Just looking for a little advice from those of you with children whose sibling do not have CF. getting ready for school in the morning is a race against time and my son without CF has been giving me attitude about how he is always late for school(which is not true). He is very Type A, does well in school and does NOT want to be tardy for school. Since Maggie started kindergarten it gets harder and harder to get him to school on time. I drop them off together. He has been marked tardy late two times last trimester(my fault) and if he gets 3 times in one trimester he gets detention. So he is stressed every morning that he will be late. I feel bad; but I am doing the best I can. I told him we are working together and I am doing the best I can. He was upset with me again this morning; sarcasticly saying"Thanks alot Mom, I'm late again" I told him that's enough and we are going to have to talk about this when he gets home(I was frustrated). i get where he is coming from. I tend to be Type A , too and i understand how he feels. Soooo, I called his teacher and left a message for him to call me...I'm not sure exactly what to say. I have not told his teacher about Maggie's CF but it affects the WHOLE family not just Maggie. I do not want to use the CF as an excuse but for him to go easy on Sam if he is 3 minutes late(which is what he usually would ever be) Sammy is on the top math and reading classes, always does his homework even the teacher said he is what you want in a student so It's just a time thing and due to Maggie's never ending treamtents. What would you say to the teacher?