Update on Allan (WinAce)



This is Jessica, Allan's girlfriend. I've lurked here but have never posted, and I wish my first post didn't have to be this one. Allan is extremely ill.

Since the g-tube insertion a week ago, his lung function has sharply declined. He nearly died two days ago. They put him on bi-pap, but it wasn't working well enough--the level of CO2 in his blood was dangerously high, and his O2 sats and heart rate were fluctuating wildly. He's now on a ventilator.

The infection seems to be in his lungs only. The g-tube site is not infected and blood tests so far haven't shown a blood stream infection. He's still fighting fevers--yesterday's was 102 before they knocked it down with tylenol.

Sputum cultures, though, have shown b. cepacia, and his doctors think he may have picked up something else during this hospitalization that may be contributing to this. Right now he's heavily sedated and unconscious. They had him on five antibiotics initially but added a couple more yesterday, and put him back on prednisone as well. The level of carbon dioxide in his blood was dangerously high when they tested it shortly after they put him on the ventilator, but it improved somewhat by last evening. Other than that, though, there has been very little change in his condition over the past two days.

I love him so much. His family is here with him now, too. I know he has friends on this site and that you are all worried about him, so I'll try to keep you updated when I can. I'm going to head back over to the hospital now, though, and I won't often be near a computer.

I'll tell Allan that all of his friends are pulling for him.



New member
I'm so sorry to hear about what is happening to Allan. My thoughts and prayers are with you both...and the entire family!! Hugs to you...Chloe


New member

Thanks for the update. I will keep allan in my thoughts and prayers. Please do keep us updated when you have time. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well!


New member
Tears came to my eyes to hear of his decline. Please feel my strength for both of you!

I saw you logged on earlier & said to myself this is not a good thing since I dont recall seeing your user name before.


New member
Jess-We are keeping you both in our thoughts. You have a deep love for one another and hopefully that will keep him strong enough to pull through.

I am so sorry to hear about Allan. Please know that I am praying for both of you and my sincere thoughts go out to you. Stay strong. You two have a love that many in this life do not find. Hold on to that at let it give you comfort. Tell Allan to do the same. Please keep us posted if you have time.



New member
Thank you so much for the update. Of course you know that we are all hoping/pulling/praying for Allan to pull through this to be stronger than he was before.
What a joy you have been for him through these challenges-you are his angel on earth, that's for sure<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0"> You are a strong young lady and he is blessed to have you!
Please keep us posted.


New member
Thank you for the update, I was wondering how he was doing. I will keep you both ( and his family) in my thoughts and prayers. PLease update us as soon as you can, We all care !


New member
You and Allan have been in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. Please keep us updated. I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts. <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member

Thanks for the update. I was wondering how Allan was faring. I truly hope that he pulls out of this soon. Both of you, stay strong. I'll be thinking of you both, and Allan's family.

Best wishes for his recovery!!


New member

I am so sorry to hear about Allan! I don't post a lot here either, post more on the family section. But I do read the posts over here a lot and have always enjoyed Allan's posts and the fact that he has not given up trying to get his lung transplant paid for by the government!!! I will keep you and Allan and his family in my thoughts and prayers! Please keep us updated on how he is doi


New member
I will keep Allan in my thoughts and prayers, I know how difficult this must be for you as well. Please keep us updated on his condition.


New member
Allan has been a big part of our household lately. Emily is always talking about him and pushing people to read his website. Please know that he is in our thoughts (as are you and his family!) Keep us posted!


tell him to stay strong and fight, we are all in his corner.
