"THE PLAN" (((HUGS))) + MORE (((HUGS)))


New member

just fyi I dont know financially and timeline wise how you feel but my docs have some of the highest in the nation % success and they consider 5 attempts using clomid with ovidrel trigger and timed BD'ing a 'failure' but let me try 6 times 'just for good measure'. Anyway thought I woulde throw that out there that you could give it a few mroe goes since it is so so so much cheaper and less involved physically.

Additionally, I dont know how conservative your doctors are but prior to taking my trigger shot and BD'ing we woudl do an us to measure the size and # of follicles, since a high order multiple or even twins was not desired with my lungs and if there were greater than 3 follicles we would not try that month.

best of luck to you


New member

just fyi I dont know financially and timeline wise how you feel but my docs have some of the highest in the nation % success and they consider 5 attempts using clomid with ovidrel trigger and timed BD'ing a 'failure' but let me try 6 times 'just for good measure'. Anyway thought I woulde throw that out there that you could give it a few mroe goes since it is so so so much cheaper and less involved physically.

Additionally, I dont know how conservative your doctors are but prior to taking my trigger shot and BD'ing we woudl do an us to measure the size and # of follicles, since a high order multiple or even twins was not desired with my lungs and if there were greater than 3 follicles we would not try that month.

best of luck to you


New member

just fyi I dont know financially and timeline wise how you feel but my docs have some of the highest in the nation % success and they consider 5 attempts using clomid with ovidrel trigger and timed BD'ing a 'failure' but let me try 6 times 'just for good measure'. Anyway thought I woulde throw that out there that you could give it a few mroe goes since it is so so so much cheaper and less involved physically.

Additionally, I dont know how conservative your doctors are but prior to taking my trigger shot and BD'ing we woudl do an us to measure the size and # of follicles, since a high order multiple or even twins was not desired with my lungs and if there were greater than 3 follicles we would not try that month.

best of luck to you


New member

just fyi I dont know financially and timeline wise how you feel but my docs have some of the highest in the nation % success and they consider 5 attempts using clomid with ovidrel trigger and timed BD'ing a 'failure' but let me try 6 times 'just for good measure'. Anyway thought I woulde throw that out there that you could give it a few mroe goes since it is so so so much cheaper and less involved physically.

Additionally, I dont know how conservative your doctors are but prior to taking my trigger shot and BD'ing we woudl do an us to measure the size and # of follicles, since a high order multiple or even twins was not desired with my lungs and if there were greater than 3 follicles we would not try that month.

best of luck to you


New member

just fyi I dont know financially and timeline wise how you feel but my docs have some of the highest in the nation % success and they consider 5 attempts using clomid with ovidrel trigger and timed BD'ing a 'failure' but let me try 6 times 'just for good measure'. Anyway thought I woulde throw that out there that you could give it a few mroe goes since it is so so so much cheaper and less involved physically.

Additionally, I dont know how conservative your doctors are but prior to taking my trigger shot and BD'ing we woudl do an us to measure the size and # of follicles, since a high order multiple or even twins was not desired with my lungs and if there were greater than 3 follicles we would not try that month.

best of luck to you


New member


You know I read that 5 attempts in kind of the standard or something like that. To be honest, I was a little stunned when he said about only 1 cycle of Clomid + IUI, and 1 cycle of Clomid, trigger, + IUI. It does seem like he's rushing it...Honestly, we can afford 5 cycles of IUI with Clomid only. It would cost $550.00 x 5. I'm not sure how much the trigger costs, though. Insurance won't pay for any of it. They only pay for all the testing.

I don't know but the thing that was consistently thrown in my face was the "scar tissue issue". He expressed concern that I never even had an etopic pregnancy. However, I do have green-tinted CM sometimes. Wouldn't that explain why I never could get pregnant? Wouldn't that be at least 1 cause? I don't know...He has 40 years experience and has worked with CF men but not women. Could that be in my favor?

