Sweat test numbers


New member
I dont have the actual #, but I know it was quite high. See back then in the "olden days" they etched things into stone slabs & over the years the slabs have become difficult to read LOL!


New member
I dont have the actual #, but I know it was quite high. See back then in the "olden days" they etched things into stone slabs & over the years the slabs have become difficult to read LOL!


New member
I dont have the actual #, but I know it was quite high. See back then in the "olden days" they etched things into stone slabs & over the years the slabs have become difficult to read LOL!


New member
I dont have the actual #, but I know it was quite high. See back then in the "olden days" they etched things into stone slabs & over the years the slabs have become difficult to read LOL!


New member
I dont have the actual #, but I know it was quite high. See back then in the "olden days" they etched things into stone slabs & over the years the slabs have become difficult to read LOL!


New member
My son had 2 sweat tests done after the blood work came back stating that he had CF on the newborn screen. They do this as a part of research they do at our clinic. His numbers were 68 and 56, at 1 1/2 weeks old.


New member
My son had 2 sweat tests done after the blood work came back stating that he had CF on the newborn screen. They do this as a part of research they do at our clinic. His numbers were 68 and 56, at 1 1/2 weeks old.


New member
My son had 2 sweat tests done after the blood work came back stating that he had CF on the newborn screen. They do this as a part of research they do at our clinic. His numbers were 68 and 56, at 1 1/2 weeks old.


New member
My son had 2 sweat tests done after the blood work came back stating that he had CF on the newborn screen. They do this as a part of research they do at our clinic. His numbers were 68 and 56, at 1 1/2 weeks old.


New member
My son had 2 sweat tests done after the blood work came back stating that he had CF on the newborn screen. They do this as a part of research they do at our clinic. His numbers were 68 and 56, at 1 1/2 weeks old.
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