The Vest


New member
I agree, the vest has been a life saver for my little guy. He started using his when he was 2 years old and he has had no issues. I just feel as if it is more effective because it gives good constant steady CPT, much better than I feel I am capable of giving at times.

Now there are many times when Ryan would rather have me do hand pat pats and I go ahead and do it, but when he has benn sick, I feel that the vest has helped us weather the storm a little easier.


New member
I agree, the vest has been a life saver for my little guy. He started using his when he was 2 years old and he has had no issues. I just feel as if it is more effective because it gives good constant steady CPT, much better than I feel I am capable of giving at times.

Now there are many times when Ryan would rather have me do hand pat pats and I go ahead and do it, but when he has benn sick, I feel that the vest has helped us weather the storm a little easier.


New member
I agree, the vest has been a life saver for my little guy. He started using his when he was 2 years old and he has had no issues. I just feel as if it is more effective because it gives good constant steady CPT, much better than I feel I am capable of giving at times.

Now there are many times when Ryan would rather have me do hand pat pats and I go ahead and do it, but when he has benn sick, I feel that the vest has helped us weather the storm a little easier.


New member
I agree, the vest has been a life saver for my little guy. He started using his when he was 2 years old and he has had no issues. I just feel as if it is more effective because it gives good constant steady CPT, much better than I feel I am capable of giving at times.

Now there are many times when Ryan would rather have me do hand pat pats and I go ahead and do it, but when he has benn sick, I feel that the vest has helped us weather the storm a little easier.


New member
I agree, the vest has been a life saver for my little guy. He started using his when he was 2 years old and he has had no issues. I just feel as if it is more effective because it gives good constant steady CPT, much better than I feel I am capable of giving at times.

Now there are many times when Ryan would rather have me do hand pat pats and I go ahead and do it, but when he has benn sick, I feel that the vest has helped us weather the storm a little easier.


New member
In addition to using the word convienience, I'd use the word compliance when talking to them. I'm not implying that you, as a parent would not be compliant with doing treatments by hand, but, any toddler is going to sit for a 20 minute vest session with much less resistance than for a 40 minute manual session. And, yes, it takes 40 minutes to do by hand what the vest does in half the time. Our clinic preaches COMPLIANCE all the time. The vest is a stepping stone to that.

I don't think you should leave well enough alone. If you feel a vest is best for your family, push for it. Call the companies, take us up on our offer to e-mail them, take in copies of the studies that show the vest is better and have us all write testimonies with ancedotal evidence.

Pulmozyme and TOBI have not been approved for toddlers, officialy, either. So, there are no hard and fast studies to "prove" that they are effective. Is your clinic prescribing them to kids under 6? If so, then why not the vest?

Push as hard as you need to. We're behind you.


New member
In addition to using the word convienience, I'd use the word compliance when talking to them. I'm not implying that you, as a parent would not be compliant with doing treatments by hand, but, any toddler is going to sit for a 20 minute vest session with much less resistance than for a 40 minute manual session. And, yes, it takes 40 minutes to do by hand what the vest does in half the time. Our clinic preaches COMPLIANCE all the time. The vest is a stepping stone to that.

I don't think you should leave well enough alone. If you feel a vest is best for your family, push for it. Call the companies, take us up on our offer to e-mail them, take in copies of the studies that show the vest is better and have us all write testimonies with ancedotal evidence.

Pulmozyme and TOBI have not been approved for toddlers, officialy, either. So, there are no hard and fast studies to "prove" that they are effective. Is your clinic prescribing them to kids under 6? If so, then why not the vest?

Push as hard as you need to. We're behind you.


New member
In addition to using the word convienience, I'd use the word compliance when talking to them. I'm not implying that you, as a parent would not be compliant with doing treatments by hand, but, any toddler is going to sit for a 20 minute vest session with much less resistance than for a 40 minute manual session. And, yes, it takes 40 minutes to do by hand what the vest does in half the time. Our clinic preaches COMPLIANCE all the time. The vest is a stepping stone to that.

I don't think you should leave well enough alone. If you feel a vest is best for your family, push for it. Call the companies, take us up on our offer to e-mail them, take in copies of the studies that show the vest is better and have us all write testimonies with ancedotal evidence.

Pulmozyme and TOBI have not been approved for toddlers, officialy, either. So, there are no hard and fast studies to "prove" that they are effective. Is your clinic prescribing them to kids under 6? If so, then why not the vest?

Push as hard as you need to. We're behind you.


New member
In addition to using the word convienience, I'd use the word compliance when talking to them. I'm not implying that you, as a parent would not be compliant with doing treatments by hand, but, any toddler is going to sit for a 20 minute vest session with much less resistance than for a 40 minute manual session. And, yes, it takes 40 minutes to do by hand what the vest does in half the time. Our clinic preaches COMPLIANCE all the time. The vest is a stepping stone to that.

I don't think you should leave well enough alone. If you feel a vest is best for your family, push for it. Call the companies, take us up on our offer to e-mail them, take in copies of the studies that show the vest is better and have us all write testimonies with ancedotal evidence.

Pulmozyme and TOBI have not been approved for toddlers, officialy, either. So, there are no hard and fast studies to "prove" that they are effective. Is your clinic prescribing them to kids under 6? If so, then why not the vest?

Push as hard as you need to. We're behind you.


New member
In addition to using the word convienience, I'd use the word compliance when talking to them. I'm not implying that you, as a parent would not be compliant with doing treatments by hand, but, any toddler is going to sit for a 20 minute vest session with much less resistance than for a 40 minute manual session. And, yes, it takes 40 minutes to do by hand what the vest does in half the time. Our clinic preaches COMPLIANCE all the time. The vest is a stepping stone to that.

