I prefer in the hospital myself..when I was younger I would do them at home until I developed allergies to every drug except tobramyacin. When I am healthy I push myself really really hard and never take enough time for myself..I mean I push harder than anyone I know..so being in the hospital gives me time to get myself back on track and healthy..When I used to go to Children's (up until September), being in there was like my 2nd home and it made the time go by very fast and I always had fun. No matter what was going on we always made the best of everything and I've never had a bad experience in the hospital to date..I sleep perfectly (better than at home with all my distractions), the Resp therapists know to give me hands on CPT 4 times a day, I eat very well, see my friends and family and am still able to get out of the hospital for a few hours to play with my band, shop etc. For me it is a good time to rest..home would nice but I look at it as having to wake up at 6am to run meds for 2 hours, do it again at 2pm then again at 10pm..this leaves me no time to sleep and relax.
I haven't been admitted to UofM yet so the first stay will be a little crazy but I am sure I will make it fun in no time..when I met with Dr. Walker at Saint Vincents in NYC we chatted and found that we both prefer staying in house for IV's..becuase of the intensive hands on CPT and it is actually a time for me to rest..so we will see when I eventually move to NYC how that is going to be.
Just my thoughts.
Rock CF,