What to do when the insurance runs out?


New member

This is so tough.

I believe my suggestions have already been mentioned but when the policy gets near its end DH may have to switch jobs. While he does or if its not possible it would be best for you to get a PT job with insurance OR have him leave early enough so that you can pay cobra to cover the gap if that is in your budget --very expensive! I am not familiar with buying your own insurnace but you may want to look into that though I imagine there would be a pre-existing clause so you may have to pay in a bit early to have it full when you need it.

In addition just to throw out there that truly benefits to me are more important to me than how much I make because it can make a much bigger difference to us CF'ers. My job has 5 plans I can pick from and two different providers so if I were to max out one I would switch to the other provider. YOu could also hope that hubbies company gets merged or soemthign of the like as that will also most likely change you to a new provider or plan and start the clock over.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this so early. And by the way stay at home moms are great and important, definately not silly or stupid.

take care

oh one more thought dont know what type employer hubby works for but maybe a smaller company he is vital to would be willing to fire him and rehire him the next week? This would start things over, a bit shady but you never know some companies might do it.


New member

This is so tough.

I believe my suggestions have already been mentioned but when the policy gets near its end DH may have to switch jobs. While he does or if its not possible it would be best for you to get a PT job with insurance OR have him leave early enough so that you can pay cobra to cover the gap if that is in your budget --very expensive! I am not familiar with buying your own insurnace but you may want to look into that though I imagine there would be a pre-existing clause so you may have to pay in a bit early to have it full when you need it.

In addition just to throw out there that truly benefits to me are more important to me than how much I make because it can make a much bigger difference to us CF'ers. My job has 5 plans I can pick from and two different providers so if I were to max out one I would switch to the other provider. YOu could also hope that hubbies company gets merged or soemthign of the like as that will also most likely change you to a new provider or plan and start the clock over.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this so early. And by the way stay at home moms are great and important, definately not silly or stupid.

take care

oh one more thought dont know what type employer hubby works for but maybe a smaller company he is vital to would be willing to fire him and rehire him the next week? This would start things over, a bit shady but you never know some companies might do it.


New member

This is so tough.

I believe my suggestions have already been mentioned but when the policy gets near its end DH may have to switch jobs. While he does or if its not possible it would be best for you to get a PT job with insurance OR have him leave early enough so that you can pay cobra to cover the gap if that is in your budget --very expensive! I am not familiar with buying your own insurnace but you may want to look into that though I imagine there would be a pre-existing clause so you may have to pay in a bit early to have it full when you need it.

In addition just to throw out there that truly benefits to me are more important to me than how much I make because it can make a much bigger difference to us CF'ers. My job has 5 plans I can pick from and two different providers so if I were to max out one I would switch to the other provider. YOu could also hope that hubbies company gets merged or soemthign of the like as that will also most likely change you to a new provider or plan and start the clock over.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this so early. And by the way stay at home moms are great and important, definately not silly or stupid.

take care

oh one more thought dont know what type employer hubby works for but maybe a smaller company he is vital to would be willing to fire him and rehire him the next week? This would start things over, a bit shady but you never know some companies might do it.


New member

This is so tough.

I believe my suggestions have already been mentioned but when the policy gets near its end DH may have to switch jobs. While he does or if its not possible it would be best for you to get a PT job with insurance OR have him leave early enough so that you can pay cobra to cover the gap if that is in your budget --very expensive! I am not familiar with buying your own insurnace but you may want to look into that though I imagine there would be a pre-existing clause so you may have to pay in a bit early to have it full when you need it.

In addition just to throw out there that truly benefits to me are more important to me than how much I make because it can make a much bigger difference to us CF'ers. My job has 5 plans I can pick from and two different providers so if I were to max out one I would switch to the other provider. YOu could also hope that hubbies company gets merged or soemthign of the like as that will also most likely change you to a new provider or plan and start the clock over.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this so early. And by the way stay at home moms are great and important, definately not silly or stupid.

take care

oh one more thought dont know what type employer hubby works for but maybe a smaller company he is vital to would be willing to fire him and rehire him the next week? This would start things over, a bit shady but you never know some companies might do it.


