What to do when the insurance runs out?


New member
Hi there, I feel silly for posting again..But, I have so many questions. Okay, today we had our 2nd visit to the CF Clinic. Everything went well, but I asked the Social Worker some tough questions. I got her to answer some questions, but have no real way to fix anything. They explained to us the income scale.....and Medicaid Scale...ect. They informed me my husband makes too much money. They said we have to be a family of above 8, and my husband would have to make 20,000.00 les a year to qualify. We are not rich we have a nice home...but we are not wealthy. So, I asked so what happens when we reach our 1 million cap. We are getting close since our son was in the NICU for almost 2 months...and already has had 2 surgeries....They answered you and your husband will pay yourselves for his care there are no goverment agencies that will help you since your income is above the stadard middle income level. I said asked so should we sell the house..not have more children? Not eat out again? How do you plan for a disease that there are no true paths of what he will need? Is there anyone else out there that has fealt so upset that what if one day we don't have the money for a lung transplant or something else.....it's different than my friends crying over what if they can't give their new babies all the toys and cute baby cloths..I'm crying that we won't be able to have enough money to keep our baby alive....Please help me..I have been dealing with accepting him having CF......But, this is too much for me.........I'm just a stupid girl who planned her whole life to be a silly stay at home mom.....and I got what I wanted...I have the home and the new baby little boy.....How am I ever going to be able to provide everything he needs...My husband says we will just take it as it comes..But, I'm a planner..I planned not to have kids until I was 30..and we were set up for kids...We did it the right way..Now all I get is it would be better for my son if we were on WELFARE then we would qualify for thing he needed...Sorry if I said too much..I'm just really scared....


New member
Hi there, I feel silly for posting again..But, I have so many questions. Okay, today we had our 2nd visit to the CF Clinic. Everything went well, but I asked the Social Worker some tough questions. I got her to answer some questions, but have no real way to fix anything. They explained to us the income scale.....and Medicaid Scale...ect. They informed me my husband makes too much money. They said we have to be a family of above 8, and my husband would have to make 20,000.00 les a year to qualify. We are not rich we have a nice home...but we are not wealthy. So, I asked so what happens when we reach our 1 million cap. We are getting close since our son was in the NICU for almost 2 months...and already has had 2 surgeries....They answered you and your husband will pay yourselves for his care there are no goverment agencies that will help you since your income is above the stadard middle income level. I said asked so should we sell the house..not have more children? Not eat out again? How do you plan for a disease that there are no true paths of what he will need? Is there anyone else out there that has fealt so upset that what if one day we don't have the money for a lung transplant or something else.....it's different than my friends crying over what if they can't give their new babies all the toys and cute baby cloths..I'm crying that we won't be able to have enough money to keep our baby alive....Please help me..I have been dealing with accepting him having CF......But, this is too much for me.........I'm just a stupid girl who planned her whole life to be a silly stay at home mom.....and I got what I wanted...I have the home and the new baby little boy.....How am I ever going to be able to provide everything he needs...My husband says we will just take it as it comes..But, I'm a planner..I planned not to have kids until I was 30..and we were set up for kids...We did it the right way..Now all I get is it would be better for my son if we were on WELFARE then we would qualify for thing he needed...Sorry if I said too much..I'm just really scared....


New member
Hi there, I feel silly for posting again..But, I have so many questions. Okay, today we had our 2nd visit to the CF Clinic. Everything went well, but I asked the Social Worker some tough questions. I got her to answer some questions, but have no real way to fix anything. They explained to us the income scale.....and Medicaid Scale...ect. They informed me my husband makes too much money. They said we have to be a family of above 8, and my husband would have to make 20,000.00 les a year to qualify. We are not rich we have a nice home...but we are not wealthy. So, I asked so what happens when we reach our 1 million cap. We are getting close since our son was in the NICU for almost 2 months...and already has had 2 surgeries....They answered you and your husband will pay yourselves for his care there are no goverment agencies that will help you since your income is above the stadard middle income level. I said asked so should we sell the house..not have more children? Not eat out again? How do you plan for a disease that there are no true paths of what he will need? Is there anyone else out there that has fealt so upset that what if one day we don't have the money for a lung transplant or something else.....it's different than my friends crying over what if they can't give their new babies all the toys and cute baby cloths..I'm crying that we won't be able to have enough money to keep our baby alive....Please help me..I have been dealing with accepting him having CF......But, this is too much for me.........I'm just a stupid girl who planned her whole life to be a silly stay at home mom.....and I got what I wanted...I have the home and the new baby little boy.....How am I ever going to be able to provide everything he needs...My husband says we will just take it as it comes..But, I'm a planner..I planned not to have kids until I was 30..and we were set up for kids...We did it the right way..Now all I get is it would be better for my son if we were on WELFARE then we would qualify for thing he needed...Sorry if I said too much..I'm just really scared....


