sitting here in tears ****UPDATED**** in the hospital


New member
sitting here in tears


I am so sorry you are going through all this right now....hang in there sweetie...I will be praying for you to get better quickly. I felt so bad for you reading about your tough time with iv's and lines. It is so sucky....I hate cf.
Sending you hugs, angels and prayers....



New member
sitting here in tears


I am so sorry you are going through all this right now....hang in there sweetie...I will be praying for you to get better quickly. I felt so bad for you reading about your tough time with iv's and lines. It is so sucky....I hate cf.
Sending you hugs, angels and prayers....



New member
sitting here in tears


I am so sorry you are going through all this right now....hang in there sweetie...I will be praying for you to get better quickly. I felt so bad for you reading about your tough time with iv's and lines. It is so sucky....I hate cf.
Sending you hugs, angels and prayers....



New member
sitting here in tears


I am so sorry you are going through all this right now....hang in there sweetie...I will be praying for you to get better quickly. I felt so bad for you reading about your tough time with iv's and lines. It is so sucky....I hate cf.
Sending you hugs, angels and prayers....



New member
sitting here in tears

<br />
<br />I am so sorry you are going through all this right now....hang in there sweetie...I will be praying for you to get better quickly. I felt so bad for you reading about your tough time with iv's and lines. It is so sucky....I hate cf.
<br />Sending you hugs, angels and prayers....
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<br />Love,
<br />


New member
sitting here in tears

Diane, I've got prayers for you. Aside from that, i'm useless, is there anything I can send you that will help?


New member
sitting here in tears

Diane, I've got prayers for you. Aside from that, i'm useless, is there anything I can send you that will help?


New member
sitting here in tears

Diane, I've got prayers for you. Aside from that, i'm useless, is there anything I can send you that will help?


New member
sitting here in tears

Diane, I've got prayers for you. Aside from that, i'm useless, is there anything I can send you that will help?


New member
sitting here in tears

Diane, I've got prayers for you. Aside from that, i'm useless, is there anything I can send you that will help?


New member
sitting here in tears

CF sucks. I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged, Diane. Thinking good thoughts for you.
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