I don't think you should leave well enough alone. If you feel a vest is best for your family, push for it. Call the companies, take us up on our offer to e-mail them, take in copies of the studies that show the vest is better and have us all write testimonies with ancedotal evidence.

Pulmozyme and TOBI have not been approved for toddlers, officialy, either. So, there are no hard and fast studies to "prove" that they are effective. Is your clinic prescribing them to kids under 6? If so, then why not the vest?

Push as hard as you need to. We're behind you.


New member
Wow , thank you so much for those post. i feel so confident. sometime the docs make it hard to trust those mommy instincts you have. you know, since were not the ones with the medical degrees. i just replied to Shannon and she is going to email me the info from Hill.
Tami you made such a great point cause Aidan just got done doing a month of Tobi and he was under 2 yrs old then. and getting Aidan to not go limp on me, or fight me, or cry, is such a battle these days. thanks again for all the help. our appt. is on Jan 24th. and i sure will post on what happens.

mama to Aidan 2yr dx @ birth


New member
Wow , thank you so much for those post. i feel so confident. sometime the docs make it hard to trust those mommy instincts you have. you know, since were not the ones with the medical degrees. i just replied to Shannon and she is going to email me the info from Hill.
Tami you made such a great point cause Aidan just got done doing a month of Tobi and he was under 2 yrs old then. and getting Aidan to not go limp on me, or fight me, or cry, is such a battle these days. thanks again for all the help. our appt. is on Jan 24th. and i sure will post on what happens.

mama to Aidan 2yr dx @ birth


New member
Wow , thank you so much for those post. i feel so confident. sometime the docs make it hard to trust those mommy instincts you have. you know, since were not the ones with the medical degrees. i just replied to Shannon and she is going to email me the info from Hill.
Tami you made such a great point cause Aidan just got done doing a month of Tobi and he was under 2 yrs old then. and getting Aidan to not go limp on me, or fight me, or cry, is such a battle these days. thanks again for all the help. our appt. is on Jan 24th. and i sure will post on what happens.

mama to Aidan 2yr dx @ birth


New member
Wow , thank you so much for those post. i feel so confident. sometime the docs make it hard to trust those mommy instincts you have. you know, since were not the ones with the medical degrees. i just replied to Shannon and she is going to email me the info from Hill.
Tami you made such a great point cause Aidan just got done doing a month of Tobi and he was under 2 yrs old then. and getting Aidan to not go limp on me, or fight me, or cry, is such a battle these days. thanks again for all the help. our appt. is on Jan 24th. and i sure will post on what happens.

mama to Aidan 2yr dx @ birth


New member
Wow , thank you so much for those post. i feel so confident. sometime the docs make it hard to trust those mommy instincts you have. you know, since were not the ones with the medical degrees. i just replied to Shannon and she is going to email me the info from Hill.
Tami you made such a great point cause Aidan just got done doing a month of Tobi and he was under 2 yrs old then. and getting Aidan to not go limp on me, or fight me, or cry, is such a battle these days. thanks again for all the help. our appt. is on Jan 24th. and i sure will post on what happens.

mama to Aidan 2yr dx @ birth


New member
Hi, Imy daughter is only 1 month old, so we obviously do not have a vest for her yet but it has already been discussed with us.

We go to the U of M CF Center where Dr. Warrwick works. Dr. Warrwick is the doctor who created the vest.

The team we work with told us that Emma will get a vest around her first birthday. One of the reasons that they feel the vest is a good choice is because of CONSITENCY. They told us that when the pounding is done by hand it is not always done with the same force as it was the last time. Maybe you could mention that to your doctors.

Good luck.


New member
Hi, Imy daughter is only 1 month old, so we obviously do not have a vest for her yet but it has already been discussed with us.

We go to the U of M CF Center where Dr. Warrwick works. Dr. Warrwick is the doctor who created the vest.

The team we work with told us that Emma will get a vest around her first birthday. One of the reasons that they feel the vest is a good choice is because of CONSITENCY. They told us that when the pounding is done by hand it is not always done with the same force as it was the last time. Maybe you could mention that to your doctors.

Good luck.


New member
Hi, Imy daughter is only 1 month old, so we obviously do not have a vest for her yet but it has already been discussed with us.

We go to the U of M CF Center where Dr. Warrwick works. Dr. Warrwick is the doctor who created the vest.

The team we work with told us that Emma will get a vest around her first birthday. One of the reasons that they feel the vest is a good choice is because of CONSITENCY. They told us that when the pounding is done by hand it is not always done with the same force as it was the last time. Maybe you could mention that to your doctors.

Good luck.


New member
Hi, Imy daughter is only 1 month old, so we obviously do not have a vest for her yet but it has already been discussed with us.

We go to the U of M CF Center where Dr. Warrwick works. Dr. Warrwick is the doctor who created the vest.

The team we work with told us that Emma will get a vest around her first birthday. One of the reasons that they feel the vest is a good choice is because of CONSITENCY. They told us that when the pounding is done by hand it is not always done with the same force as it was the last time. Maybe you could mention that to your doctors.

Good luck.


New member
Hi, Imy daughter is only 1 month old, so we obviously do not have a vest for her yet but it has already been discussed with us.

We go to the U of M CF Center where Dr. Warrwick works. Dr. Warrwick is the doctor who created the vest.

The team we work with told us that Emma will get a vest around her first birthday. One of the reasons that they feel the vest is a good choice is because of CONSITENCY. They told us that when the pounding is done by hand it is not always done with the same force as it was the last time. Maybe you could mention that to your doctors.

Good luck.