I know you do something in the area of biology, right? What advice could you give me? Jake and I discussed IVF, and it will cost us $6,500.00 per cycle. We could only afford it 1 time as of now. However, we would deplete half of our savings...

Please share with me more of your thoughts...Is he maybe out for the money??? Or do you think he is trying to save me money??? As a matter of fact, he suggested IVF right off the bat. When Jake and I kind of sat back in our seats, he changed his tune to "let's try Clomid with IUI first for 2 cycles".


New member


You know I read that 5 attempts in kind of the standard or something like that. To be honest, I was a little stunned when he said about only 1 cycle of Clomid + IUI, and 1 cycle of Clomid, trigger, + IUI. It does seem like he's rushing it...Honestly, we can afford 5 cycles of IUI with Clomid only. It would cost $550.00 x 5. I'm not sure how much the trigger costs, though. Insurance won't pay for any of it. They only pay for all the testing.

I don't know but the thing that was consistently thrown in my face was the "scar tissue issue". He expressed concern that I never even had an etopic pregnancy. However, I do have green-tinted CM sometimes. Wouldn't that explain why I never could get pregnant? Wouldn't that be at least 1 cause? I don't know...He has 40 years experience and has worked with CF men but not women. Could that be in my favor?

I know you do something in the area of biology, right? What advice could you give me? Jake and I discussed IVF, and it will cost us $6,500.00 per cycle. We could only afford it 1 time as of now. However, we would deplete half of our savings...

Please share with me more of your thoughts...Is he maybe out for the money??? Or do you think he is trying to save me money??? As a matter of fact, he suggested IVF right off the bat. When Jake and I kind of sat back in our seats, he changed his tune to "let's try Clomid with IUI first for 2 cycles".


New member


You know I read that 5 attempts in kind of the standard or something like that. To be honest, I was a little stunned when he said about only 1 cycle of Clomid + IUI, and 1 cycle of Clomid, trigger, + IUI. It does seem like he's rushing it...Honestly, we can afford 5 cycles of IUI with Clomid only. It would cost $550.00 x 5. I'm not sure how much the trigger costs, though. Insurance won't pay for any of it. They only pay for all the testing.

I don't know but the thing that was consistently thrown in my face was the "scar tissue issue". He expressed concern that I never even had an etopic pregnancy. However, I do have green-tinted CM sometimes. Wouldn't that explain why I never could get pregnant? Wouldn't that be at least 1 cause? I don't know...He has 40 years experience and has worked with CF men but not women. Could that be in my favor?

I know you do something in the area of biology, right? What advice could you give me? Jake and I discussed IVF, and it will cost us $6,500.00 per cycle. We could only afford it 1 time as of now. However, we would deplete half of our savings...

Please share with me more of your thoughts...Is he maybe out for the money??? Or do you think he is trying to save me money??? As a matter of fact, he suggested IVF right off the bat. When Jake and I kind of sat back in our seats, he changed his tune to "let's try Clomid with IUI first for 2 cycles".


New member


You know I read that 5 attempts in kind of the standard or something like that. To be honest, I was a little stunned when he said about only 1 cycle of Clomid + IUI, and 1 cycle of Clomid, trigger, + IUI. It does seem like he's rushing it...Honestly, we can afford 5 cycles of IUI with Clomid only. It would cost $550.00 x 5. I'm not sure how much the trigger costs, though. Insurance won't pay for any of it. They only pay for all the testing.

I don't know but the thing that was consistently thrown in my face was the "scar tissue issue". He expressed concern that I never even had an etopic pregnancy. However, I do have green-tinted CM sometimes. Wouldn't that explain why I never could get pregnant? Wouldn't that be at least 1 cause? I don't know...He has 40 years experience and has worked with CF men but not women. Could that be in my favor?

I know you do something in the area of biology, right? What advice could you give me? Jake and I discussed IVF, and it will cost us $6,500.00 per cycle. We could only afford it 1 time as of now. However, we would deplete half of our savings...

