today's dr appt....


New member
My primary doctor is oretty stupid like that. He KNOWS I have CF and one day when I was there for an appt it was just ridiculous.

He was looking at my list of meds then he asked me if iu had cf,I told him yes,then he came over to exmaine me and I guess he did'nt believe me wehn I told him I had CF or he did'nt hear me because he saw my fingers and I have clubbing and he picks up my hand and then throws and back down and is like "Oh yeah you have clubbing,you have cf." No *****!

Then we started talking baout my MRSA nad he's like "Oh how long have you had that?" I'm like "10 years,it's in my lungs" and he's like"Oh really hmm" and just straes at me as if I'm lying or something.

My boyfriend was with me when I had this appt and he could'nt believe how stupid the doctor was over simple things.

My doctor also told me my CFRD would go away and that I would'nt have to be on oral insulin anymore!What?!

Haha thankfully I have a new primary doctor know that I love.


New member
My primary doctor is oretty stupid like that. He KNOWS I have CF and one day when I was there for an appt it was just ridiculous.

He was looking at my list of meds then he asked me if iu had cf,I told him yes,then he came over to exmaine me and I guess he did'nt believe me wehn I told him I had CF or he did'nt hear me because he saw my fingers and I have clubbing and he picks up my hand and then throws and back down and is like "Oh yeah you have clubbing,you have cf." No *****!

Then we started talking baout my MRSA nad he's like "Oh how long have you had that?" I'm like "10 years,it's in my lungs" and he's like"Oh really hmm" and just straes at me as if I'm lying or something.

My boyfriend was with me when I had this appt and he could'nt believe how stupid the doctor was over simple things.

My doctor also told me my CFRD would go away and that I would'nt have to be on oral insulin anymore!What?!

Haha thankfully I have a new primary doctor know that I love.


New member
My primary doctor is oretty stupid like that. He KNOWS I have CF and one day when I was there for an appt it was just ridiculous.

He was looking at my list of meds then he asked me if iu had cf,I told him yes,then he came over to exmaine me and I guess he did'nt believe me wehn I told him I had CF or he did'nt hear me because he saw my fingers and I have clubbing and he picks up my hand and then throws and back down and is like "Oh yeah you have clubbing,you have cf." No *****!

Then we started talking baout my MRSA nad he's like "Oh how long have you had that?" I'm like "10 years,it's in my lungs" and he's like"Oh really hmm" and just straes at me as if I'm lying or something.

My boyfriend was with me when I had this appt and he could'nt believe how stupid the doctor was over simple things.

My doctor also told me my CFRD would go away and that I would'nt have to be on oral insulin anymore!What?!

Haha thankfully I have a new primary doctor know that I love.


New member
My primary doctor is oretty stupid like that. He KNOWS I have CF and one day when I was there for an appt it was just ridiculous.

He was looking at my list of meds then he asked me if iu had cf,I told him yes,then he came over to exmaine me and I guess he did'nt believe me wehn I told him I had CF or he did'nt hear me because he saw my fingers and I have clubbing and he picks up my hand and then throws and back down and is like "Oh yeah you have clubbing,you have cf." No *****!

Then we started talking baout my MRSA nad he's like "Oh how long have you had that?" I'm like "10 years,it's in my lungs" and he's like"Oh really hmm" and just straes at me as if I'm lying or something.

My boyfriend was with me when I had this appt and he could'nt believe how stupid the doctor was over simple things.

My doctor also told me my CFRD would go away and that I would'nt have to be on oral insulin anymore!What?!

Haha thankfully I have a new primary doctor know that I love.


New member
My primary doctor is oretty stupid like that. He KNOWS I have CF and one day when I was there for an appt it was just ridiculous.
<br />
<br />He was looking at my list of meds then he asked me if iu had cf,I told him yes,then he came over to exmaine me and I guess he did'nt believe me wehn I told him I had CF or he did'nt hear me because he saw my fingers and I have clubbing and he picks up my hand and then throws and back down and is like "Oh yeah you have clubbing,you have cf." No *****!
<br />
<br />Then we started talking baout my MRSA nad he's like "Oh how long have you had that?" I'm like "10 years,it's in my lungs" and he's like"Oh really hmm" and just straes at me as if I'm lying or something.
<br />
<br />My boyfriend was with me when I had this appt and he could'nt believe how stupid the doctor was over simple things.
<br />
<br />My doctor also told me my CFRD would go away and that I would'nt have to be on oral insulin anymore!What?!
<br />
<br />Haha thankfully I have a new primary doctor know that I love.


New member
The good news coming from my bad appt. is.....
I took 3 prednisone last night and 1 Doxycycline, coughed a lot in bed last night but feel a ton better this morning.
Yippie!! So even though that dr probably needs to go back to medical school, the prescriptions (that I suggested) are working great!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The good news coming from my bad appt. is.....
I took 3 prednisone last night and 1 Doxycycline, coughed a lot in bed last night but feel a ton better this morning.
Yippie!! So even though that dr probably needs to go back to medical school, the prescriptions (that I suggested) are working great!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The good news coming from my bad appt. is.....
I took 3 prednisone last night and 1 Doxycycline, coughed a lot in bed last night but feel a ton better this morning.
Yippie!! So even though that dr probably needs to go back to medical school, the prescriptions (that I suggested) are working great!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The good news coming from my bad appt. is.....
I took 3 prednisone last night and 1 Doxycycline, coughed a lot in bed last night but feel a ton better this morning.
Yippie!! So even though that dr probably needs to go back to medical school, the prescriptions (that I suggested) are working great!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The good news coming from my bad appt. is.....
<br />I FEEL BETTER!!!!
<br />I took 3 prednisone last night and 1 Doxycycline, coughed a lot in bed last night but feel a ton better this morning.
<br />Yippie!! So even though that dr probably needs to go back to medical school, the prescriptions (that I suggested) are working great!
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />Kelli


