Ok heres the thing i live in a crappy apartment complex with crappy rules. They expect ur house and carpets ur walls and EVERYTHING to be in tip top shape..but heres one thing THEY DONT GET THAT I CANT KEEP IT UP ALL THE TIME!!!! My health gets down like any other cf patient and im tired of getting up and cleaning everysingle day all day and thats it. I get up take treatments come to the library for a few make food which ends up being dirtying kitchen n junk plus i have a boyfriend who does dirtying too which he helps but ive done it for so long im tired of it. My closets have to be clean swept and in order all the time. THey dont understand that doing something small like going up 3 flights of steps wears a person with cf out and i get really tired and everything piles up. i try my best to keep up the house and there all the time threating me trying to get me kicked out and junk. now i have an expection tomarrow and i worked my assha off all day today and now i feel like a pile of poo. how do i get them to understand this!!!!!! there driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">