This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)


New member
They are not Christmas decorations, they are instead "continual reminders of joy and peace". who doesn't need that in June? Of course the snowman might need sun glasses then...

And here is a song for the embryos to help with the process. Sung to the tune of Hoke Pokey...

You put your right chromosome in
You put your right chromosome in (there is no taking out in this song ya know)

You put your left chromonsome in
You put your left chromosome in

You do the implantation pokey
And you burrow yourself right in
That's what it's all about!

Next verse!

You put your cell division in..
ok you get the picture

Heather<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
They are not Christmas decorations, they are instead "continual reminders of joy and peace". who doesn't need that in June? Of course the snowman might need sun glasses then...

And here is a song for the embryos to help with the process. Sung to the tune of Hoke Pokey...

You put your right chromosome in
You put your right chromosome in (there is no taking out in this song ya know)

You put your left chromonsome in
You put your left chromosome in

You do the implantation pokey
And you burrow yourself right in
That's what it's all about!

Next verse!

You put your cell division in..
ok you get the picture

Heather<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow HD, You have GOT to come around and post more often. You are so freaking funny, your posts leave me laughing and laughing and laughing!


New member
Wow HD, You have GOT to come around and post more often. You are so freaking funny, your posts leave me laughing and laughing and laughing!