This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)


New member
Julie, I stole it because I'm an angry Jew, and I demand you wish me a happy holidays <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Julie, I stole it because I'm an angry Jew, and I demand you wish me a happy holidays <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
Let's see...

Since we moved into this house about six months ago...
*blah, blah *snip* blah blah*
How about you leave your name or sign in - you coward.

Let's see... how much do I care about your whining? Not at all.

Edited to say to Julie - People suck!


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
Let's see...

Since we moved into this house about six months ago...
*blah, blah *snip* blah blah*
How about you leave your name or sign in - you coward.

Let's see... how much do I care about your whining? Not at all.

Edited to say to Julie - People suck!


New member
Come on people, I didn't take Annon. post to be that neg. All she's saying is be thankful it wasn't worse, and cracking a little humor like some others of us did.



New member
Come on people, I didn't take Annon. post to be that neg. All she's saying is be thankful it wasn't worse, and cracking a little humor like some others of us did.



New member
I can't believe that people would do that. Like they have nothing better to do. And you scared me too when I saw "this is sad".

Emily- I too thought that someone was stealing my CF magnets off the car, then I realized that they were being blasted off in the automatic car wash.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I can't believe that people would do that. Like they have nothing better to do. And you scared me too when I saw "this is sad".

Emily- I too thought that someone was stealing my CF magnets off the car, then I realized that they were being blasted off in the automatic car wash.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
worst, stealing story ever.

This happened to our friend's neighbors. They had their grill stolen out of their back yard. They were really annoyed. Two weeks later it showed up in their back yard all cleaned and shiny. Inside was 2 tickets to a baseball game with a note that they were sorry they realized it was wrong and the tickets were to make up for it. The couple thought hey a cleaned grill and tickets! Well they went to the game, came home, and you guessed it, there house had been cleaned out.

On topic, I will be sending implantation vibes!


New member
worst, stealing story ever.

This happened to our friend's neighbors. They had their grill stolen out of their back yard. They were really annoyed. Two weeks later it showed up in their back yard all cleaned and shiny. Inside was 2 tickets to a baseball game with a note that they were sorry they realized it was wrong and the tickets were to make up for it. The couple thought hey a cleaned grill and tickets! Well they went to the game, came home, and you guessed it, there house had been cleaned out.

On topic, I will be sending implantation vibes!


New member
HD, as bad as I hate to say it...that was a pretty good idea by the thieves. Completely terrible, but really sneaky. Dont know if I would have bought the "we were wrong, here's a clean grill and tickets" story. I would have been really suspicious.

Julie, sorry to hear about Santa. some people will do anything for entertainment or to be just plain mean.


New member
HD, as bad as I hate to say it...that was a pretty good idea by the thieves. Completely terrible, but really sneaky. Dont know if I would have bought the "we were wrong, here's a clean grill and tickets" story. I would have been really suspicious.

Julie, sorry to hear about Santa. some people will do anything for entertainment or to be just plain mean.


New member
Anon at 12:58, you are quite rude.

In the scheme of things santa is a HUGE deal to me because #1 of what I have been going through emotionally and hormornally, #2 this is our FIRST house and we really savored our first christmas in our new house, #3 it was a gift and Mark's parent's dont have ANY money so it was a LOT for them to buy it for us and #4 the most disturbing pat is that occured in our neighborhood. We lived in chula vista (2 minutes away from the mexican border) for almost 2 years and NEVER had anything stole, we live here for almost 2 months and items are already missing.

I don't mind hearing about what others have had stolen, if anything some have turned this quite comical which is great. But if you are trying to belittle me because I had a santa stolen and you had "better things than me" taken, PLEASE DON'T BOTHER TAKING THE TIME TO RESPOND TO MY POST!, this isn't about "tit for tat" and "oh yeah,well..." I just wanted to share a frustration.

Why to we have christmas decorations out in February? I owe nobody an explanation but for the sake of it... Our move was uneventful but quite hectic. We started on IVF meds shortly after we moved and weren't quite settled. It was me unpacking items that use to fit in a 4+ bedroom house pretty much by myself, (Mark got a little sick when we first moved up here plus school started for him and ALL his focus there), playing catch up with family that really wanted to see us before I was going to have to deploy with my ship in February, fighting and arguing with my ship for the last 4 weeks about my right to IVF treatment, every other day doctors appointments that are 60 miles each way for two weeks (leaving the house at 4am and getting home at 7-8pm) and quite honestly us having much more going on than to spend 1 hour taking down santa clause and lights from outside.

Additionally, everyone on my side of the street (7 houses) and 4 houses on the other side of the street still have christmas decorations up, I just think santa was an easy target. If people get irritated over something like that, and feel the need to steal, they've got some mental issues!

Allie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Happy belated holidays!!!!!! Can I steal it back now, he's got a bum foot anyways and needs special treatment <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Jen, I won't scare you like that again, *scouts honor*

Thanks Miesl <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> your post cracked me up!!!!

