Update on Allan (WinAce)


New member
Oh, hey, I guess I did register here before and forgot about it. I posted once in the freaky Burger King mascot thread. Anyway, "jessie" and "AllansGirl" are both me. I guess I'll need to have one deleted or get them merged or something.


New member
Oh, Jessie, you're making me cry as I'm sitting here. I Know he knows you love him, just as much as you know he loves you, and no matter what you will always have that to carry with you forever. Both of you have that.

I hope and pray for his continued improvement. Hang in there.


New member
Triple on the tears thing.. My heart is so broken for you both......I don't know if it is true but I learned in nursing school that even patients who are in deep comas can still hear..... I have a doctor that I work with who had a major heart attack and was on a vent for quite awhile, he was also heavily sedated on lots of drugs and to this day....... he swears he heard everything that was going on..

Thanks again for keeping us posted.. Let Allan know we are pulling for him.

In my thoughts and prayers,



New member
I enjoy reading Allan's posts and his great sense of humor shines through! My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

There are many pages left to be written.....


New member
Jessica, please know that I am pulling for all of you...Allan has been through so much, it makes me cry to hear what he is enduring right now. I have always enjoyed his posts, even visited his site...Thank you so much for letting us know about his condition and keep talking to him. I worked in an ICU, saw alot of vented folks and when patient's family members asked what they could do for their loved ones, I always said that they could hold their hands and just talk to them, tell them how much they love them because I firmly believe that they can hear them, even when they are so sedated. Please keep us updated Jessica...so many hugs go out to all of you.
Jenn<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hello again Jessica...thanks for keeping us updated...it really helps to be able to pray...specifically... for both of you! When I was reading about you sharing your heart with Allen...I too...had tears in my eyes! I have also heard quite a few people say...that even while someone is in a coma...they can hear what is being said! I'm sure that what you communicated to Allen...meant so much to him!! I also understand what you mean...that when you truly love someone...they are such an important part of your life...and going through things together seems to only draw you closer together! As you can see by the many supportive posts...you and Allen have a lot of people who love and care for you!! I hope that our prayers and support helps and encourages you both through this time. Great Big Hugs to you both...Chloe


New member

Thanks for keeping us posted. I usually read Allan's posts from cystic-L. Someone said you had posted a message here, so I came and joined here too.

I'm so sorry to hear about the problems he is having right now, I hope he continues to get better each day.

Please continue to let us know what is happening, he is on my mind a lot and I'm sure many others as well.

I hope that Jessica doesn't mind me posting this. I saw it on Allan's website and thought that all of you would like to know. It is pretty encouraging. Allan is definitely a fighter<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



He's continuing to get a little better every day. One of his doctors told me this morning that three days ago, he didn't think Allan would have improved as much as he has in this amount of time. Allan getting better at a faster rate than expected. He's still on the ventilator, but isn't as reliant on it. They're going to try weaning him off of it and onto bi-pap again soon--perhaps in the next day or two.

The ultrasound didn't reveal any gallbladder problems, either.


New member
Thanks so much for posting Emilee... That is so amazing to me.... to see him progress so rapidly...I am hoping to hear more good news each time I log in......



New member
Thank your high power or lack thereof for some good news! Thank you, I needed this. I hope he continues to improve rapidly.


New member
Thank you so much for the update!!!! I'm praying...and looking forward to another good report! Chloe


New member
Thanks for the update.... whoever it comes from as long as we get the info (I say!!!)

I hope he knows that we are all pulling for him and although he may despise the idea, there are numerous prayers going on for him right now-probably even communities at this point.



New member
Know that Grendel, a.k.a, Lance is praying for you both, and that my thoughts never stray far from the hope that Allen gets better.



Hi everyone. There hasn't been much change, although again he is doing slightly better and they've adjusted the ventilator so now it's on a lower pressure setting. He seems to be tolerating that well so there's some good news. He's still heavily sedated.


New member
Well, thank goodness he's getting a little better. He's a fighter, though, so I expected as much! ^_^ Keep your chin up, Jess, and tell Allan to do the same!


New member
Thanks for the update Jess... I was thinking about you today... I hope you are trying to take care of yourself as well.. That is very important for you to get rest and eat and stuff like that... I know it is so easy to get caught up in everything else but PLEASE take as good of care of yourself as Allan would want to take care of you...It is a long haul and you need to be strong and healthy....

Praying for a rapid recovery,

33 w/ Cf and Addison's


New member
Grendel here... do you have an address to which we could send Get Well?

Continue staying strong.




New member
Grendel here... do you have an address to which we could send Get Well cards?

Continue staying strong.