Please share with me more of your thoughts...Is he maybe out for the money??? Or do you think he is trying to save me money??? As a matter of fact, he suggested IVF right off the bat. When Jake and I kind of sat back in our seats, he changed his tune to "let's try Clomid with IUI first for 2 cycles".


New member


You know I read that 5 attempts in kind of the standard or something like that. To be honest, I was a little stunned when he said about only 1 cycle of Clomid + IUI, and 1 cycle of Clomid, trigger, + IUI. It does seem like he's rushing it...Honestly, we can afford 5 cycles of IUI with Clomid only. It would cost $550.00 x 5. I'm not sure how much the trigger costs, though. Insurance won't pay for any of it. They only pay for all the testing.

I don't know but the thing that was consistently thrown in my face was the "scar tissue issue". He expressed concern that I never even had an etopic pregnancy. However, I do have green-tinted CM sometimes. Wouldn't that explain why I never could get pregnant? Wouldn't that be at least 1 cause? I don't know...He has 40 years experience and has worked with CF men but not women. Could that be in my favor?

I know you do something in the area of biology, right? What advice could you give me? Jake and I discussed IVF, and it will cost us $6,500.00 per cycle. We could only afford it 1 time as of now. However, we would deplete half of our savings...

Please share with me more of your thoughts...Is he maybe out for the money??? Or do you think he is trying to save me money??? As a matter of fact, he suggested IVF right off the bat. When Jake and I kind of sat back in our seats, he changed his tune to "let's try Clomid with IUI first for 2 cycles".


New member

My gut feeling is that you have to go to a doctor you trust 100% which i sreally hard since we are SUCH skeptics having been around doctors so much (at least I am).

If I were in your shoes I would get on the chat server that I will link below and see if there are other epopel using your same doctor and see what they say about him. I would also look up his success statistics, I dont have the website to refer you to but there are many sites out there. Now, temper his success statistics with the fact that some docs are more successful but take higher risks with patients (i.e bad rate high order mutliples--look that stat up too) and others try to keep their stats pristine by not taking any patients with high risks or little chance conceiving. With all that information and your dealings iwth him I would then decide how much you trust them.

If the HSG show your tubes are open then my feeling is they are open enough for IUI to work, but I am not an expert and we did not try IUI (we found out DH's sperm were of poor morphology). Anyway I woudl try 5 clomid with trigger and baby dance or since he doenst think that woudl work (I just reread your post) I would try at least 2-3 IUI's before entering the world of IVF--it seems he might be padding his stats or his pocketbook IMO. It may be that your doc does not understand the viscosity of your CM which you have previously described so he is trying to save your money and failed attempts but it seem he is jumping gun a bit.

I woudl ask what he feels chances of the IVF working are and what of the IUI working are. If he feels IUI holds 10% chance and the IVF 50% then you might well be even steven in money dept doing 5 of IUI compared to 1 of the other but I just dont know.

I know it seems like IVF will 'fix' everythign but you have to consider what will happen if it doesnt work. My docs gave us a 50-60% chance since I was young and the only problem with me was I ovulate irregularly and DH was morphology which we did ICSI for. If IVF fails then you MAY have frozen embryos which you can then use for a frozen embryo trransfer and it is a cost more along lines of an IUI cycle since that is what they are doing basically.

Also I question your quote of 6500 for IVF. Our docs are the cheapest in MI and that is around their prices which is phenomenally low and under market value. SO, either that is the cost for the rpocess but does not include drugs (about 2-5000) or ultrasounds or your doc is phenomenally cheap because I belieeve you are in a much more urban area than I am (not sure on that) meaning maybe he is not good.