HD, that's quite the story. Thank goodness for renters and homeowners right?????!!!
<b>*DISCLAIMER* anyone who DOESN'T have renters.....GET IT!!!! We had our car broken into years ago and they took everything, stereo, speakers, box, amp.... it was all covered because it was "attached" to the car. BUT, the leather coat, shoes, some clothes, Case of 250+ CD's and some other items weren't. They would have been covered under our renters-had we had a policy. We immediately got one that cost $14 a month and coverd $60k worth of items (not even sure we had that much but rather have too much than too little). We also got a jewlery rider that covered our wedding rings, earrings from my parents, necklace from my parents, ring from my parents, promise ring from Mark, Mark's necklace, Marks earring from his parents, Mark's rolex (hand me down from his step-dad) for an extra $2 a month and it covered against LOSS as well. Yep, that's right and I DID misplace it once (took it off at a friends house to cook, a whole group of people showed up, it disappeared-stupid me!) and they covered it. Definately worth the little $$$$</b>

For everyone else, thanks for the humor.


New member
Anon at 12:58, you are quite rude.

In the scheme of things santa is a HUGE deal to me because #1 of what I have been going through emotionally and hormornally, #2 this is our FIRST house and we really savored our first christmas in our new house, #3 it was a gift and Mark's parent's dont have ANY money so it was a LOT for them to buy it for us and #4 the most disturbing pat is that occured in our neighborhood. We lived in chula vista (2 minutes away from the mexican border) for almost 2 years and NEVER had anything stole, we live here for almost 2 months and items are already missing.

I don't mind hearing about what others have had stolen, if anything some have turned this quite comical which is great. But if you are trying to belittle me because I had a santa stolen and you had "better things than me" taken, PLEASE DON'T BOTHER TAKING THE TIME TO RESPOND TO MY POST!, this isn't about "tit for tat" and "oh yeah,well..." I just wanted to share a frustration.

Why to we have christmas decorations out in February? I owe nobody an explanation but for the sake of it... Our move was uneventful but quite hectic. We started on IVF meds shortly after we moved and weren't quite settled. It was me unpacking items that use to fit in a 4+ bedroom house pretty much by myself, (Mark got a little sick when we first moved up here plus school started for him and ALL his focus there), playing catch up with family that really wanted to see us before I was going to have to deploy with my ship in February, fighting and arguing with my ship for the last 4 weeks about my right to IVF treatment, every other day doctors appointments that are 60 miles each way for two weeks (leaving the house at 4am and getting home at 7-8pm) and quite honestly us having much more going on than to spend 1 hour taking down santa clause and lights from outside.

Additionally, everyone on my side of the street (7 houses) and 4 houses on the other side of the street still have christmas decorations up, I just think santa was an easy target. If people get irritated over something like that, and feel the need to steal, they've got some mental issues!

Allie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Happy belated holidays!!!!!! Can I steal it back now, he's got a bum foot anyways and needs special treatment <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Jen, I won't scare you like that again, *scouts honor*

Thanks Miesl <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> your post cracked me up!!!!

HD, that's quite the story. Thank goodness for renters and homeowners right?????!!!
<b>*DISCLAIMER* anyone who DOESN'T have renters.....GET IT!!!! We had our car broken into years ago and they took everything, stereo, speakers, box, amp.... it was all covered because it was "attached" to the car. BUT, the leather coat, shoes, some clothes, Case of 250+ CD's and some other items weren't. They would have been covered under our renters-had we had a policy. We immediately got one that cost $14 a month and coverd $60k worth of items (not even sure we had that much but rather have too much than too little). We also got a jewlery rider that covered our wedding rings, earrings from my parents, necklace from my parents, ring from my parents, promise ring from Mark, Mark's necklace, Marks earring from his parents, Mark's rolex (hand me down from his step-dad) for an extra $2 a month and it covered against LOSS as well. Yep, that's right and I DID misplace it once (took it off at a friends house to cook, a whole group of people showed up, it disappeared-stupid me!) and they covered it. Definately worth the little $$$$</b>

For everyone else, thanks for the humor.


New member
Julie I think you can have global permission to just leave them up unitl next year! You have more important things going on Heck, just sitck a green hat on the tree for St. Patrick's day, bunny ears for easter, etc. Here, put your computer up to your uterus for a moment "Attention embryos, please implant, thank you"


New member
Julie I think you can have global permission to just leave them up unitl next year! You have more important things going on Heck, just sitck a green hat on the tree for St. Patrick's day, bunny ears for easter, etc. Here, put your computer up to your uterus for a moment "Attention embryos, please implant, thank you"


New member
Actually someone DID steal my CF magnet off my car 'cuz I have a car wash phobia, I don't take my car thru the car wash. Anyway first time was in the Walmart parking lot. Second time was in the POLICE department parking lot in the morning during regular business hours! liza


New member
Actually someone DID steal my CF magnet off my car 'cuz I have a car wash phobia, I don't take my car thru the car wash. Anyway first time was in the Walmart parking lot. Second time was in the POLICE department parking lot in the morning during regular business hours! liza