Update on Allan (WinAce)


New member
...I side with Emily on this one too...


Ugh...when it rains, it pours... Jess, I'm so sorry... I wish there was something I could do to help you and Allan, I really do. If there's anything that any of us can do here, PLEASE LET US KNOW!!


New member
Damnit to the Nth power!!!! GRRRRR!!!! God, I will praying so hard that he comes through this.

And please yes, let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do


New member
I agree with everyone here in that we are all hoping & praying for vast improvement for Allan.
I just am thankful that he's had you to brighten up his days that would otherwise be dreary living and dealing with CF. It takes a special person to take on a CF person with all that comes with having CF and you have been that special person for Allan and bless you for that.
Thank you for keeping us posted and hang in there.