Keep in mind this response was written at 6am and I am tired so I know I am ramblig a bit and I am running late now so I cant read back over it. We can chat more

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ivfconnections.net/board/index.php?
visit the website, their is a threas specifically for alot of docs or you can create a thread asking about specific docs by going to usa, your state, then post in there--you really can get some awesome feedback about each office and its pros and cons but people dont bash they just tell you the truth or at worst to 'be wary' and we all know waht that means LOL

best of luck!


New member

My gut feeling is that you have to go to a doctor you trust 100% which i sreally hard since we are SUCH skeptics having been around doctors so much (at least I am).

If I were in your shoes I would get on the chat server that I will link below and see if there are other epopel using your same doctor and see what they say about him. I would also look up his success statistics, I dont have the website to refer you to but there are many sites out there. Now, temper his success statistics with the fact that some docs are more successful but take higher risks with patients (i.e bad rate high order mutliples--look that stat up too) and others try to keep their stats pristine by not taking any patients with high risks or little chance conceiving. With all that information and your dealings iwth him I would then decide how much you trust them.

If the HSG show your tubes are open then my feeling is they are open enough for IUI to work, but I am not an expert and we did not try IUI (we found out DH's sperm were of poor morphology). Anyway I woudl try 5 clomid with trigger and baby dance or since he doenst think that woudl work (I just reread your post) I would try at least 2-3 IUI's before entering the world of IVF--it seems he might be padding his stats or his pocketbook IMO. It may be that your doc does not understand the viscosity of your CM which you have previously described so he is trying to save your money and failed attempts but it seem he is jumping gun a bit.

I woudl ask what he feels chances of the IVF working are and what of the IUI working are. If he feels IUI holds 10% chance and the IVF 50% then you might well be even steven in money dept doing 5 of IUI compared to 1 of the other but I just dont know.

I know it seems like IVF will 'fix' everythign but you have to consider what will happen if it doesnt work. My docs gave us a 50-60% chance since I was young and the only problem with me was I ovulate irregularly and DH was morphology which we did ICSI for. If IVF fails then you MAY have frozen embryos which you can then use for a frozen embryo trransfer and it is a cost more along lines of an IUI cycle since that is what they are doing basically.

Also I question your quote of 6500 for IVF. Our docs are the cheapest in MI and that is around their prices which is phenomenally low and under market value. SO, either that is the cost for the rpocess but does not include drugs (about 2-5000) or ultrasounds or your doc is phenomenally cheap because I belieeve you are in a much more urban area than I am (not sure on that) meaning maybe he is not good.

Keep in mind this response was written at 6am and I am tired so I know I am ramblig a bit and I am running late now so I cant read back over it. We can chat more

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ivfconnections.net/board/index.php?
visit the website, their is a threas specifically for alot of docs or you can create a thread asking about specific docs by going to usa, your state, then post in there--you really can get some awesome feedback about each office and its pros and cons but people dont bash they just tell you the truth or at worst to 'be wary' and we all know waht that means LOL

best of luck!


New member

My gut feeling is that you have to go to a doctor you trust 100% which i sreally hard since we are SUCH skeptics having been around doctors so much (at least I am).

If I were in your shoes I would get on the chat server that I will link below and see if there are other epopel using your same doctor and see what they say about him. I would also look up his success statistics, I dont have the website to refer you to but there are many sites out there. Now, temper his success statistics with the fact that some docs are more successful but take higher risks with patients (i.e bad rate high order mutliples--look that stat up too) and others try to keep their stats pristine by not taking any patients with high risks or little chance conceiving. With all that information and your dealings iwth him I would then decide how much you trust them.

If the HSG show your tubes are open then my feeling is they are open enough for IUI to work, but I am not an expert and we did not try IUI (we found out DH's sperm were of poor morphology). Anyway I woudl try 5 clomid with trigger and baby dance or since he doenst think that woudl work (I just reread your post) I would try at least 2-3 IUI's before entering the world of IVF--it seems he might be padding his stats or his pocketbook IMO. It may be that your doc does not understand the viscosity of your CM which you have previously described so he is trying to save your money and failed attempts but it seem he is jumping gun a bit.

