What is with doctors!!!


New member
I'm sorry you've had all these issues with these doctors.

Can they only identify one CF gene & that's why they think you don't have CF? I assume you've had a test to check for CF some time during your lifetime?

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you feel that you're not being taken seriously and good luck.


New member
I'm sorry you've had all these issues with these doctors.

Can they only identify one CF gene & that's why they think you don't have CF? I assume you've had a test to check for CF some time during your lifetime?

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you feel that you're not being taken seriously and good luck.


New member
I'm sorry you've had all these issues with these doctors.

Can they only identify one CF gene & that's why they think you don't have CF? I assume you've had a test to check for CF some time during your lifetime?

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you feel that you're not being taken seriously and good luck.


New member
I'm sorry you've had all these issues with these doctors.

Can they only identify one CF gene & that's why they think you don't have CF? I assume you've had a test to check for CF some time during your lifetime?

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you feel that you're not being taken seriously and good luck.


New member
I'm sorry you've had all these issues with these doctors.

Can they only identify one CF gene & that's why they think you don't have CF? I assume you've had a test to check for CF some time during your lifetime?

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you feel that you're not being taken seriously and good luck.


New member
I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your Mom can work together on getting you into an accredited CF clinic where they know what they are doing. It doesn't sound like this guy can read a chart, let alone help you with your health issues.

Unfortunately incompetence among doctors is in abundance. While mental health always plays a roll in physical health, I don't think speaking to all of your metal health practitioners is going to shed any light on your condition for this doctor. He'd have to open his eyes first for that to happen! Please be diligent in finding proper care for yourself.



New member
I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your Mom can work together on getting you into an accredited CF clinic where they know what they are doing. It doesn't sound like this guy can read a chart, let alone help you with your health issues.

Unfortunately incompetence among doctors is in abundance. While mental health always plays a roll in physical health, I don't think speaking to all of your metal health practitioners is going to shed any light on your condition for this doctor. He'd have to open his eyes first for that to happen! Please be diligent in finding proper care for yourself.



New member
I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your Mom can work together on getting you into an accredited CF clinic where they know what they are doing. It doesn't sound like this guy can read a chart, let alone help you with your health issues.

Unfortunately incompetence among doctors is in abundance. While mental health always plays a roll in physical health, I don't think speaking to all of your metal health practitioners is going to shed any light on your condition for this doctor. He'd have to open his eyes first for that to happen! Please be diligent in finding proper care for yourself.



New member
I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your Mom can work together on getting you into an accredited CF clinic where they know what they are doing. It doesn't sound like this guy can read a chart, let alone help you with your health issues.

Unfortunately incompetence among doctors is in abundance. While mental health always plays a roll in physical health, I don't think speaking to all of your metal health practitioners is going to shed any light on your condition for this doctor. He'd have to open his eyes first for that to happen! Please be diligent in finding proper care for yourself.



New member
I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your Mom can work together on getting you into an accredited CF clinic where they know what they are doing. It doesn't sound like this guy can read a chart, let alone help you with your health issues.

Unfortunately incompetence among doctors is in abundance. While mental health always plays a roll in physical health, I don't think speaking to all of your metal health practitioners is going to shed any light on your condition for this doctor. He'd have to open his eyes first for that to happen! Please be diligent in finding proper care for yourself.



New member

Get away and on the run call the CFF (if this is accredited doctor), call the AMA , FBI< CIA and whoever else.

This is totally unacceptable and your Mom & you truly need to find better care for yourself.

What happens when you have a full blown flareup?



New member

Get away and on the run call the CFF (if this is accredited doctor), call the AMA , FBI< CIA and whoever else.

This is totally unacceptable and your Mom & you truly need to find better care for yourself.

What happens when you have a full blown flareup?



New member

Get away and on the run call the CFF (if this is accredited doctor), call the AMA , FBI< CIA and whoever else.

This is totally unacceptable and your Mom & you truly need to find better care for yourself.

What happens when you have a full blown flareup?



New member

Get away and on the run call the CFF (if this is accredited doctor), call the AMA , FBI< CIA and whoever else.

This is totally unacceptable and your Mom & you truly need to find better care for yourself.

What happens when you have a full blown flareup?



New member

Get away and on the run call the CFF (if this is accredited doctor), call the AMA , FBI< CIA and whoever else.

This is totally unacceptable and your Mom & you truly need to find better care for yourself.

What happens when you have a full blown flareup?
