Terri Schaivo


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I know this has nothing to do with CF <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> But I was just wondering how everyone felt about this case?


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I have to agree with Mary. I can feel the pain and tough spot that the parents are in, but she let her wishes be known to her husband and that should be respected. She choose to spend the rest of her life with HIM, not with her parents. Also, it's not like she's just in a coma (although I am not too sure how I would feel if that were the case either) but she has sever diminished brain function and is in a vegitative state, who would want to live like that?

Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)


It seems a little silly to keep someone alive artificially (tube feeding) when there is absolutely no hope of improvement. Her parents need to let go if that's what she wants.


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I don't think it is right for someone (parents or spouse) to take away all food and water (IVs) from anyone reguardless of their state of health or mind. If she was gonna die of what happened she would have died reguardless of getting food/water. What he is doing is starving and dehydrating her to death. To me, that is wrong. Plus he says it's against her wishes but I havent heard of him having any proof to really say what she wanted. I don't think she would have been in this state for all this time if he had proof of her wishes. He is speaking for someone who can't speak for themselves. But reguardless what her true wishes are, I am pretty sure starving and dehydrating to death isn't what she wanted either. I think it's terrible either way.


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I feel he needs to be straved to death. He is a cruel and inhumane man, that has went on with his life for the last 10 plus yrs, has had 2 two children with another woman. He clearly only has his interest at heart. What a horrible father he is to put another father and mother through the pain he is putting them through. To have to watch their child go through such a slow death is just ignorant and cruel and heartless. Straving someone is not the answer. I pray someone will come to their senses before it is to late for Terri Schaivo, my prayers and thoughts are with her family.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


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I agree that she should not be kept alive against her wishes, I wouldn't want to live like that either. However, dehydration/starvation is a pretty horrible way to die, even if she is in a vegitative state. I definately support physician assisted suicide. At least that way you'd just go to sleep and never wake up.


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Jenni -
It has been over 15 years. I am not saying I would have made the same decisions he did, but I am glad for him that he was able to move on with his life. It would have been easier for her husband to just say to heck with it and let her parents prolong her life indefinitely, but he has chosen to speak for her, as she cannot. Regardless, congress has no business in our daily lives to this capacity. Ten courts ruled in favor of Micheal Schaivo, the ruling should stand. This case has made me seriously consider making a living will - I would never want my husband and my family fighting like this. I would also not want to be kept alive when I was in a vegetative state for over a decade, and I can't imagine Terri would either. I think that deep in their hearts, her parents must know that as well.


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If the husband didn't care, he would have divorced her a long time ago and would have left her life up to her parents. Yes, he has moved on to a new woman and has had kids, but he still has her best interest in mind! Obviously, he is working for her and what SHE wanted. I imagine it is VERY hard to let a daughter go, believe me, I have lost a sibling and often wonder if I would rather have him around, JUST TO HAVE HIM AROUND, or if it is best that he is not here. Maybe not best for me because I miss every moment with him, but I would not want to watch him live in a vegetative state...just my two sense!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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Mary and anyone else on this site, I would strongly suggest that you do make a living will to put in writing what your intentions are, as well as assign someone you trust and who can carry out your wishes as a MEDICAL power of attorney. Clearly Terri Schaivo didn't have this, all she had was conversation between her and her husband (and nobody really knows the truth in her case but her and her husband) but it could have saved all of this. I do agree in a sense that not allowing someone to have food or water is very cruel, but in my time in the medical field, I have seen instances where it is very necessary and assists the person in dying. I know it sounds cruel, but if you have ever had to experience it first hand, taking care of the patient and their family and see the pain on a daily basis, you can begin to understand why it is sometimes necessary. This is just the stance I have taken on since working on a cancer ward where we have terminal patients. I have no know "health conditions" right now, but my husband is still my MEDICAL power of attorney, and them my mom as a second person. And my husband has me as his medical power of attorney and we both have living wills in addition to the POA's.

What I don't understand is why they haven't started her on some heavy pain medication, for comfort purposes. At our hospital, depending on the patients wishes sometimes we give the family members control of their "button" (the automated narcotic medication machine that dispenses a certain amount of pain meds sperad over X minutes, plus the button for when the patient is in more pain and wants more pain meds). I have seen many cases, and even when my grandfather was in the hospital and died of bone cancer-where the family has decided that it is time, so the morphine (or whatever medication is in there) is pushed as often as possible. Ultimately this arrests the respiratory system and the patiens go quickly, painless and what seems almost peacefully. I don't understand why they don't do something like this for her, I mean, come on 15 years!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


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I don't care if it's been 20 yrs. They way he is going about it is inhumane and unforgivable. It is murder and he is pulling the trigger and getting away with it. She is the one who right now is suffering for no reason. I'm not saying she has the best quality of life but it has been proven he could have made it better and didn't. Her life could have been better. Her parents are the ones who visit her and spent time with her and have her best interest at heart right now. NOT TO DIE A CRUEL SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH. We treat harden criminals better than she is being treated right now and she didn't even do anything wrong. Scott Peterson is still eating isn't he. I thought so. It seems we as a society have got our minds in the wrong place. We need to open our hearts to that poor family watching their daughter suffering right now.