I woudl ask what he feels chances of the IVF working are and what of the IUI working are. If he feels IUI holds 10% chance and the IVF 50% then you might well be even steven in money dept doing 5 of IUI compared to 1 of the other but I just dont know.

I know it seems like IVF will 'fix' everythign but you have to consider what will happen if it doesnt work. My docs gave us a 50-60% chance since I was young and the only problem with me was I ovulate irregularly and DH was morphology which we did ICSI for. If IVF fails then you MAY have frozen embryos which you can then use for a frozen embryo trransfer and it is a cost more along lines of an IUI cycle since that is what they are doing basically.

Also I question your quote of 6500 for IVF. Our docs are the cheapest in MI and that is around their prices which is phenomenally low and under market value. SO, either that is the cost for the rpocess but does not include drugs (about 2-5000) or ultrasounds or your doc is phenomenally cheap because I belieeve you are in a much more urban area than I am (not sure on that) meaning maybe he is not good.

Keep in mind this response was written at 6am and I am tired so I know I am ramblig a bit and I am running late now so I cant read back over it. We can chat more

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ivfconnections.net/board/index.php?
visit the website, their is a threas specifically for alot of docs or you can create a thread asking about specific docs by going to usa, your state, then post in there--you really can get some awesome feedback about each office and its pros and cons but people dont bash they just tell you the truth or at worst to 'be wary' and we all know waht that means LOL

best of luck!


New member

My gut feeling is that you have to go to a doctor you trust 100% which i sreally hard since we are SUCH skeptics having been around doctors so much (at least I am).

If I were in your shoes I would get on the chat server that I will link below and see if there are other epopel using your same doctor and see what they say about him. I would also look up his success statistics, I dont have the website to refer you to but there are many sites out there. Now, temper his success statistics with the fact that some docs are more successful but take higher risks with patients (i.e bad rate high order mutliples--look that stat up too) and others try to keep their stats pristine by not taking any patients with high risks or little chance conceiving. With all that information and your dealings iwth him I would then decide how much you trust them.

If the HSG show your tubes are open then my feeling is they are open enough for IUI to work, but I am not an expert and we did not try IUI (we found out DH's sperm were of poor morphology). Anyway I woudl try 5 clomid with trigger and baby dance or since he doenst think that woudl work (I just reread your post) I would try at least 2-3 IUI's before entering the world of IVF--it seems he might be padding his stats or his pocketbook IMO. It may be that your doc does not understand the viscosity of your CM which you have previously described so he is trying to save your money and failed attempts but it seem he is jumping gun a bit.

I woudl ask what he feels chances of the IVF working are and what of the IUI working are. If he feels IUI holds 10% chance and the IVF 50% then you might well be even steven in money dept doing 5 of IUI compared to 1 of the other but I just dont know.

I know it seems like IVF will 'fix' everythign but you have to consider what will happen if it doesnt work. My docs gave us a 50-60% chance since I was young and the only problem with me was I ovulate irregularly and DH was morphology which we did ICSI for. If IVF fails then you MAY have frozen embryos which you can then use for a frozen embryo trransfer and it is a cost more along lines of an IUI cycle since that is what they are doing basically.

Also I question your quote of 6500 for IVF. Our docs are the cheapest in MI and that is around their prices which is phenomenally low and under market value. SO, either that is the cost for the rpocess but does not include drugs (about 2-5000) or ultrasounds or your doc is phenomenally cheap because I belieeve you are in a much more urban area than I am (not sure on that) meaning maybe he is not good.

Keep in mind this response was written at 6am and I am tired so I know I am ramblig a bit and I am running late now so I cant read back over it. We can chat more

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ivfconnections.net/board/index.php?
visit the website, their is a threas specifically for alot of docs or you can create a thread asking about specific docs by going to usa, your state, then post in there--you really can get some awesome feedback about each office and its pros and cons but people dont bash they just tell you the truth or at worst to 'be wary' and we all know waht that means LOL

best of luck!


