What is with doctors!!!


New member
All I can say is OMG what a freaking idiot. I hate that you have to deal with all of this nonsense. Like who in the h*ll would want to have CF. He is the onwe who needs a background check insteading of wanting to review with the others about you. He is a QUACK!

I hope you can find a new doctor that will help you and your mother out. Good Luck!!


New member
All I can say is OMG what a freaking idiot. I hate that you have to deal with all of this nonsense. Like who in the h*ll would want to have CF. He is the onwe who needs a background check insteading of wanting to review with the others about you. He is a QUACK!

I hope you can find a new doctor that will help you and your mother out. Good Luck!!


New member
All I can say is OMG what a freaking idiot. I hate that you have to deal with all of this nonsense. Like who in the h*ll would want to have CF. He is the onwe who needs a background check insteading of wanting to review with the others about you. He is a QUACK!

I hope you can find a new doctor that will help you and your mother out. Good Luck!!


New member
All I can say is OMG what a freaking idiot. I hate that you have to deal with all of this nonsense. Like who in the h*ll would want to have CF. He is the onwe who needs a background check insteading of wanting to review with the others about you. He is a QUACK!

I hope you can find a new doctor that will help you and your mother out. Good Luck!!


New member
All I can say is OMG what a freaking idiot. I hate that you have to deal with all of this nonsense. Like who in the h*ll would want to have CF. He is the onwe who needs a background check insteading of wanting to review with the others about you. He is a QUACK!

I hope you can find a new doctor that will help you and your mother out. Good Luck!!


New member
To top it all off my normal doc that I see at this clinic who is a women said to my mom on the phone: I don't know why we even put a port a cath or g-tube in her. my mom is like (OK) this about time to stop talking to you! This doc was the one oked a g-tube and port. She is also the one who knowns I have severe digestive issues from my CF. and lung issues also that require IV meds to help. but now her bain is with this other (doctor who said you don't have CF) and he has no clue what cf even is.... The <b>mans nuts</b>... I am going down to Mayo clinic in Dec. but in till then I have no cule what to do. becuase my food is going right thur me! and yesterday I was trying to ask about TPN but they just did not even let me get to the issues I came in for. I am sooo mad!!!


New member
To top it all off my normal doc that I see at this clinic who is a women said to my mom on the phone: I don't know why we even put a port a cath or g-tube in her. my mom is like (OK) this about time to stop talking to you! This doc was the one oked a g-tube and port. She is also the one who knowns I have severe digestive issues from my CF. and lung issues also that require IV meds to help. but now her bain is with this other (doctor who said you don't have CF) and he has no clue what cf even is.... The <b>mans nuts</b>... I am going down to Mayo clinic in Dec. but in till then I have no cule what to do. becuase my food is going right thur me! and yesterday I was trying to ask about TPN but they just did not even let me get to the issues I came in for. I am sooo mad!!!


New member
To top it all off my normal doc that I see at this clinic who is a women said to my mom on the phone: I don't know why we even put a port a cath or g-tube in her. my mom is like (OK) this about time to stop talking to you! This doc was the one oked a g-tube and port. She is also the one who knowns I have severe digestive issues from my CF. and lung issues also that require IV meds to help. but now her bain is with this other (doctor who said you don't have CF) and he has no clue what cf even is.... The <b>mans nuts</b>... I am going down to Mayo clinic in Dec. but in till then I have no cule what to do. becuase my food is going right thur me! and yesterday I was trying to ask about TPN but they just did not even let me get to the issues I came in for. I am sooo mad!!!


New member
To top it all off my normal doc that I see at this clinic who is a women said to my mom on the phone: I don't know why we even put a port a cath or g-tube in her. my mom is like (OK) this about time to stop talking to you! This doc was the one oked a g-tube and port. She is also the one who knowns I have severe digestive issues from my CF. and lung issues also that require IV meds to help. but now her bain is with this other (doctor who said you don't have CF) and he has no clue what cf even is.... The <b>mans nuts</b>... I am going down to Mayo clinic in Dec. but in till then I have no cule what to do. becuase my food is going right thur me! and yesterday I was trying to ask about TPN but they just did not even let me get to the issues I came in for. I am sooo mad!!!


