Summer Heat


New member
My son's dietician mentioned an oral salt/rehydration packet for our trip to Central America. It comes in something like a sugar packet and you can put it straight into your mouth or mix it with water. We didn't end up using it as Gatorade was readily available, but I do think it would be nice to try, anything that lets you skip all the sugar and artificial coloring in sports drinks!


New member
My son's dietician mentioned an oral salt/rehydration packet for our trip to Central America. It comes in something like a sugar packet and you can put it straight into your mouth or mix it with water. We didn't end up using it as Gatorade was readily available, but I do think it would be nice to try, anything that lets you skip all the sugar and artificial coloring in sports drinks!


New member
My son's dietician mentioned an oral salt/rehydration packet for our trip to Central America. It comes in something like a sugar packet and you can put it straight into your mouth or mix it with water. We didn't end up using it as Gatorade was readily available, but I do think it would be nice to try, anything that lets you skip all the sugar and artificial coloring in sports drinks!


New member
My son's dietician mentioned an oral salt/rehydration packet for our trip to Central America. It comes in something like a sugar packet and you can put it straight into your mouth or mix it with water. We didn't end up using it as Gatorade was readily available, but I do think it would be nice to try, anything that lets you skip all the sugar and artificial coloring in sports drinks!


New member
My son's dietician mentioned an oral salt/rehydration packet for our trip to Central America. It comes in something like a sugar packet and you can put it straight into your mouth or mix it with water. We didn't end up using it as Gatorade was readily available, but I do think it would be nice to try, anything that lets you skip all the sugar and artificial coloring in sports drinks!


New member
I do better with the heat than I used to. I have figured out that the heat hits me hardest when I also have a fever. I must have had a lot more fevers as a kid than I realized because it's only with getting healthier that I have figured this out.

For me, getting enough sea salt makes a difference. When I clearly need more salt because of the heat but I am having trouble with trying to consume it, I find that I also need the right oils and carbs for my body to tolerate and absorb adequate amounts of sea salt. We keep organic potato chips made with sea salt on hand. This is a really good way to get all three things at the same time. When it's really bad, I typically make either mashed potatoes for my son and I or I make potato soup if it's just me (he doesn't eat potato soup). Potato starch seems to be one of the best things for helping me absorb enough salt.


New member
I do better with the heat than I used to. I have figured out that the heat hits me hardest when I also have a fever. I must have had a lot more fevers as a kid than I realized because it's only with getting healthier that I have figured this out.

For me, getting enough sea salt makes a difference. When I clearly need more salt because of the heat but I am having trouble with trying to consume it, I find that I also need the right oils and carbs for my body to tolerate and absorb adequate amounts of sea salt. We keep organic potato chips made with sea salt on hand. This is a really good way to get all three things at the same time. When it's really bad, I typically make either mashed potatoes for my son and I or I make potato soup if it's just me (he doesn't eat potato soup). Potato starch seems to be one of the best things for helping me absorb enough salt.


New member
I do better with the heat than I used to. I have figured out that the heat hits me hardest when I also have a fever. I must have had a lot more fevers as a kid than I realized because it's only with getting healthier that I have figured this out.

For me, getting enough sea salt makes a difference. When I clearly need more salt because of the heat but I am having trouble with trying to consume it, I find that I also need the right oils and carbs for my body to tolerate and absorb adequate amounts of sea salt. We keep organic potato chips made with sea salt on hand. This is a really good way to get all three things at the same time. When it's really bad, I typically make either mashed potatoes for my son and I or I make potato soup if it's just me (he doesn't eat potato soup). Potato starch seems to be one of the best things for helping me absorb enough salt.


New member
I do better with the heat than I used to. I have figured out that the heat hits me hardest when I also have a fever. I must have had a lot more fevers as a kid than I realized because it's only with getting healthier that I have figured this out.

For me, getting enough sea salt makes a difference. When I clearly need more salt because of the heat but I am having trouble with trying to consume it, I find that I also need the right oils and carbs for my body to tolerate and absorb adequate amounts of sea salt. We keep organic potato chips made with sea salt on hand. This is a really good way to get all three things at the same time. When it's really bad, I typically make either mashed potatoes for my son and I or I make potato soup if it's just me (he doesn't eat potato soup). Potato starch seems to be one of the best things for helping me absorb enough salt.


New member
I do better with the heat than I used to. I have figured out that the heat hits me hardest when I also have a fever. I must have had a lot more fevers as a kid than I realized because it's only with getting healthier that I have figured this out.
<br />
<br />For me, getting enough sea salt makes a difference. When I clearly need more salt because of the heat but I am having trouble with trying to consume it, I find that I also need the right oils and carbs for my body to tolerate and absorb adequate amounts of sea salt. We keep organic potato chips made with sea salt on hand. This is a really good way to get all three things at the same time. When it's really bad, I typically make either mashed potatoes for my son and I or I make potato soup if it's just me (he doesn't eat potato soup). Potato starch seems to be one of the best things for helping me absorb enough salt.


New member
To update from heat. Parker became severely dehydrated while at camp in East Texas. He was hospitalized and he was recieving potassium orally and through his IV. These methods were slow. It was not until we resumed his tube feedings (the hospital lost the extension the camp brought in and I had to locate another one). He is fine and running around. I think if we try camp again we will be better prepared thanks to this.


New member
To update from heat. Parker became severely dehydrated while at camp in East Texas. He was hospitalized and he was recieving potassium orally and through his IV. These methods were slow. It was not until we resumed his tube feedings (the hospital lost the extension the camp brought in and I had to locate another one). He is fine and running around. I think if we try camp again we will be better prepared thanks to this.


New member
To update from heat. Parker became severely dehydrated while at camp in East Texas. He was hospitalized and he was recieving potassium orally and through his IV. These methods were slow. It was not until we resumed his tube feedings (the hospital lost the extension the camp brought in and I had to locate another one). He is fine and running around. I think if we try camp again we will be better prepared thanks to this.


New member
To update from heat. Parker became severely dehydrated while at camp in East Texas. He was hospitalized and he was recieving potassium orally and through his IV. These methods were slow. It was not until we resumed his tube feedings (the hospital lost the extension the camp brought in and I had to locate another one). He is fine and running around. I think if we try camp again we will be better prepared thanks to this.


New member
To update from heat. Parker became severely dehydrated while at camp in East Texas. He was hospitalized and he was recieving potassium orally and through his IV. These methods were slow. It was not until we resumed his tube feedings (the hospital lost the extension the camp brought in and I had to locate another one). He is fine and running around. I think if we try camp again we will be better prepared thanks to this.