New member

My gut feeling is that you have to go to a doctor you trust 100% which i sreally hard since we are SUCH skeptics having been around doctors so much (at least I am).

If I were in your shoes I would get on the chat server that I will link below and see if there are other epopel using your same doctor and see what they say about him. I would also look up his success statistics, I dont have the website to refer you to but there are many sites out there. Now, temper his success statistics with the fact that some docs are more successful but take higher risks with patients (i.e bad rate high order mutliples--look that stat up too) and others try to keep their stats pristine by not taking any patients with high risks or little chance conceiving. With all that information and your dealings iwth him I would then decide how much you trust them.

If the HSG show your tubes are open then my feeling is they are open enough for IUI to work, but I am not an expert and we did not try IUI (we found out DH's sperm were of poor morphology). Anyway I woudl try 5 clomid with trigger and baby dance or since he doenst think that woudl work (I just reread your post) I would try at least 2-3 IUI's before entering the world of IVF--it seems he might be padding his stats or his pocketbook IMO. It may be that your doc does not understand the viscosity of your CM which you have previously described so he is trying to save your money and failed attempts but it seem he is jumping gun a bit.

I woudl ask what he feels chances of the IVF working are and what of the IUI working are. If he feels IUI holds 10% chance and the IVF 50% then you might well be even steven in money dept doing 5 of IUI compared to 1 of the other but I just dont know.

I know it seems like IVF will 'fix' everythign but you have to consider what will happen if it doesnt work. My docs gave us a 50-60% chance since I was young and the only problem with me was I ovulate irregularly and DH was morphology which we did ICSI for. If IVF fails then you MAY have frozen embryos which you can then use for a frozen embryo trransfer and it is a cost more along lines of an IUI cycle since that is what they are doing basically.

Also I question your quote of 6500 for IVF. Our docs are the cheapest in MI and that is around their prices which is phenomenally low and under market value. SO, either that is the cost for the rpocess but does not include drugs (about 2-5000) or ultrasounds or your doc is phenomenally cheap because I belieeve you are in a much more urban area than I am (not sure on that) meaning maybe he is not good.

Keep in mind this response was written at 6am and I am tired so I know I am ramblig a bit and I am running late now so I cant read back over it. We can chat more

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ivfconnections.net/board/index.php?
visit the website, their is a threas specifically for alot of docs or you can create a thread asking about specific docs by going to usa, your state, then post in there--you really can get some awesome feedback about each office and its pros and cons but people dont bash they just tell you the truth or at worst to 'be wary' and we all know waht that means LOL

best of luck!


New member


Thank you so much for your advice.

I joined the website that you provided with and am awaiting responses to a question I posted about them. Also, I checked out other people's views on the clinic. They liked the clinic...However, they ALL ended up with IVF. Also, there was a HIGH incidence of AT LEAST TWINS. I kind of feel like the clinic is "IVF happy" if there is such a thing...

Jake and I discussed more about the "review" appointment this morning. He said, "Jenny, if you couldn't see that they were pushing IVF, then I don't know what to tell you. Honey, they look at it as a 'business'. Which way will they make more money - IVF of course. He kept using the words "pull out the big guns" and "why do for a rotary telephone when you can have a touch-tone". Then, the PA walked in, and she was the worst for only talking about IVF."

Jake then said, "If I were you, when you go in on Day 3...tell them that you have decided NOT to do IVF. Then, they'll make sure to do it right from the beginning and at least get their money from the IUI."

Also, here is the link to my clinics website...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rsiinfertility.com
I see either Abraham K. Munabi, M.D. or Michael I. Sobel, D.O.

Also, I found this from the CDC on the success rates of the clinic from 2003 and 2004. I'm still trying to find more recent ones. Any thoughts...I SEE A HIGH CHANCE OF MULTIPLES. Any I missing something???

