Social Security Application


New member
5 months waiting period before recieving a payment is standard. There is only ONE illness that "skips" this 5 months and it is not CF. Like Jennifer said, are there any months that you were only working part time and earning under $1000?


New member
I was approved immediately -my cf team had gotten all the records together before hand. I did have the 5 month waiting period for benefits.


New member
I was approved immediately -my cf team had gotten all the records together before hand. I did have the 5 month waiting period for benefits.


New member
I was approved immediately -my cf team had gotten all the records together before hand. I did have the 5 month waiting period for benefits.


New member
@ stressed, if it is clear that someone meets the CF impairment listings, then I personally recommend AGAINST getting a lawyer since they get 25% of your backpay up to $6000. However, if you've got a complicated case it might be worth it. are you looking to get your girls on SSI? Email me if you would like, I am NOT a lawyer, but have done over 35+ CF cases and have not lost one yet. (email:


New member
@ stressed, if it is clear that someone meets the CF impairment listings, then I personally recommend AGAINST getting a lawyer since they get 25% of your backpay up to $6000. However, if you've got a complicated case it might be worth it. are you looking to get your girls on SSI? Email me if you would like, I am NOT a lawyer, but have done over 35+ CF cases and have not lost one yet. (email:


New member
@ stressed, if it is clear that someone meets the CF impairment listings, then I personally recommend AGAINST getting a lawyer since they get 25% of your backpay up to $6000. However, if you've got a complicated case it might be worth it. are you looking to get your girls on SSI? Email me if you would like, I am NOT a lawyer, but have done over 35+ CF cases and have not lost one yet. (email:
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