New member
To top it all off my normal doc that I see at this clinic who is a women said to my mom on the phone: I don't know why we even put a port a cath or g-tube in her. my mom is like (OK) this about time to stop talking to you! This doc was the one oked a g-tube and port. She is also the one who knowns I have severe digestive issues from my CF. and lung issues also that require IV meds to help. but now her bain is with this other (doctor who said you don't have CF) and he has no clue what cf even is.... The <b>mans nuts</b>... I am going down to Mayo clinic in Dec. but in till then I have no cule what to do. becuase my food is going right thur me! and yesterday I was trying to ask about TPN but they just did not even let me get to the issues I came in for. I am sooo mad!!!


New member
I am confused - is the clinic you went to yesterday a CF Clinic or just a regular doctor? Which CF Clinic diagnosed you with CF 5 years ago? Can you go back to them for treatment?


New member
I am confused - is the clinic you went to yesterday a CF Clinic or just a regular doctor? Which CF Clinic diagnosed you with CF 5 years ago? Can you go back to them for treatment?


New member
I am confused - is the clinic you went to yesterday a CF Clinic or just a regular doctor? Which CF Clinic diagnosed you with CF 5 years ago? Can you go back to them for treatment?


New member
I am confused - is the clinic you went to yesterday a CF Clinic or just a regular doctor? Which CF Clinic diagnosed you with CF 5 years ago? Can you go back to them for treatment?


New member
I am confused - is the clinic you went to yesterday a CF Clinic or just a regular doctor? Which CF Clinic diagnosed you with CF 5 years ago? Can you go back to them for treatment?


Staff member
Have you been to the Mayo CF Clinic yet? IMO, if you've got a care center that you're seeing on a regular basis and you know you're not going to get adequate care locally, it'd well be worth the hour plus drive to Rochester.

We have a local cf clinic and local doctors, but our primary doctor is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. If push comes to shove, we call our doctor in the city and take a drive.

Also, I know of a parent on another website who carries a binder containing her teenage son's medical records, information. So when she has to take him to the ent, ER, etc. she's got all that info at her finger tips. Might be a good idea to do the same.


Staff member
Have you been to the Mayo CF Clinic yet? IMO, if you've got a care center that you're seeing on a regular basis and you know you're not going to get adequate care locally, it'd well be worth the hour plus drive to Rochester.

We have a local cf clinic and local doctors, but our primary doctor is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. If push comes to shove, we call our doctor in the city and take a drive.

Also, I know of a parent on another website who carries a binder containing her teenage son's medical records, information. So when she has to take him to the ent, ER, etc. she's got all that info at her finger tips. Might be a good idea to do the same.


Staff member
Have you been to the Mayo CF Clinic yet? IMO, if you've got a care center that you're seeing on a regular basis and you know you're not going to get adequate care locally, it'd well be worth the hour plus drive to Rochester.

We have a local cf clinic and local doctors, but our primary doctor is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. If push comes to shove, we call our doctor in the city and take a drive.

Also, I know of a parent on another website who carries a binder containing her teenage son's medical records, information. So when she has to take him to the ent, ER, etc. she's got all that info at her finger tips. Might be a good idea to do the same.


Staff member
Have you been to the Mayo CF Clinic yet? IMO, if you've got a care center that you're seeing on a regular basis and you know you're not going to get adequate care locally, it'd well be worth the hour plus drive to Rochester.

We have a local cf clinic and local doctors, but our primary doctor is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. If push comes to shove, we call our doctor in the city and take a drive.

Also, I know of a parent on another website who carries a binder containing her teenage son's medical records, information. So when she has to take him to the ent, ER, etc. she's got all that info at her finger tips. Might be a good idea to do the same.


Staff member
Have you been to the Mayo CF Clinic yet? IMO, if you've got a care center that you're seeing on a regular basis and you know you're not going to get adequate care locally, it'd well be worth the hour plus drive to Rochester.

We have a local cf clinic and local doctors, but our primary doctor is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. If push comes to shove, we call our doctor in the city and take a drive.

Also, I know of a parent on another website who carries a binder containing her teenage son's medical records, information. So when she has to take him to the ent, ER, etc. she's got all that info at her finger tips. Might be a good idea to do the same.