New member
Hi there, I feel silly for posting again..But, I have so many questions. Okay, today we had our 2nd visit to the CF Clinic. Everything went well, but I asked the Social Worker some tough questions. I got her to answer some questions, but have no real way to fix anything. They explained to us the income scale.....and Medicaid Scale...ect. They informed me my husband makes too much money. They said we have to be a family of above 8, and my husband would have to make 20,000.00 les a year to qualify. We are not rich we have a nice home...but we are not wealthy. So, I asked so what happens when we reach our 1 million cap. We are getting close since our son was in the NICU for almost 2 months...and already has had 2 surgeries....They answered you and your husband will pay yourselves for his care there are no goverment agencies that will help you since your income is above the stadard middle income level. I said asked so should we sell the house..not have more children? Not eat out again? How do you plan for a disease that there are no true paths of what he will need? Is there anyone else out there that has fealt so upset that what if one day we don't have the money for a lung transplant or something else.....it's different than my friends crying over what if they can't give their new babies all the toys and cute baby cloths..I'm crying that we won't be able to have enough money to keep our baby alive....Please help me..I have been dealing with accepting him having CF......But, this is too much for me.........I'm just a stupid girl who planned her whole life to be a silly stay at home mom.....and I got what I wanted...I have the home and the new baby little boy.....How am I ever going to be able to provide everything he needs...My husband says we will just take it as it comes..But, I'm a planner..I planned not to have kids until I was 30..and we were set up for kids...We did it the right way..Now all I get is it would be better for my son if we were on WELFARE then we would qualify for thing he needed...Sorry if I said too much..I'm just really scared....


New member
Hi there, I feel silly for posting again..But, I have so many questions. Okay, today we had our 2nd visit to the CF Clinic. Everything went well, but I asked the Social Worker some tough questions. I got her to answer some questions, but have no real way to fix anything. They explained to us the income scale.....and Medicaid Scale...ect. They informed me my husband makes too much money. They said we have to be a family of above 8, and my husband would have to make 20,000.00 les a year to qualify. We are not rich we have a nice home...but we are not wealthy. So, I asked so what happens when we reach our 1 million cap. We are getting close since our son was in the NICU for almost 2 months...and already has had 2 surgeries....They answered you and your husband will pay yourselves for his care there are no goverment agencies that will help you since your income is above the stadard middle income level. I said asked so should we sell the house..not have more children? Not eat out again? How do you plan for a disease that there are no true paths of what he will need? Is there anyone else out there that has fealt so upset that what if one day we don't have the money for a lung transplant or something else.....it's different than my friends crying over what if they can't give their new babies all the toys and cute baby cloths..I'm crying that we won't be able to have enough money to keep our baby alive....Please help me..I have been dealing with accepting him having CF......But, this is too much for me.........I'm just a stupid girl who planned her whole life to be a silly stay at home mom.....and I got what I wanted...I have the home and the new baby little boy.....How am I ever going to be able to provide everything he needs...My husband says we will just take it as it comes..But, I'm a planner..I planned not to have kids until I was 30..and we were set up for kids...We did it the right way..Now all I get is it would be better for my son if we were on WELFARE then we would qualify for thing he needed...Sorry if I said too much..I'm just really scared....


New member
What does your husband do for a living? We have always had very good luck with larger companies/corporations because they can provide the better health insurance policies for their employees. Set your sites on a job/employer that will provide excellent health insurance coverage. We have had awesome coverage with Cigna from FedEx Freight and now Blue Cross from American Express.

Over the years you and your husband may have to "switch off" being the bread winner or he may have to change jobs in order to start over on a new policy/company -- this will start the coverage over again for the lifetime max of 1 or 2 million dollars. Oh, and that's another benefit of better coverage is the max is usually 2 million instead of 1 million.

Hang in there -- I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Don't feel silly about posting -- it's a big concern, we are all here to help you!


New member
What does your husband do for a living? We have always had very good luck with larger companies/corporations because they can provide the better health insurance policies for their employees. Set your sites on a job/employer that will provide excellent health insurance coverage. We have had awesome coverage with Cigna from FedEx Freight and now Blue Cross from American Express.

Over the years you and your husband may have to "switch off" being the bread winner or he may have to change jobs in order to start over on a new policy/company -- this will start the coverage over again for the lifetime max of 1 or 2 million dollars. Oh, and that's another benefit of better coverage is the max is usually 2 million instead of 1 million.

Hang in there -- I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Don't feel silly about posting -- it's a big concern, we are all here to help you!


New member
What does your husband do for a living? We have always had very good luck with larger companies/corporations because they can provide the better health insurance policies for their employees. Set your sites on a job/employer that will provide excellent health insurance coverage. We have had awesome coverage with Cigna from FedEx Freight and now Blue Cross from American Express.

