today's dr appt....


New member
What a nut !! (being nice and following the the code of conduct rules,lol) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
What a nut !! (being nice and following the the code of conduct rules,lol) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
What a nut !! (being nice and following the the code of conduct rules,lol) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
What a nut !! (being nice and following the the code of conduct rules,lol) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
What a nut !! (being nice and following the the code of conduct rules,lol) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> joni


New member

That sounds like student health. I had to struggle with them for a MONTH and a HALF to get ABx because I didn't have strep A.

When I finally found somebody there who gave me some, guess what she said?

"Well, just because you have CF, it doesn't mean we can throw antibiotics at you."

I was so pissed. I mean, would you tell a diabetic, 'just because you're a diabetic, doesn't mean we can throw insulin at you.'


New member

That sounds like student health. I had to struggle with them for a MONTH and a HALF to get ABx because I didn't have strep A.

When I finally found somebody there who gave me some, guess what she said?

"Well, just because you have CF, it doesn't mean we can throw antibiotics at you."

I was so pissed. I mean, would you tell a diabetic, 'just because you're a diabetic, doesn't mean we can throw insulin at you.'


New member

That sounds like student health. I had to struggle with them for a MONTH and a HALF to get ABx because I didn't have strep A.

When I finally found somebody there who gave me some, guess what she said?

"Well, just because you have CF, it doesn't mean we can throw antibiotics at you."

I was so pissed. I mean, would you tell a diabetic, 'just because you're a diabetic, doesn't mean we can throw insulin at you.'


New member

That sounds like student health. I had to struggle with them for a MONTH and a HALF to get ABx because I didn't have strep A.

When I finally found somebody there who gave me some, guess what she said?

"Well, just because you have CF, it doesn't mean we can throw antibiotics at you."

I was so pissed. I mean, would you tell a diabetic, 'just because you're a diabetic, doesn't mean we can throw insulin at you.'


New member
<br />
<br />That sounds like student health. I had to struggle with them for a MONTH and a HALF to get ABx because I didn't have strep A.
<br />
<br />When I finally found somebody there who gave me some, guess what she said?
<br />
<br />"Well, just because you have CF, it doesn't mean we can throw antibiotics at you."
<br />
<br />I was so pissed. I mean, would you tell a diabetic, 'just because you're a diabetic, doesn't mean we can throw insulin at you.'


New member

I probably would have gone to every drug store known to man, bought all the hand sanitizer available and bathed in it when I got home. URGH!!!!



New member

I probably would have gone to every drug store known to man, bought all the hand sanitizer available and bathed in it when I got home. URGH!!!!



New member

I probably would have gone to every drug store known to man, bought all the hand sanitizer available and bathed in it when I got home. URGH!!!!



New member

I probably would have gone to every drug store known to man, bought all the hand sanitizer available and bathed in it when I got home. URGH!!!!



New member
<br />
<br />I probably would have gone to every drug store known to man, bought all the hand sanitizer available and bathed in it when I got home. URGH!!!!
<br />
<br />Sonia


New member
And I forgot to mention, while the doc was talking to me, he literally picked his nose. No joke, he didn't just rub it, he took his index finger and scraped it up in there. Did he wash his hands? NO.
Come to think of it, he didn't even wash his hands when he came in the room.
Ack. I don't like local dr's but my clinic is an hour away (each way) and I just didn't feel like driivng that far, and they probably would have put me on IV's like they always do.

I wanted to sanitize everything on me!! I did soak my hands in it while walking to my car! I felt like a total dirt ball (and covered in his booger). Sick!!!



New member
And I forgot to mention, while the doc was talking to me, he literally picked his nose. No joke, he didn't just rub it, he took his index finger and scraped it up in there. Did he wash his hands? NO.
Come to think of it, he didn't even wash his hands when he came in the room.
Ack. I don't like local dr's but my clinic is an hour away (each way) and I just didn't feel like driivng that far, and they probably would have put me on IV's like they always do.

I wanted to sanitize everything on me!! I did soak my hands in it while walking to my car! I felt like a total dirt ball (and covered in his booger). Sick!!!



New member
And I forgot to mention, while the doc was talking to me, he literally picked his nose. No joke, he didn't just rub it, he took his index finger and scraped it up in there. Did he wash his hands? NO.
Come to think of it, he didn't even wash his hands when he came in the room.
Ack. I don't like local dr's but my clinic is an hour away (each way) and I just didn't feel like driivng that far, and they probably would have put me on IV's like they always do.

I wanted to sanitize everything on me!! I did soak my hands in it while walking to my car! I felt like a total dirt ball (and covered in his booger). Sick!!!



New member
And I forgot to mention, while the doc was talking to me, he literally picked his nose. No joke, he didn't just rub it, he took his index finger and scraped it up in there. Did he wash his hands? NO.
Come to think of it, he didn't even wash his hands when he came in the room.
Ack. I don't like local dr's but my clinic is an hour away (each way) and I just didn't feel like driivng that far, and they probably would have put me on IV's like they always do.

I wanted to sanitize everything on me!! I did soak my hands in it while walking to my car! I felt like a total dirt ball (and covered in his booger). Sick!!!



New member
And I forgot to mention, while the doc was talking to me, he literally picked his nose. No joke, he didn't just rub it, he took his index finger and scraped it up in there. Did he wash his hands? NO.
<br />Come to think of it, he didn't even wash his hands when he came in the room.
<br />Ack. I don't like local dr's but my clinic is an hour away (each way) and I just didn't feel like driivng that far, and they probably would have put me on IV's like they always do.
<br />
<br />I wanted to sanitize everything on me!! I did soak my hands in it while walking to my car! I felt like a total dirt ball (and covered in his booger). Sick!!!
<br />
<br />Kelli