Hello, my comrades in life....
I'm with you in spirit, I feel your pain. Liza and Lisa you're so in my heart right now. Tears are running down my face as I try to type.
I wish, as we all do, that I could fix it. Liza, what a sweet mom you are to make a hospital gown for Anna. Anything to make her life some what better.
Lisa, It must break your heart to see your daughter try so hard to provide a simple B day party for her daughter as any mother would, and then watch how it drains her energy. Your pain in watching your Keri try to be a mom must break your heart. Thank god you are there for her.. for both. Both you and Liza amaze me at your ability to do this for 2 daughters.
I'm still amazed at the strength of character you both have, I know it's demonstated all over this web site by others but my focus right now is you two. I'm feeling guilty, and amazed that Maddy has been "healthy"" for another week.
Her highlight of the week was getting a new vest for physio. She is so excited that it's lighter and it had wheels. Her boyfriend tries to share her excitment with a comment "Niiiiice" , a little smirk on his face. It 's how life happens around here.
We think we will get the appt w/ in a few weeks as Julie, Maddy's MD, says she's almost ready. Im thinking we will be turned down as she's holding her own for now. Her PFTs were 34% last week. Sats are staying up there. She went to her friends house for dinner and said she did well( not hacking all the time) We've known this family since the girls were 4 and started kindergarden together, so they are well aware of Maddy's plight.
I am probably going to another funeral soon, my uncle is on a vent and failing fast. I have been very close to him all my life and look at him as a father. He's my dads younger brother, my dad is taking it very hard. It's hard to see my father in so much pain as he ften spoke of how he felt like his protector when they were young.
I feel better just writng these things down... I'm not crying any more. I will continue to keep you both in my heart and think about you all the time. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
Take care,