I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. Of course you feel depressed, sounds like it has been a lot to deal with and just overwhelming. I am the parent of a 13 year old with CF and he has had a really rough two years, and I have seen him go through emotions that at times may be similar to yours. I am very concerned you said you tried to kill yourself two times and that you feel bullied. I live in Massachusetts and a young girl here just killed herself after being bullied. Do you have an adult you trust to talk to? Is there someone who can listen to you and help you sort out your feelings? An antidepressant might also be something to consider. I know you probably don't want to add one more medication to the list but sometimes people find it helpful to get them through a tough time. If you are feeling that sad it might be worth trying. Do your parents know how sad you feel? Please talk to an adult you trust. I don't know if this helped you or not but I want you to know people do care. Please take care of yourself, you are worth being taken care of. Tara