To take the 1 in 4 chance?


New member
We also struggled with this question - to have another baby and risk the CF diagnosis. Our daughter is 26 years old now and we didn't have a second child. Looking back, it was a blessing because the guilt I would have had knowing I brought a baby into this world that would suffer and cry in pain, etc., would have been so awful I don't know how I would have lived with it.


New member
**********BRIEF INTERUPTION*******

I would just like to point out that this is a fairly OLD thread. I believe it is from May. Just thought i should point that out as it may have some bearing on peoples responses. Carry on! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**********BRIEF INTERUPTION*******

I would just like to point out that this is a fairly OLD thread. I believe it is from May. Just thought i should point that out as it may have some bearing on peoples responses. Carry on! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**********BRIEF INTERUPTION*******

I would just like to point out that this is a fairly OLD thread. I believe it is from May. Just thought i should point that out as it may have some bearing on peoples responses. Carry on! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi to all who are reading this and thinking about having another baby. I just wanted to say to you all that I know what it is like to risk having something really wrong with your baby and how scary it is to deal with and what not. I am the mother of 5 and I myself was born with a very serous Heart Condition and thank God I am one of the first cases that made it thru surgery and went on to live a over all pretty normal life with the exception of heart deases and being tired as well as picking up every dram bug that goes around!
When my husband and I decided to have children we were told that we would also have a 1 in 4 chance that our children would have my heart issues. Which all 4 of my girls have a very mild form of my heart issues and thank the Lord they so far are only requiring follow up yearly with a cardiologist. And my boy is now being looked at for CF.
With that one in four chance we have since been blessed with a 3 year old who as autism and a 2 year old that was born with bilateral club feet (we found out while I was pregnant and told that is was a good chance that she would have downs or some other mental delays and were advised that we should have other testing done we decided that it didn't matter to use and didn't bother she doesn't have any developmental delays except for feet related) my 2 year old was DX at 14 months old with type one Diabetes and is insulin dependent (for those who dont know what type one is) My one year old had a stroke while I was pregnant with her (I had 2 while pregnant with her because of my heart issues) so she has CP typical symptoms of a stroke limited use of the right side of her body. And now to our little Liam he's been sick since the day he was born! Would I change a thing NOT AT ALL we took our chances and we have been blessed not with disability's but with "differently abled children". Another way I look at all the kids with there own medical needs is that the Lord had to bless someone with each one of theses need and that I am blessed that he chose me to take care of each and everyone of them. Each child with a "disability" needs a family and I thank God Every day that he chose me and not someone else that would know what to do to care for these kids. Its a chance that some may not want to take and I get that. My mother in Law was so mad with my husband and I for even taking the chance with one let alone 5 she thought that we were out of our minds and that we should have never had kids, and what i say to her is that's why they are my kids and not your. Its a chance that we were willing to take and we are blessed. However that being said IF Liam (our baby boy) does have CF we are done having kids I think that I have more then my handful with 4 special needs children. However If this was our first child I would go on to have more? the Lord will not give me more then I can handle. I would have more and I would stop having children when I thought that I had all that I can handle (just as I said above right now I think i have all that i can handle I would love to have more but With all the medical Its hard finding the time needed for all the therapy and insulin and hospitals). Its something that you just have to follow your heart with you have to find the positives I look at my Diabetic and she is just the most amazing strong girl she has had 2 surgeries to fix her feet and boy can that kid run now she is just a fighter and yes she does not have a normal life expectancy however this world is blessed to have her init and she will make her mark on this world!

Anyone thinking about taking the chance pary and follow your heart!



