Okay, this is my surefire anti-cold regimen that works for me. I don't think I've had a real cold in 15 years since I started doing some version of what I do now. But I jump on it as soon as that first dreaded tickle starts. Usually the next day it's gone. Occasionally, at most I get a slight "cold feeling" for 2 or 3 days without any nasal congestion or cough. My boyfriend swears by it too. I have to remind him to keep taking the remedies -- because the next day when the cold seems gone, he wants to stop everything. The virus is probably still in you, so it can and does return if you stop the treatment.
Colds used to be the biggest source of exacerbations for me. Not anymore. Check with your doctor if this is appropriate for you.
1. Nasal Rinse: at least 3 times a day
2. Zinc lozenges: 15 to 23mgs every 3 hours. Not more than 125mgs in 24 hours.
3. Airborne or its generic equivalent: 1 tablet in water every 3 or 4 hours
4. Dristan or Afrin 12 hour spray: To shrink nasal tissues so there is no dripping down the back of the throat into the lungs
5. Zicam: which is zinc that goes in the nose
After about 3 days if I still have slight symptoms, I reduce everything. But I do not stop everything until all the symptoms are gone.
Note: Zinc has been shown to shorten the duration of a cold to 3 days. They believe it either stops the cold virus from replicating or attaching in the nose and throat.
Another tip: The best cough medicine is freshly grated Ginger Tea with honey. Make up a batch and put it in a thermos and sip all day. Or put it next to your bed at night.
Avoid colds by learning never to touch your eyes or nose when you are out. Use your own pen. I avoid checkout lines with people who have colds. Some researchers believe cold germs are spread by touch.
Depending upon how obsessive you are (like me) if you live with someone who has a cold, sleep in another room, use a separate bathroom if possible, and a separate towel, have them wash their hands after touching their nose, wipe things down with alcohol after they've touched something that you are going to use. Have Purel around the house.
I know. I'm crazy. But during cold and flu season, I will do anything not to get sick.
Good article on colds:
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