or some other lame justification). I now see this as highly deceptive. If on the first date I can tell I'm not interested in him, there's no reason to tell. But if the first date is going well, why keep it a secret? I don't want to trick someone into being with me - if he can't handle it, he's not for me.


New member
I tell right away. I guess it's a personal choice and for some, depends on the situation. I used to think it was better to hide it, get them to fall in love with me, then spill when it was too late for them to back out (and of course I told myself that it wasn't his business or some other lame justification). I now see this as highly deceptive. If on the first date I can tell I'm not interested in him, there's no reason to tell. But if the first date is going well, why keep it a secret? I don't want to trick someone into being with me - if he can't handle it, he's not for me.


New member
I tell right away. I guess it's a personal choice and for some, depends on the situation. I used to think it was better to hide it, get them to fall in love with me, then spill when it was too late for them to back out (and of course I told myself that it wasn't his business or some other lame justification). I now see this as highly deceptive. If on the first date I can tell I'm not interested in him, there's no reason to tell. But if the first date is going well, why keep it a secret? I don't want to trick someone into being with me - if he can't handle it, he's not for me.


New member
I tell right away. I guess it's a personal choice and for some, depends on the situation. I used to think it was better to hide it, get them to fall in love with me, then spill when it was too late for them to back out (and of course I told myself that it wasn't his business or some other lame justification). I now see this as highly deceptive. If on the first date I can tell I'm not interested in him, there's no reason to tell. But if the first date is going well, why keep it a secret? I don't want to trick someone into being with me - if he can't handle it, he's not for me.


New member
I tell right away. I guess it's a personal choice and for some, depends on the situation. I used to think it was better to hide it, get them to fall in love with me, then spill when it was too late for them to back out (and of course I told myself that it wasn't his business or some other lame justification). I now see this as highly deceptive. If on the first date I can tell I'm not interested in him, there's no reason to tell. But if the first date is going well, why keep it a secret? I don't want to trick someone into being with me - if he can't handle it, he's not for me.