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Think if you were in Terri's situation, which some of us may someday be, would you want to be starved to death or just die on your own. Sure, Terri may have said that she wouldnt want to live like that BEFORE she got in the accident but who knows what she thinks now. I think its wrong for her husband to play God and WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM anyway! I think it should TOTALLY be up to the parents. They have more of an attachment to her then her stupid husband. Im sorry to say and its awful to think about, but She's gonna die if she hasnt already. If they were gonna kill her why couldnt they just do it quick. THAT'S the way I would want to go, wouldn't we all?????? By the way, it is proven that when your in a vegitative state there is hope for improvement


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I agree that the parents should have the say, since they are the ones that have stood by her through the years and cared for her while the husband was out dating, making kids, etc. while still being married to Terri. Would any of you let your dog starve if he/she was at the end of their life?
It would be a tough situation for the husband to be in, but I don't know if I could have handled things like he did and be able to move on to date, etc. I think the guilt I would feel would be immeasurable.
And here's my 2 cents on the living will. My sister died of CF and had signed a living will and the doctors wouldn't even use an aspirator to suck the mucus out of her throat, because that would be like a form of life support (I can't remember the term they used, but they wouldn't do it)--that is until my dad informed them that they "would" do it.
So my personal thing is that I would have a power of atty issued, but not a living will. It sounds like there could be too many loophole's there.
Of course, all of us have differing opinions.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Honestly my opinion on this topic is this: I can only say that I would not want that happening to me. The courts have done their best, the best they can do given the fact that it is a controversial issue. Unfortunately they're going to have people who both agree and disagree with the outcome.
The Reason: Because everybody has their own opinion as to what is morally correct.
Although an unfortunate positive side effects from this case: I believe this opens many people's eyes as to the benefits of talking about living wills and/or medical power of attorney with all family members.
I really believe that because this topic is so controversial and volatile that it should not have been thrown out as a random post in this forum. But that's just my opinion.


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Sorry but he must have SOME medical evidence or all these judges wouldn't have went against the family. I beleive he is being honest. Just because he moved on with his life doesn't mean he doesn't care for her. There was nothing left for either of them in that situation. I wouldn't want Brian to suffer through lonliness and nothing to come home to, noone to talk to, noone to have simple life pleasures because I was in that state of mind. It doesn't mean he didn't love her. He fought all this time to have her wishes met. He could have let her family take over but didnt because thats what SHE wanted at some point in her life. Becky


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All I can say is I agree with ImmortalGoddezz. We all know having cf that we will be put in a situtation at some point where we might be unconsious maybe even in a coma...who really knows, but we need someone to speak for us. So either write a living will very extensivly and have anything and everything under the sun that can happen and what your wishes would be. Or appoint a medical power of attorney who knows your wishes (having it written down is a good idea anyway because its proof of what your medical power of attorney is saying-so there is no question) Your medical power of attorney should be someone you trust fully and know, can even be a real lawyer i suppose. Also a living will/will also helps your wishes when you pass. How you want your funeral, if you have money or certain possesions you tell who gets what...things like that.

Just important to make sure that everyone knows your wishes even if you dont have it written down. Dont tell just one person. Tell your parents, spouses, syblings, friends....anyone close.


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I agree with the fact that Terri's wishes as to not living the way she is should be honored, but why in the world would they do it this way, she is or was dying a slow aginizing death, being starved to death is no way for anyone to die, like I said before, they needed to just kill her quick if they wanted to end her suffering. Thats my opinion


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>vickysmommy</b></i><br>I agree with the fact that Terri's wishes as to not living the way she is should be honored, but why in the world would they do it this way, she is or was dying a slow aginizing death, being starved to death is no way for anyone to die, like I said before, they needed to just kill her quick if they wanted to end her suffering. Thats my opinion<hr></blockquote>

Notice the words you use, kill her quick. that sounds awlful. would you want someone to speak of you that way, I doubt it Killing isn't the answer<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> We are speaking of someone elses life here. Everyone has the right to life, Last time I checked we weren't sure what she really wanted, it's one persons word against another.


Honestly if I were in that state. Yes, I'd prefer my death to be fast, instead of slow.
BUT, like I've said before this gets into moral issues which is a personal opinion.
We can argue personal opinion back and forth and not get anywhere honestly.
Either way we're going to have people who both agree and disagree with the outcome.
Please lets prevent this topic from becoming an argument.