trouble keeping house with cf


New member
Ok heres the thing i live in a crappy apartment complex with crappy rules. They expect ur house and carpets ur walls and EVERYTHING to be in tip top shape..but heres one thing THEY DONT GET THAT I CANT KEEP IT UP ALL THE TIME!!!! My health gets down like any other cf patient and im tired of getting up and cleaning everysingle day all day and thats it. I get up take treatments come to the library for a few make food which ends up being dirtying kitchen n junk plus i have a boyfriend who does dirtying too which he helps but ive done it for so long im tired of it. My closets have to be clean swept and in order all the time. THey dont understand that doing something small like going up 3 flights of steps wears a person with cf out and i get really tired and everything piles up. i try my best to keep up the house and there all the time threating me trying to get me kicked out and junk. now i have an expection tomarrow and i worked my assha off all day today and now i feel like a pile of poo. how do i get them to understand this!!!!!! there driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
Ok heres the thing i live in a crappy apartment complex with crappy rules. They expect ur house and carpets ur walls and EVERYTHING to be in tip top shape..but heres one thing THEY DONT GET THAT I CANT KEEP IT UP ALL THE TIME!!!! My health gets down like any other cf patient and im tired of getting up and cleaning everysingle day all day and thats it. I get up take treatments come to the library for a few make food which ends up being dirtying kitchen n junk plus i have a boyfriend who does dirtying too which he helps but ive done it for so long im tired of it. My closets have to be clean swept and in order all the time. THey dont understand that doing something small like going up 3 flights of steps wears a person with cf out and i get really tired and everything piles up. i try my best to keep up the house and there all the time threating me trying to get me kicked out and junk. now i have an expection tomarrow and i worked my assha off all day today and now i feel like a pile of poo. how do i get them to understand this!!!!!! there driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
i've never heard of any thing like that before. i know that landlords would want the places kept up and not trashed, but that sounds a little extreme, but if i were you, if they didnt understand after i tried to explain, then i would look for another place if possible. i know it can be hard to find a place to stay, but it would prolly be worth it.


New member
i've never heard of any thing like that before. i know that landlords would want the places kept up and not trashed, but that sounds a little extreme, but if i were you, if they didnt understand after i tried to explain, then i would look for another place if possible. i know it can be hard to find a place to stay, but it would prolly be worth it.


New member
When DH and I first got married we lived in an apartment complex and a couple of times I'd come home and could tell someone (resident manager) had been in our place. Once they even left the door unlocked! Our lease and I believe our state laws don't allow the owner to enter the premises unless it's an emergency OR unless prior arrangements are made ahead of time. They had some silly excuse about seeing if the electrical outlets outside were working, but DH threw a fit -- that really didn't constitute and emergency. We knew which outlet to plug my car into.

When we'd put in notice that we were moving, they could call ahead of time to see if they could show the place. It's YOUR home, they don't have a right to enter all the time. Do you have a fair housing association/board in your area? Liza


New member
When DH and I first got married we lived in an apartment complex and a couple of times I'd come home and could tell someone (resident manager) had been in our place. Once they even left the door unlocked! Our lease and I believe our state laws don't allow the owner to enter the premises unless it's an emergency OR unless prior arrangements are made ahead of time. They had some silly excuse about seeing if the electrical outlets outside were working, but DH threw a fit -- that really didn't constitute and emergency. We knew which outlet to plug my car into.

When we'd put in notice that we were moving, they could call ahead of time to see if they could show the place. It's YOUR home, they don't have a right to enter all the time. Do you have a fair housing association/board in your area? Liza


New member
What??? How often do they do inspections? Are they only inspecting how clean it is? Was this in your lease?

In my building, we get a safety inspection once a year - they check to see the smoke detectors are working and that there are no fire hazards (like blocked exits and the such).

This sounds very strange to me - have your doctor write a note if they are complaining.


New member
What??? How often do they do inspections? Are they only inspecting how clean it is? Was this in your lease?

In my building, we get a safety inspection once a year - they check to see the smoke detectors are working and that there are no fire hazards (like blocked exits and the such).

This sounds very strange to me - have your doctor write a note if they are complaining.