New member
Hi to all who are reading this and thinking about having another baby. I just wanted to say to you all that I know what it is like to risk having something really wrong with your baby and how scary it is to deal with and what not. I am the mother of 5 and I myself was born with a very serous Heart Condition and thank God I am one of the first cases that made it thru surgery and went on to live a over all pretty normal life with the exception of heart deases and being tired as well as picking up every dram bug that goes around!
When my husband and I decided to have children we were told that we would also have a 1 in 4 chance that our children would have my heart issues. Which all 4 of my girls have a very mild form of my heart issues and thank the Lord they so far are only requiring follow up yearly with a cardiologist. And my boy is now being looked at for CF.
With that one in four chance we have since been blessed with a 3 year old who as autism and a 2 year old that was born with bilateral club feet (we found out while I was pregnant and told that is was a good chance that she would have downs or some other mental delays and were advised that we should have other testing done we decided that it didn't matter to use and didn't bother she doesn't have any developmental delays except for feet related) my 2 year old was DX at 14 months old with type one Diabetes and is insulin dependent (for those who dont know what type one is) My one year old had a stroke while I was pregnant with her (I had 2 while pregnant with her because of my heart issues) so she has CP typical symptoms of a stroke limited use of the right side of her body. And now to our little Liam he's been sick since the day he was born! Would I change a thing NOT AT ALL we took our chances and we have been blessed not with disability's but with "differently abled children". Another way I look at all the kids with there own medical needs is that the Lord had to bless someone with each one of theses need and that I am blessed that he chose me to take care of each and everyone of them. Each child with a "disability" needs a family and I thank God Every day that he chose me and not someone else that would know what to do to care for these kids. Its a chance that some may not want to take and I get that. My mother in Law was so mad with my husband and I for even taking the chance with one let alone 5 she thought that we were out of our minds and that we should have never had kids, and what i say to her is that's why they are my kids and not your. Its a chance that we were willing to take and we are blessed. However that being said IF Liam (our baby boy) does have CF we are done having kids I think that I have more then my handful with 4 special needs children. However If this was our first child I would go on to have more? the Lord will not give me more then I can handle. I would have more and I would stop having children when I thought that I had all that I can handle (just as I said above right now I think i have all that i can handle I would love to have more but With all the medical Its hard finding the time needed for all the therapy and insulin and hospitals). Its something that you just have to follow your heart with you have to find the positives I look at my Diabetic and she is just the most amazing strong girl she has had 2 surgeries to fix her feet and boy can that kid run now she is just a fighter and yes she does not have a normal life expectancy however this world is blessed to have her init and she will make her mark on this world!

Anyone thinking about taking the chance pary and follow your heart!



New member
Hi to all who are reading this and thinking about having another baby. I just wanted to say to you all that I know what it is like to risk having something really wrong with your baby and how scary it is to deal with and what not. I am the mother of 5 and I myself was born with a very serous Heart Condition and thank God I am one of the first cases that made it thru surgery and went on to live a over all pretty normal life with the exception of heart deases and being tired as well as picking up every dram bug that goes around!
When my husband and I decided to have children we were told that we would also have a 1 in 4 chance that our children would have my heart issues. Which all 4 of my girls have a very mild form of my heart issues and thank the Lord they so far are only requiring follow up yearly with a cardiologist. And my boy is now being looked at for CF.
With that one in four chance we have since been blessed with a 3 year old who as autism and a 2 year old that was born with bilateral club feet (we found out while I was pregnant and told that is was a good chance that she would have downs or some other mental delays and were advised that we should have other testing done we decided that it didn't matter to use and didn't bother she doesn't have any developmental delays except for feet related) my 2 year old was DX at 14 months old with type one Diabetes and is insulin dependent (for those who dont know what type one is) My one year old had a stroke while I was pregnant with her (I had 2 while pregnant with her because of my heart issues) so she has CP typical symptoms of a stroke limited use of the right side of her body. And now to our little Liam he's been sick since the day he was born! Would I change a thing NOT AT ALL we took our chances and we have been blessed not with disability's but with "differently abled children". Another way I look at all the kids with there own medical needs is that the Lord had to bless someone with each one of theses need and that I am blessed that he chose me to take care of each and everyone of them. Each child with a "disability" needs a family and I thank God Every day that he chose me and not someone else that would know what to do to care for these kids. Its a chance that some may not want to take and I get that. My mother in Law was so mad with my husband and I for even taking the chance with one let alone 5 she thought that we were out of our minds and that we should have never had kids, and what i say to her is that's why they are my kids and not your. Its a chance that we were willing to take and we are blessed. However that being said IF Liam (our baby boy) does have CF we are done having kids I think that I have more then my handful with 4 special needs children. However If this was our first child I would go on to have more? the Lord will not give me more then I can handle. I would have more and I would stop having children when I thought that I had all that I can handle (just as I said above right now I think i have all that i can handle I would love to have more but With all the medical Its hard finding the time needed for all the therapy and insulin and hospitals). Its something that you just have to follow your heart with you have to find the positives I look at my Diabetic and she is just the most amazing strong girl she has had 2 surgeries to fix her feet and boy can that kid run now she is just a fighter and yes she does not have a normal life expectancy however this world is blessed to have her init and she will make her mark on this world!

Anyone thinking about taking the chance pary and follow your heart!



New member
Hi Liamsmommy, what an inspiration you are! Your children are very lucky to have you as their mom. I have a 9 yr.old with CF and a 2 yr. old who does not. We are thinking about a 3rd and reading your post is very encouraging. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family and good health!



New member
Hi Liamsmommy, what an inspiration you are! Your children are very lucky to have you as their mom. I have a 9 yr.old with CF and a 2 yr. old who does not. We are thinking about a 3rd and reading your post is very encouraging. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family and good health!