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2003/clindata03.asp?Location=721
</a><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2004/clindata04.asp?Location=335
It says the Wayne Office, but they also have one in Wyomissing, PA which is where I am going. The office in Wyomissing, PA is remotely new.

Nicole, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Other than people on this site, I don't know anyone else who has been through both IUI of IVF. Wait a minute...I know one who told me about these doctors. She liked them but ended up with IVF and 1 baby girl! But anyway, I appreciate the time you took to explain things to me. That was very nice of you, and I know with your job and daughter that time is hard to come by. Thank you! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member


Thank you so much for your advice.

I joined the website that you provided with and am awaiting responses to a question I posted about them. Also, I checked out other people's views on the clinic. They liked the clinic...However, they ALL ended up with IVF. Also, there was a HIGH incidence of AT LEAST TWINS. I kind of feel like the clinic is "IVF happy" if there is such a thing...

Jake and I discussed more about the "review" appointment this morning. He said, "Jenny, if you couldn't see that they were pushing IVF, then I don't know what to tell you. Honey, they look at it as a 'business'. Which way will they make more money - IVF of course. He kept using the words "pull out the big guns" and "why do for a rotary telephone when you can have a touch-tone". Then, the PA walked in, and she was the worst for only talking about IVF."

Jake then said, "If I were you, when you go in on Day 3...tell them that you have decided NOT to do IVF. Then, they'll make sure to do it right from the beginning and at least get their money from the IUI."

Also, here is the link to my clinics website...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rsiinfertility.com
I see either Abraham K. Munabi, M.D. or Michael I. Sobel, D.O.

Also, I found this from the CDC on the success rates of the clinic from 2003 and 2004. I'm still trying to find more recent ones. Any thoughts...I SEE A HIGH CHANCE OF MULTIPLES. Any I missing something???

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2003/clindata03.asp?Location=721
</a><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2004/clindata04.asp?Location=335
It says the Wayne Office, but they also have one in Wyomissing, PA which is where I am going. The office in Wyomissing, PA is remotely new.

Nicole, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Other than people on this site, I don't know anyone else who has been through both IUI of IVF. Wait a minute...I know one who told me about these doctors. She liked them but ended up with IVF and 1 baby girl! But anyway, I appreciate the time you took to explain things to me. That was very nice of you, and I know with your job and daughter that time is hard to come by. Thank you! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member


Thank you so much for your advice.

I joined the website that you provided with and am awaiting responses to a question I posted about them. Also, I checked out other people's views on the clinic. They liked the clinic...However, they ALL ended up with IVF. Also, there was a HIGH incidence of AT LEAST TWINS. I kind of feel like the clinic is "IVF happy" if there is such a thing...

Jake and I discussed more about the "review" appointment this morning. He said, "Jenny, if you couldn't see that they were pushing IVF, then I don't know what to tell you. Honey, they look at it as a 'business'. Which way will they make more money - IVF of course. He kept using the words "pull out the big guns" and "why do for a rotary telephone when you can have a touch-tone". Then, the PA walked in, and she was the worst for only talking about IVF."

Jake then said, "If I were you, when you go in on Day 3...tell them that you have decided NOT to do IVF. Then, they'll make sure to do it right from the beginning and at least get their money from the IUI."

Also, here is the link to my clinics website...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rsiinfertility.com
I see either Abraham K. Munabi, M.D. or Michael I. Sobel, D.O.

Also, I found this from the CDC on the success rates of the clinic from 2003 and 2004. I'm still trying to find more recent ones. Any thoughts...I SEE A HIGH CHANCE OF MULTIPLES. Any I missing something???

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2003/clindata03.asp?Location=721
</a><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2004/clindata04.asp?Location=335
It says the Wayne Office, but they also have one in Wyomissing, PA which is where I am going. The office in Wyomissing, PA is remotely new.