New member
inspections will be like 4 times a month at times and ill have a month once in a while with no inspections. They make excuses to come up there like today they were up there 3 times..for stupid crap and they gave me a inspection note and watched me open it and read it im like ...u can go now...all the time they come in they look at my meds and crap i hate it. one day i had taken a squad to the er and when they were there at the apartment the nosey landlord walked in without knocking butting in like i just want to know wheres shes like WTH


New member
inspections will be like 4 times a month at times and ill have a month once in a while with no inspections. They make excuses to come up there like today they were up there 3 times..for stupid crap and they gave me a inspection note and watched me open it and read it im like ...u can go now...all the time they come in they look at my meds and crap i hate it. one day i had taken a squad to the er and when they were there at the apartment the nosey landlord walked in without knocking butting in like i just want to know wheres shes like WTH


New member
They should not be routenly checking your appartment for it's condition - that the risk landlords must take when they rent.


New member
They should not be routenly checking your appartment for it's condition - that the risk landlords must take when they rent.


New member
I got your laundry problem solved guys...EVERYONE just needs to make their clothes out of sewn together fruit roll ups, and when it's time to take your clothes off at the end of the day, just eat them, and sew together a new pair for the following day. There ya go, never will you have laundry to do!


New member
I got your laundry problem solved guys...EVERYONE just needs to make their clothes out of sewn together fruit roll ups, and when it's time to take your clothes off at the end of the day, just eat them, and sew together a new pair for the following day. There ya go, never will you have laundry to do!


New member
Thats insane - sounds like your landlord doesn't have a hobby. If I were you, I'd call my local police department and ask if this is breaking any laws! Next time they come by with a inspection notice, say thanks for the 24 hour notice and slam the door in their face!

Do they do this for all the apartments? They can't go into your things (cupboards, drawers) when they are in, unless they are doing repair on that particular item. Your rights as a tenant are protected by law, you don't have to take that crap from them


New member
Thats insane - sounds like your landlord doesn't have a hobby. If I were you, I'd call my local police department and ask if this is breaking any laws! Next time they come by with a inspection notice, say thanks for the 24 hour notice and slam the door in their face!

Do they do this for all the apartments? They can't go into your things (cupboards, drawers) when they are in, unless they are doing repair on that particular item. Your rights as a tenant are protected by law, you don't have to take that crap from them


New member
I'm not sure if I understand the problem... are you saying that your landlord checks in on your appartment to make sure it is clean and orderly the way they want it? That is illegal my friend. Very, highly illegal for them to do. If you singed papers saying you are a leasee or renter in that space they have no right to tell you how to live inside that space as long as you occupy it! I would suggest that you don't trash the place so when you move out they don't have to revamp it, and charge you... because they can charge you for any damage above and beyond normal wear that tear.

Also, though it is none of their business, you can tell them you have CF and that their rules are not compliant with the ADD Act. Throw out some terminology and they tend to get scared... they can not evict you because of your disease; for that is discrimination at it's worse...

Good luck


New member
I'm not sure if I understand the problem... are you saying that your landlord checks in on your appartment to make sure it is clean and orderly the way they want it? That is illegal my friend. Very, highly illegal for them to do. If you singed papers saying you are a leasee or renter in that space they have no right to tell you how to live inside that space as long as you occupy it! I would suggest that you don't trash the place so when you move out they don't have to revamp it, and charge you... because they can charge you for any damage above and beyond normal wear that tear.

Also, though it is none of their business, you can tell them you have CF and that their rules are not compliant with the ADD Act. Throw out some terminology and they tend to get scared... they can not evict you because of your disease; for that is discrimination at it's worse...

Good luck


New member
A friend of mine once woke up to find her landlord going thru her underwear drawer. I'd contact the police to see if there's a fair housing board, renters hotline, whatever. When you call, indicate that you're concerned for your safety. You have a genetic disease and need to rest and they're interfering with your health.

We've got a renters hotline in our area that has phone numbers, lists for legal aid, etc. Also have a brochure about tenant and landlords rights.



New member
A friend of mine once woke up to find her landlord going thru her underwear drawer. I'd contact the police to see if there's a fair housing board, renters hotline, whatever. When you call, indicate that you're concerned for your safety. You have a genetic disease and need to rest and they're interfering with your health.

We've got a renters hotline in our area that has phone numbers, lists for legal aid, etc. Also have a brochure about tenant and landlords rights.
