Update on Allan (WinAce)


New member
We all continue to keep Allan in our thoughts and hope for the best! Hang in there and take care of yourself at the same time....<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you so much for the updates. I have been thinking about Allan and you a lot these days, im sure we all have. Tell him we all love him and are pulling for him to make a comeback. We miss his posts, it isnt the same without him here.


New member
Allan has taken a turn for the worse. They've got him back on full ventilator support, and 80% oxygen. What's more...they've found a bacteria in one of his blood cultures from 5 days ago. They haven't identified it yet, but it's the same type of bacteria as b. cepacia so that's very likely what it is. They don't consider it sepsis, but this is really, very bad. They won't consider it sepsis unless his blood pressure drops. His doctor told me that sepsis with this germ has about a 90% mortality rate...

Blood cultures from 4 days ago have not shown any bacteria, yet. They give it 5 days to grow something. The positive blood culture was taken before Allan's current regimen of antibiotics, so it may have already been eradicated.
He's still having high fevers, so there's probably an infection somewhere. An infection in the blood stream would be the worst place for it to be. They'e added another antibiotic to the mix, too.

As for Allan's lungs--well, his difficulty breathing may largely be because he's retaining a lot of fluid. They've given him a diuretic for it, which may help. I love him so much. I'd do anything, but there's nothing I can do...


New member

Words can't express how sad I feel for you and for Allan. I know that you must be devasted and scared right now. I don't have anything to say except I hate CF... I hate it with all my heart. The thing that is so evident is the fact that Allan knows how much you love him. You are the reason he fights so hard.. You give him joy, love and a reason for him being so happy. He knows that you would do anything for him.. He knows how much you love him. He loves you too, read through some of his old posts and you will see for sure the love he has for you.

Please take care of yourself and know that you have lots of ppl hear pulling/praying/thinking for you both. Thanks for posting in the midst of all you are going through.

Love and Prayers,



New member
Dear Jess

I am so sorry to hear about Allan, he has really been in my thoughts and prayers. I check this website daily to see how Allan is doing, I have shared his website with my friends and family. I can only imagine what you are going through, it is one of my biggest fears for my daughter. I will keep you and Allan in my prayers in hopes that everything will turn out O.K.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

I am so sorry.

I have been wondering how Allan was doing. I appreciate you keeping us updated.



New member

You know...it's kind of hard for me to say this, but even though I'm an athiest, my family is Catholic, so a part of me still clings to the idea of a God. I've only used that part of me to pray for my grandmother, but now I'm finding myself turning to prayer one more time for you and Allan. It makes me so sad to hear about him and his declining health, and the toll it must be taking on you personally. Just remember, Jess, don't give up. There's always a chance for something miraculous to happen. Practically everyone here is pulling for you both. That has to count for something ^_^

He knows you love him deeply, Jess, and though I haven't been here very long, I can tell by the things he writes and his outlook on life that you're what he fights and lives for. If there's one thing I truly believe exists in this world, it's pure love. You both are truly lucky to have found that in one another.

I wish you and Allan the best with all my heart, and I'm hoping/praying hard for him.


New member
Oh Jess, this must be so hard for you and Allan and everyone involved. I hate CF. Hate it. It's such a horrible, evil nasty thing.

I will be praying for you solidly. I hope that something miraculous does occur. If nothing else, I know that your love for him is huge motivating factor in his life, and you have made his life amazing and wonderful just by being. You have to know that.

I hope so deeply that things turn around for him, you have no idea.


New member
CF sucks. This is just horrible. I don't know what else to say right now. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers. Everyone on this board is behind you guys right now.

Double Lung tx 11.11.04


New member
Jess, I am so sorry to hear this news from you about Allan. I will continue to pray and keep both of you and both of your families in my prayers.

Is there anything we can do for you???


New member
Hello again Jess...I was so sad to hear your last report about Allan. I just want you to know that I have been praying for him...and will continue to do so!! I know how devastating this is for you...and my heart breaks for you both! Please know that you are also in my thoughts and prayers!! You are a very brave and loving woman...and Allan is blessed to have you in his life. Through these past months...I feel that I have come to know Allan...and I think he is a very special person. His wit and sense of humor is wonderful...and he always brings either a smile to my face...or he has me thinking more deeply about things!! The love that you both share is something so rare...and I know that you both treasure one another!! It's evident...by the many words of love and encouragement...that you have a lot of support and prayers going up for you both!! I'm looking forward to hearing a good report...and will continue keep praying until I do!! With much love and admiration...Chloe


New member
I think we all check the web every morning hoping for good news. Try not to get too discouraged. We keep Allan and you in our thoughts 24 hours a day right now. Know that we are all here for you!


New member
I check the site daily for an update on how Allan is doing. I am greatly saddened to see that he has taken a turn for the worse. Please keep us updated, and know that he is on very many prayer lists throughout the country. We are all pulling for both of you.


New member
Jess - you ARE doing something. You may not be able to help him physically - but you have done wonders for him mentally. Just by being there for him you are helping him. It may not sound like much - but judging from what Allan's written about you, it means the world to him to have you at his side.

I'm keeping the both of you in my thoughts.



New member
Ditto what everyone else has said. You ARE his reason for living and that alone is HUGE. Take solace in that. Prayers that he is not septic and that he turns around. Stay strong.


New member
Same here.... I check here every day for an update and will continue to pray for him to make the turn for the better.


New member
I don't know if any of you check allens site, but it looks like things are not getting better. There is a possiblity (not confirmed) of him having sepsis, which could lead to septic shock. Here is the link: <a href="http://www.save-allan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=146">http://www.save-allan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=146.</a>

Jess - I know this is very hard on you, but take comfort in the knowledge that he knows you are there supporting and fighting for him, and sometimes that is the best medicine of all. He's in my thoughts, and I wish the best in his recovery.


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i><br>Damnit <u>damnit</u> <b> <u>DAMNIT!</u> </b><hr></blockquote>

Yeah, that. A blood culture from the 31st is showing bacteria now, too, and it's probably b. cepacia. His blood pressure is lower than it has been, too, like 96/47... Allan's breathing is just as bad as it was yesterday, despite the diuretic. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">