Nicole, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Other than people on this site, I don't know anyone else who has been through both IUI of IVF. Wait a minute...I know one who told me about these doctors. She liked them but ended up with IVF and 1 baby girl! But anyway, I appreciate the time you took to explain things to me. That was very nice of you, and I know with your job and daughter that time is hard to come by. Thank you! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member


Thank you so much for your advice.

I joined the website that you provided with and am awaiting responses to a question I posted about them. Also, I checked out other people's views on the clinic. They liked the clinic...However, they ALL ended up with IVF. Also, there was a HIGH incidence of AT LEAST TWINS. I kind of feel like the clinic is "IVF happy" if there is such a thing...

Jake and I discussed more about the "review" appointment this morning. He said, "Jenny, if you couldn't see that they were pushing IVF, then I don't know what to tell you. Honey, they look at it as a 'business'. Which way will they make more money - IVF of course. He kept using the words "pull out the big guns" and "why do for a rotary telephone when you can have a touch-tone". Then, the PA walked in, and she was the worst for only talking about IVF."

Jake then said, "If I were you, when you go in on Day 3...tell them that you have decided NOT to do IVF. Then, they'll make sure to do it right from the beginning and at least get their money from the IUI."

Also, here is the link to my clinics website...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rsiinfertility.com
I see either Abraham K. Munabi, M.D. or Michael I. Sobel, D.O.

Also, I found this from the CDC on the success rates of the clinic from 2003 and 2004. I'm still trying to find more recent ones. Any thoughts...I SEE A HIGH CHANCE OF MULTIPLES. Any I missing something???

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2003/clindata03.asp?Location=721
</a><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2004/clindata04.asp?Location=335
It says the Wayne Office, but they also have one in Wyomissing, PA which is where I am going. The office in Wyomissing, PA is remotely new.

Nicole, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Other than people on this site, I don't know anyone else who has been through both IUI of IVF. Wait a minute...I know one who told me about these doctors. She liked them but ended up with IVF and 1 baby girl! But anyway, I appreciate the time you took to explain things to me. That was very nice of you, and I know with your job and daughter that time is hard to come by. Thank you! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member


Thank you so much for your advice.

I joined the website that you provided with and am awaiting responses to a question I posted about them. Also, I checked out other people's views on the clinic. They liked the clinic...However, they ALL ended up with IVF. Also, there was a HIGH incidence of AT LEAST TWINS. I kind of feel like the clinic is "IVF happy" if there is such a thing...

Jake and I discussed more about the "review" appointment this morning. He said, "Jenny, if you couldn't see that they were pushing IVF, then I don't know what to tell you. Honey, they look at it as a 'business'. Which way will they make more money - IVF of course. He kept using the words "pull out the big guns" and "why do for a rotary telephone when you can have a touch-tone". Then, the PA walked in, and she was the worst for only talking about IVF."

Jake then said, "If I were you, when you go in on Day 3...tell them that you have decided NOT to do IVF. Then, they'll make sure to do it right from the beginning and at least get their money from the IUI."

Also, here is the link to my clinics website...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rsiinfertility.com
I see either Abraham K. Munabi, M.D. or Michael I. Sobel, D.O.

Also, I found this from the CDC on the success rates of the clinic from 2003 and 2004. I'm still trying to find more recent ones. Any thoughts...I SEE A HIGH CHANCE OF MULTIPLES. Any I missing something???

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2003/clindata03.asp?Location=721
</a><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ART2004/clindata04.asp?Location=335
It says the Wayne Office, but they also have one in Wyomissing, PA which is where I am going. The office in Wyomissing, PA is remotely new.

Nicole, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Other than people on this site, I don't know anyone else who has been through both IUI of IVF. Wait a minute...I know one who told me about these doctors. She liked them but ended up with IVF and 1 baby girl! But anyway, I appreciate the time you took to explain things to me. That was very nice of you, and I know with your job and daughter that time is hard to come by. Thank you! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">