Over the years you and your husband may have to "switch off" being the bread winner or he may have to change jobs in order to start over on a new policy/company -- this will start the coverage over again for the lifetime max of 1 or 2 million dollars. Oh, and that's another benefit of better coverage is the max is usually 2 million instead of 1 million.

Hang in there -- I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Don't feel silly about posting -- it's a big concern, we are all here to help you!


New member
What does your husband do for a living? We have always had very good luck with larger companies/corporations because they can provide the better health insurance policies for their employees. Set your sites on a job/employer that will provide excellent health insurance coverage. We have had awesome coverage with Cigna from FedEx Freight and now Blue Cross from American Express.

Over the years you and your husband may have to "switch off" being the bread winner or he may have to change jobs in order to start over on a new policy/company -- this will start the coverage over again for the lifetime max of 1 or 2 million dollars. Oh, and that's another benefit of better coverage is the max is usually 2 million instead of 1 million.

Hang in there -- I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Don't feel silly about posting -- it's a big concern, we are all here to help you!


New member
What does your husband do for a living? We have always had very good luck with larger companies/corporations because they can provide the better health insurance policies for their employees. Set your sites on a job/employer that will provide excellent health insurance coverage. We have had awesome coverage with Cigna from FedEx Freight and now Blue Cross from American Express.

Over the years you and your husband may have to "switch off" being the bread winner or he may have to change jobs in order to start over on a new policy/company -- this will start the coverage over again for the lifetime max of 1 or 2 million dollars. Oh, and that's another benefit of better coverage is the max is usually 2 million instead of 1 million.

Hang in there -- I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Don't feel silly about posting -- it's a big concern, we are all here to help you!


I went to a fabulous speech given by Beth Sufian. Google her name and you will find she is a lawyer who has CF that works for CF patients. The speech was incredible and I learned a great deal. That million dollar cap is for one policy, so as Alyssa said you may have to change companies or add different policies. Always make sure you don't let your insurance lapse or CF will become a preexisting condition they can either deny you for or make you wait up to two years before you can make a claim.

We are right with you in the middle class crunch. We make too much to get aid, and too little for all these medical bills not to hurt. You should look into other programs though. We don't qualify for medicaid, but if my daughters lung function declines, she'll qualify for BCMH (bureau for children with medical handicaps) thats our state program, different states have different programs and they are based on diagnosis and health, not only on salary. SSI also has a program that can be documented based on health not income.

Try not to panic about this, but do be as proactive as possible as well.

What enzymes does your son take? Creon has a program where you get free enzymes and free vitamins through their second birthday. Pancreacarb has a different program. These are not income based, and I highly suggest you get yourself signed up for these. You have to ask about them, but they will quickly get you signed up.

Hang in there, I know how manic I felt in the early days, heck I still feel that way quite a bit.


I went to a fabulous speech given by Beth Sufian. Google her name and you will find she is a lawyer who has CF that works for CF patients. The speech was incredible and I learned a great deal. That million dollar cap is for one policy, so as Alyssa said you may have to change companies or add different policies. Always make sure you don't let your insurance lapse or CF will become a preexisting condition they can either deny you for or make you wait up to two years before you can make a claim.

We are right with you in the middle class crunch. We make too much to get aid, and too little for all these medical bills not to hurt. You should look into other programs though. We don't qualify for medicaid, but if my daughters lung function declines, she'll qualify for BCMH (bureau for children with medical handicaps) thats our state program, different states have different programs and they are based on diagnosis and health, not only on salary. SSI also has a program that can be documented based on health not income.

Try not to panic about this, but do be as proactive as possible as well.

What enzymes does your son take? Creon has a program where you get free enzymes and free vitamins through their second birthday. Pancreacarb has a different program. These are not income based, and I highly suggest you get yourself signed up for these. You have to ask about them, but they will quickly get you signed up.

Hang in there, I know how manic I felt in the early days, heck I still feel that way quite a bit.


I went to a fabulous speech given by Beth Sufian. Google her name and you will find she is a lawyer who has CF that works for CF patients. The speech was incredible and I learned a great deal. That million dollar cap is for one policy, so as Alyssa said you may have to change companies or add different policies. Always make sure you don't let your insurance lapse or CF will become a preexisting condition they can either deny you for or make you wait up to two years before you can make a claim.

We are right with you in the middle class crunch. We make too much to get aid, and too little for all these medical bills not to hurt. You should look into other programs though. We don't qualify for medicaid, but if my daughters lung function declines, she'll qualify for BCMH (bureau for children with medical handicaps) thats our state program, different states have different programs and they are based on diagnosis and health, not only on salary. SSI also has a program that can be documented based on health not income.

