I've been suprised about the lack of knowledge of CF in the pedicatric doctors. I know you say he's a family friend, but if he's a general peds doc, well, there's a reason why he doesn't treat your daughter for CF, thats not his speciality. If you're concerned with the issues your ped is raising then I would really urge you to do what your are doing, consulting the CF community, or seek a second opinion from a good CF doc.
Don't mean to come off harsh or negative.
As far as doing the vest without any current onset, as posted, the vest is to keep things from happening. Don't know how long you have been dealing with CF, but there is a school of thought out there that puts kids on 2-week IV tune-ups every 3 months. The theory??? Keep flair-ups from happening. They've done some studies which show lung scarring has occured before syptoms of flair-ups are present. That means reaction isn't enough, you have to be pro-active. There is a lot of controvesy over the tune-ups due to other issues, but the idea of being pro-active will help your child
Don't mean to come off harsh or negative.
As far as doing the vest without any current onset, as posted, the vest is to keep things from happening. Don't know how long you have been dealing with CF, but there is a school of thought out there that puts kids on 2-week IV tune-ups every 3 months. The theory??? Keep flair-ups from happening. They've done some studies which show lung scarring has occured before syptoms of flair-ups are present. That means reaction isn't enough, you have to be pro-active. There is a lot of controvesy over the tune-ups due to other issues, but the idea of being pro-active will help your child