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible doctor visit, but I have to admit, it really made me laugh! I can't believe some people are doctors. This is just unbelievable.<br><br>
I had a bad dr appt when I was in 5th grade. Had a temp of 103 degrees. Mom took me the closest dr becase my CF dr was about an hour away. This "doctor" told my mom that I just had a sinus infection!!!!! My mom brought me home, and after covering me with cold wash cloths and putting me in a tub of ice, she drove me to my REAL dr. And for the record, it was a LUNG INFECTION, and not a sinus infection. We never went back to that stupid lady again.<br><br>
I can tell that this thread is going to be entertaining with everyone's quack dr stories! ha!


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible doctor visit, but I have to admit, it really made me laugh! I can't believe some people are doctors. This is just unbelievable.<br><br>
I had a bad dr appt when I was in 5th grade. Had a temp of 103 degrees. Mom took me the closest dr becase my CF dr was about an hour away. This "doctor" told my mom that I just had a sinus infection!!!!! My mom brought me home, and after covering me with cold wash cloths and putting me in a tub of ice, she drove me to my REAL dr. And for the record, it was a LUNG INFECTION, and not a sinus infection. We never went back to that stupid lady again.<br><br>
I can tell that this thread is going to be entertaining with everyone's quack dr stories! ha!


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible doctor visit, but I have to admit, it really made me laugh! I can't believe some people are doctors. This is just unbelievable.<br><br>
I had a bad dr appt when I was in 5th grade. Had a temp of 103 degrees. Mom took me the closest dr becase my CF dr was about an hour away. This "doctor" told my mom that I just had a sinus infection!!!!! My mom brought me home, and after covering me with cold wash cloths and putting me in a tub of ice, she drove me to my REAL dr. And for the record, it was a LUNG INFECTION, and not a sinus infection. We never went back to that stupid lady again.<br><br>
I can tell that this thread is going to be entertaining with everyone's quack dr stories! ha!


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible doctor visit, but I have to admit, it really made me laugh! I can't believe some people are doctors. This is just unbelievable.<br><br>
I had a bad dr appt when I was in 5th grade. Had a temp of 103 degrees. Mom took me the closest dr becase my CF dr was about an hour away. This "doctor" told my mom that I just had a sinus infection!!!!! My mom brought me home, and after covering me with cold wash cloths and putting me in a tub of ice, she drove me to my REAL dr. And for the record, it was a LUNG INFECTION, and not a sinus infection. We never went back to that stupid lady again.<br><br>
I can tell that this thread is going to be entertaining with everyone's quack dr stories! ha!


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible doctor visit, but I have to admit, it really made me laugh! I can't believe some people are doctors. This is just unbelievable.<br><br>
I had a bad dr appt when I was in 5th grade. Had a temp of 103 degrees. Mom took me the closest dr becase my CF dr was about an hour away. This "doctor" told my mom that I just had a sinus infection!!!!! My mom brought me home, and after covering me with cold wash cloths and putting me in a tub of ice, she drove me to my REAL dr. And for the record, it was a LUNG INFECTION, and not a sinus infection. We never went back to that stupid lady again.<br><br>
I can tell that this thread is going to be entertaining with everyone's quack dr stories! ha!


New member
Yea that seems to be the major issue in going to general doctors. I don't think you should be that suprised, sure they're doctors and they should be trained in CF, but they are GENERAL doctors that don't specialize in just CF. They might know the basics of CF, but nothing intricate. For my CF care I definitley would chose to go to my doc who specializes in it. Going to a family doc about CF is a bit like going to Jiffy Lube to diagnose your car stalling. Sure they work on cars, but they specialize in oil.


New member
Yea that seems to be the major issue in going to general doctors. I don't think you should be that suprised, sure they're doctors and they should be trained in CF, but they are GENERAL doctors that don't specialize in just CF. They might know the basics of CF, but nothing intricate. For my CF care I definitley would chose to go to my doc who specializes in it. Going to a family doc about CF is a bit like going to Jiffy Lube to diagnose your car stalling. Sure they work on cars, but they specialize in oil.


New member
Yea that seems to be the major issue in going to general doctors. I don't think you should be that suprised, sure they're doctors and they should be trained in CF, but they are GENERAL doctors that don't specialize in just CF. They might know the basics of CF, but nothing intricate. For my CF care I definitley would chose to go to my doc who specializes in it. Going to a family doc about CF is a bit like going to Jiffy Lube to diagnose your car stalling. Sure they work on cars, but they specialize in oil.


New member
Yea that seems to be the major issue in going to general doctors. I don't think you should be that suprised, sure they're doctors and they should be trained in CF, but they are GENERAL doctors that don't specialize in just CF. They might know the basics of CF, but nothing intricate. For my CF care I definitley would chose to go to my doc who specializes in it. Going to a family doc about CF is a bit like going to Jiffy Lube to diagnose your car stalling. Sure they work on cars, but they specialize in oil.


New member
Yea that seems to be the major issue in going to general doctors. I don't think you should be that suprised, sure they're doctors and they should be trained in CF, but they are GENERAL doctors that don't specialize in just CF. They might know the basics of CF, but nothing intricate. For my CF care I definitley would chose to go to my doc who specializes in it. Going to a family doc about CF is a bit like going to Jiffy Lube to diagnose your car stalling. Sure they work on cars, but they specialize in oil.