Try not to panic about this, but do be as proactive as possible as well.

What enzymes does your son take? Creon has a program where you get free enzymes and free vitamins through their second birthday. Pancreacarb has a different program. These are not income based, and I highly suggest you get yourself signed up for these. You have to ask about them, but they will quickly get you signed up.

Hang in there, I know how manic I felt in the early days, heck I still feel that way quite a bit.


I went to a fabulous speech given by Beth Sufian. Google her name and you will find she is a lawyer who has CF that works for CF patients. The speech was incredible and I learned a great deal. That million dollar cap is for one policy, so as Alyssa said you may have to change companies or add different policies. Always make sure you don't let your insurance lapse or CF will become a preexisting condition they can either deny you for or make you wait up to two years before you can make a claim.

We are right with you in the middle class crunch. We make too much to get aid, and too little for all these medical bills not to hurt. You should look into other programs though. We don't qualify for medicaid, but if my daughters lung function declines, she'll qualify for BCMH (bureau for children with medical handicaps) thats our state program, different states have different programs and they are based on diagnosis and health, not only on salary. SSI also has a program that can be documented based on health not income.

Try not to panic about this, but do be as proactive as possible as well.

What enzymes does your son take? Creon has a program where you get free enzymes and free vitamins through their second birthday. Pancreacarb has a different program. These are not income based, and I highly suggest you get yourself signed up for these. You have to ask about them, but they will quickly get you signed up.

Hang in there, I know how manic I felt in the early days, heck I still feel that way quite a bit.


I went to a fabulous speech given by Beth Sufian. Google her name and you will find she is a lawyer who has CF that works for CF patients. The speech was incredible and I learned a great deal. That million dollar cap is for one policy, so as Alyssa said you may have to change companies or add different policies. Always make sure you don't let your insurance lapse or CF will become a preexisting condition they can either deny you for or make you wait up to two years before you can make a claim.

We are right with you in the middle class crunch. We make too much to get aid, and too little for all these medical bills not to hurt. You should look into other programs though. We don't qualify for medicaid, but if my daughters lung function declines, she'll qualify for BCMH (bureau for children with medical handicaps) thats our state program, different states have different programs and they are based on diagnosis and health, not only on salary. SSI also has a program that can be documented based on health not income.

Try not to panic about this, but do be as proactive as possible as well.

What enzymes does your son take? Creon has a program where you get free enzymes and free vitamins through their second birthday. Pancreacarb has a different program. These are not income based, and I highly suggest you get yourself signed up for these. You have to ask about them, but they will quickly get you signed up.

Hang in there, I know how manic I felt in the early days, heck I still feel that way quite a bit.


New member
I'm not suggesting this is the answer, but rather just an FYI in case you or your spouse decide that job-hunting is part of the long-term solution: Permanent Federal government jobs come with health insurance benefits that give you access to a number of different plans to choose from and part of the deal is that none of the plans are allowed to exclude pre-existing conditions at all and none of the plans have life-time caps. (Employees have to pick up about 25% of the premium cost and there are copayments/deductibles like any plan).


New member
I'm not suggesting this is the answer, but rather just an FYI in case you or your spouse decide that job-hunting is part of the long-term solution: Permanent Federal government jobs come with health insurance benefits that give you access to a number of different plans to choose from and part of the deal is that none of the plans are allowed to exclude pre-existing conditions at all and none of the plans have life-time caps. (Employees have to pick up about 25% of the premium cost and there are copayments/deductibles like any plan).


New member
I'm not suggesting this is the answer, but rather just an FYI in case you or your spouse decide that job-hunting is part of the long-term solution: Permanent Federal government jobs come with health insurance benefits that give you access to a number of different plans to choose from and part of the deal is that none of the plans are allowed to exclude pre-existing conditions at all and none of the plans have life-time caps. (Employees have to pick up about 25% of the premium cost and there are copayments/deductibles like any plan).


New member
I'm not suggesting this is the answer, but rather just an FYI in case you or your spouse decide that job-hunting is part of the long-term solution: Permanent Federal government jobs come with health insurance benefits that give you access to a number of different plans to choose from and part of the deal is that none of the plans are allowed to exclude pre-existing conditions at all and none of the plans have life-time caps. (Employees have to pick up about 25% of the premium cost and there are copayments/deductibles like any plan).


New member
I'm not suggesting this is the answer, but rather just an FYI in case you or your spouse decide that job-hunting is part of the long-term solution: Permanent Federal government jobs come with health insurance benefits that give you access to a number of different plans to choose from and part of the deal is that none of the plans are allowed to exclude pre-existing conditions at all and none of the plans have life-time caps. (Employees have to pick up about 25% of the premium cost and there are copayments/deductibles like any plan).