This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)


New member
HD, that was TOO funny!!! I read it to Mark, he liked it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I held the computer up and told them, "HD says: 'Attention embryos, please implant, thank you' and I say, please implant too!" I think they are listening (positive thinking!!!)


New member
HD, that was TOO funny!!! I read it to Mark, he liked it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I held the computer up and told them, "HD says: 'Attention embryos, please implant, thank you' and I say, please implant too!" I think they are listening (positive thinking!!!)


New member
I know I, for one, find lack of capitalization, grammer, and spelling white trashy, no <b>offense</b>. We all have our pet peeves, I guess.


New member
I know I, for one, find lack of capitalization, grammer, and spelling white trashy, no <b>offense</b>. We all have our pet peeves, I guess.


New member
White trash? Did you see the list of Sh**t I have been through in the last month? The christmas decorations outside were the least of my worries, until one disappeared. Furthermore, did you see the picture of me on the front page of this forum? I guess not. I am FAR from white trash you gutless jerk. Next time when you leave a message like that, how about you leave a name?

And like i've said before, if my christmas dectorations still up in the first week of February bother you, you have some serious mental problems.


New member
White trash? Did you see the list of Sh**t I have been through in the last month? The christmas decorations outside were the least of my worries, until one disappeared. Furthermore, did you see the picture of me on the front page of this forum? I guess not. I am FAR from white trash you gutless jerk. Next time when you leave a message like that, how about you leave a name?

And like i've said before, if my christmas dectorations still up in the first week of February bother you, you have some serious mental problems.


New member
Couldn't Mark have taken it down? I don't really like holiday decorations up over a month past the holiday, but would never steal them. That's just over the top.

None the less, the white trash comment was pretty rude.


New member
Couldn't Mark have taken it down? I don't really like holiday decorations up over a month past the holiday, but would never steal them. That's just over the top.

None the less, the white trash comment was pretty rude.


New member
Dude, people need to chill.

I don't care if people have Christmas lights up in July. Sure - I think it's a little weird, but hey.

Michelle's thoughts on most things: If it makes the person happy and doesn't hurt anyone else... good for them.


New member
Dude, people need to chill.

I don't care if people have Christmas lights up in July. Sure - I think it's a little weird, but hey.

Michelle's thoughts on most things: If it makes the person happy and doesn't hurt anyone else... good for them.


New member
Maybe it was a joke some friends are playing on them. They took the santa and are going to take photos of the santa going places with them. Then they will return the santa with a photo album of all the places santa visited. Remember when people were doing that with garden gnomes a few years back. I think Julie needs to chill as well. If the santa was as important to her as she says it was, then maybe she should have put it in a safe place. I know she has been busy, but come on, how long could it take to put it away if it is so dear to your heart? And I do not think the white-trashy comment was called for.


New member
Maybe it was a joke some friends are playing on them. They took the santa and are going to take photos of the santa going places with them. Then they will return the santa with a photo album of all the places santa visited. Remember when people were doing that with garden gnomes a few years back. I think Julie needs to chill as well. If the santa was as important to her as she says it was, then maybe she should have put it in a safe place. I know she has been busy, but come on, how long could it take to put it away if it is so dear to your heart? And I do not think the white-trashy comment was called for.


New member
White trash seems very uncalled for, nor do I like the idea that Julie may be competiting for my title! I am going out to get more pink flamingos for my lawn even now (although I admit Julie has one up on me if she's knocked up!).

Laughter is the best medicine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> - keep in mind that it doesn't matter what people think of you when you don't know them. We all know what your going through, and how busy life can be.



New member
White trash seems very uncalled for, nor do I like the idea that Julie may be competiting for my title! I am going out to get more pink flamingos for my lawn even now (although I admit Julie has one up on me if she's knocked up!).

Laughter is the best medicine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> - keep in mind that it doesn't matter what people think of you when you don't know them. We all know what your going through, and how busy life can be.



New member
I can't see the post that was written because the user got banned, however, If someone called Julie white trash that is the biggest joke in history... Second of all, who ever is of the thought that her CHristmas decorations should be put away, DO you not have anything better to do then to micromanage someone elses life???? It is not for you to say, Julie came on this board to share something that happend to her, NOT TO BE JUDGED for anything, she was sharing something.. Not asking the question if you all throught it was okay to leave her decorations up.

This forum is for support, and to exchange information. Julie, is working very hard on becoming pregnant, she doesn't need any added stress right please, stop judging her, and lend her support, or don't read this thread.... I am wondering to the anpn. poster, how do you think your post to Julie made her feel? Think about what you say and how others are going to feel before you say it...



New member
I can't see the post that was written because the user got banned, however, If someone called Julie white trash that is the biggest joke in history... Second of all, who ever is of the thought that her CHristmas decorations should be put away, DO you not have anything better to do then to micromanage someone elses life???? It is not for you to say, Julie came on this board to share something that happend to her, NOT TO BE JUDGED for anything, she was sharing something.. Not asking the question if you all throught it was okay to leave her decorations up.

This forum is for support, and to exchange information. Julie, is working very hard on becoming pregnant, she doesn't need any added stress right please, stop judging her, and lend her support, or don't read this thread.... I am wondering to the anpn. poster, how do you think your post to Julie made her feel? Think about what you say and how others are going to feel before you say it...