New member

This is so tough.

I believe my suggestions have already been mentioned but when the policy gets near its end DH may have to switch jobs. While he does or if its not possible it would be best for you to get a PT job with insurance OR have him leave early enough so that you can pay cobra to cover the gap if that is in your budget --very expensive! I am not familiar with buying your own insurnace but you may want to look into that though I imagine there would be a pre-existing clause so you may have to pay in a bit early to have it full when you need it.

In addition just to throw out there that truly benefits to me are more important to me than how much I make because it can make a much bigger difference to us CF'ers. My job has 5 plans I can pick from and two different providers so if I were to max out one I would switch to the other provider. YOu could also hope that hubbies company gets merged or soemthign of the like as that will also most likely change you to a new provider or plan and start the clock over.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this so early. And by the way stay at home moms are great and important, definately not silly or stupid.

take care

oh one more thought dont know what type employer hubby works for but maybe a smaller company he is vital to would be willing to fire him and rehire him the next week? This would start things over, a bit shady but you never know some companies might do it.


New member
When my cap ran out my mom got a part time job and then I went on her insurance. I was allowed to stay on it through college and grad school because I was a student. Then I went on Cobra for a little bit before I got a job and insurance myself. For us, the only option was her getting her PT job.


New member
When my cap ran out my mom got a part time job and then I went on her insurance. I was allowed to stay on it through college and grad school because I was a student. Then I went on Cobra for a little bit before I got a job and insurance myself. For us, the only option was her getting her PT job.


New member
When my cap ran out my mom got a part time job and then I went on her insurance. I was allowed to stay on it through college and grad school because I was a student. Then I went on Cobra for a little bit before I got a job and insurance myself. For us, the only option was her getting her PT job.


New member
When my cap ran out my mom got a part time job and then I went on her insurance. I was allowed to stay on it through college and grad school because I was a student. Then I went on Cobra for a little bit before I got a job and insurance myself. For us, the only option was her getting her PT job.


New member
When my cap ran out my mom got a part time job and then I went on her insurance. I was allowed to stay on it through college and grad school because I was a student. Then I went on Cobra for a little bit before I got a job and insurance myself. For us, the only option was her getting her PT job.


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah


New member
Hi Everyone..Thanks for your tips...My husband is part owner of a commercial plumbing company..He has union insurance...Since he is looking to take over the company with his partner..I don't see him giving up all he has worked so hard for<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I however will consider bettering myself and in the future hopefully I could land a job with great insurance...Crossing my fingers....We live in the Seattle area if any of you know in laws or assistance places I should research....Social Security wouldn't be an option until he is 18 plus?? Everyone keeps telling me to go to Social Security?

I'm a new mom...to a 2 month old boy..I know we may not be close to running out...But the scarey part is that this CF hit so close to home. My husbands bosses daughter has been in the hospital for months, she just had a lung transplant when I was pregnant with my baby. Everyone kept talking about how bad Cystic Fibrosis was while I was in the hospital..Not knowing our baby would soon find out to have it.......So, when we found out our baby had it....The tears wouldn't stop. Everyone fealt terriable for talking about what they had...But they had no idea..This was about to happen.

I try every morning to look at my baby without hearing my mind say CYSTIC FIBROSIS..CYSTIC FIBROSIS...HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS...WHAT CAN I DO...I start cleaning..organizing his CF CLINIC Book...empty the garbages..start cleaning closets..just to keep my mind from going to a dark place...I love this baby..I'm just so scared I may forget he has it for a minute..and then feal that pain all over again...I'm also scared of not knowing if I will be able to have more children...It was so easy to get pregnant..To have him...Now, our future children will have to considered in allot more realistic way...It feels like everything has just stopped....I'm trying really hard to keep everything going...I know it just takes time...we haven't known about his CF now for even a solid month..Time helps right?? Thanks Sarah