New member
Hi Liamsmommy, what an inspiration you are! Your children are very lucky to have you as their mom. I have a 9 yr.old with CF and a 2 yr. old who does not. We are thinking about a 3rd and reading your post is very encouraging. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family and good health!



New member
I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.


New member
I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.


New member
I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i>

I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.</end quote></div>

How I miss his controvertial yet intriging views!!! RIP WinAce


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i>

I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.</end quote></div>

How I miss his controvertial yet intriging views!!! RIP WinAce


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i>

I think the most appropriate quote for this is Allan's: (WinAce on the boards, for those who are new. He died at 20.)

"I don't see why you should continue trying to "chance" a healthy child. You wouldn't play Russian roulette with your kid, if there was only a 1-in-6 chance of killing or injuring them, would you? My parents tried to "chance it" repeatedly. They left grave markers all over the world (1 in Russia, 1 in Italy and one here--two died in infancy, the last died at 6.) I'm the only one of their kids still living, and that could soon change. It drove them apart and eats at them to this day. CF is about as wicked as they come, so let's not pretend it's just a walk in the park or mundane "challenge." The sooner no kid has to deal with it, the better."

I don't understand why ANY parent would chose this life for their child. You chose to have a child knowing the risks, you accept that you have a 25% chance of dropping your child's life expectancy to under 40. That's unbelievably selfish.

It's not fair to your child. It's not fair to anyone who is going to know that child.

And for the love of pete, what the heck are you going to say to them when they ask you why you did it anyway, knowing the risks?

Quite honestly, the thought sickens me.</end quote></div>

How I miss his controvertial yet intriging views!!! RIP WinAce


New member
Whether you choose to have another child or not, whatever decision you make is the right one for you. There is no answer to this at all, whatever decision anyone makes is the right one for them. My first born was diagnosed at 3 months of age and my ex-husband decided that was it for him, he did not want to have another child. When I got pregnant with my second child, I had myself convinced, and my ex, that by the time my children were older cf would be a thing of the past. The first 3 months after having my second son was so nerve wracking, as he couldn't be tested before 3 months of age (this was 25 years ago) What a relief to find out that he did not have cf and many years later, after being tested, he was neither a carrier.

My sons grew up so very close to each other and had such a special love between brothers, for that I am truly thankful for. I know my decision was the right one for me, cf or no cf.

mom to Matt
Jan 6/78 - May 15/2005


New member
Whether you choose to have another child or not, whatever decision you make is the right one for you. There is no answer to this at all, whatever decision anyone makes is the right one for them. My first born was diagnosed at 3 months of age and my ex-husband decided that was it for him, he did not want to have another child. When I got pregnant with my second child, I had myself convinced, and my ex, that by the time my children were older cf would be a thing of the past. The first 3 months after having my second son was so nerve wracking, as he couldn't be tested before 3 months of age (this was 25 years ago) What a relief to find out that he did not have cf and many years later, after being tested, he was neither a carrier.

My sons grew up so very close to each other and had such a special love between brothers, for that I am truly thankful for. I know my decision was the right one for me, cf or no cf.

mom to Matt
Jan 6/78 - May 15/2005


New member
Whether you choose to have another child or not, whatever decision you make is the right one for you. There is no answer to this at all, whatever decision anyone makes is the right one for them. My first born was diagnosed at 3 months of age and my ex-husband decided that was it for him, he did not want to have another child. When I got pregnant with my second child, I had myself convinced, and my ex, that by the time my children were older cf would be a thing of the past. The first 3 months after having my second son was so nerve wracking, as he couldn't be tested before 3 months of age (this was 25 years ago) What a relief to find out that he did not have cf and many years later, after being tested, he was neither a carrier.

My sons grew up so very close to each other and had such a special love between brothers, for that I am truly thankful for. I know my decision was the right one for me, cf or no cf.

mom to Matt
Jan 6/78 - May 15/2005


New member
I just want to say that it's easy to say "I want another kid" when you're in the early childhood stages of CF. It's a honeymoon, when it seems like Cf is 'not all that bad". But fast-forward to the end stages, which ALWAYS comes in Cf, whatever you make think for the future, this is the reality now. Can you handle watching your child struggle like that? The pain, the breathlessness, the loss of independence? End stage Cf is something no one should ever have to go through, and to this day, Ry's parents carry around a lot of guilt for giving him CF, even though Ry told them he never blamed them....they didn't know. If you can chance your child suffering like that because of something you wanted, more power to you, but if you think god 'wants' you to have another child, have your husband get a vasectomy...that's how Darius was concieved. I could not chance that level of suffering for my child.

It reminds me of a conversation Ry and his dad had, about a week before he died. Ry asked, "If you had known, would you have had me?" Michael paused, trying to think of an answer, and said, "Ry, we love you very much." Ry said "Good answer. That's why I wouldn't have had me either."