I had the surgery when I was 12. It was a HUGE help! Now I'm actually talking to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor about perhaps getting the surgery again. (i'm 27 now).
He said that if the polyps are really bad then we'll operate, but if they're not bad then we'll hold off, because surgery for CF'ers is not encouraged because anasthesia is bad for the lungs. WTF!?? is this true?
I'm getting a cat scan next week to see if indeed they are "bad enough" to warrant surgery. Otherwise it seems like it's back to sinus rinse and nosespray for me (grumble...)
Anyone else had surgeons tell them that surgery was discouraged because anasthesia is bad for CFers lungs?
on another note, i have very minimal lung involvement so far w/ CF.
--welshwitch, 27, f, cf