More on GSH and NAC ----
Sean, from what I've been reading, taking too much NAC can be toxic for your liver and I wonder if you'r taking too much. Apparently, that's why when the body gets it naturally, it quickly converts it to GSH which is non-toxic. Just make sure you're not taking too much.....worries me.
I found this thread from the discussion board I listed in my previous post (above). Some of these people have been taking GSH for 3+years and are talking about their results which are mostly all positive. Here's one of those from a lady who's been on it for 3 years and discussed how GSH also promotes growth of yeast in a big way. So that can be an issue for some and need to treat the yeast as well.
Other poster: "....Before I started GSH my glutathione level was 52 for Red Blood cells and 156 for plasma.....both levels should have been between 200-400. After three months on oral glutathione (in the pill version), my numbers to 118 for RBCs and 170 for plasma. I quickly learned for me that I felt better on lipoceutical after several months on that my glutathione level went to high 200's in both areas. By the way, two different labs were testing my blood and both found similar levels. I, too, had stool problems initially with gsh. Infact, I became concerned that gsh was hurting me.....I did some research and found a doctor in San Franscico who dealt with gsh in his practice......his practice was not pulmonology or CF. Anyway, he suggested that in some of his AIDS patients who had critically low gsh he found that by supplementing gsh, he sometimes encountered an overgrowth of yeast. He said he could not prove it, but that in his experience he believed that if a person had an underlying yeast problem , the yeast would use the gsh to fuel its growth. He suggested that I get on anti-fungals and try it again. After three months on v-fend, a terriblly strong anti-fungal that a top infectious disease doctor in Dallas put me on after several blood tests, I began taking gsh again. And it has now changed my life. Two years ago I was very ill with an FEV1 of 47% and a poor quality of, My FEV1 hovers at 59% and I am off of all inhaled steroids or oral steroids. I have to take probiotics morning and night or I feel the yeast growing...sounds strange, but for me yeast manifests itself as asthma. I have not been hospitalized since we got the yeast problem taken care of two years ago in 'beginning 04. I used to go in the hospital every 6 months from 1991 on. I have been on IV's twice in two years. The yeast was a contributing factor in the decline of my health....but, my quality of life improved so much after gsh I felt like my illnes was no longer a death sentence." 1/2006
I'm gearing up to take this stuff, so I keep wanting to share too. As you can tell, I'm Link Woman right now!