Where are we all from in the World?


New member
Hi My name is Jon I have just joined the forum, and I am from the UK.

I was wondering from how many different parts of the World people with CF contribute to this Forum?


New member
i am also from England i dont actually know that anyone else is!? You seem to be the first ive come across even though i am stil pretty new to this site too!
Emma 18 cf


New member
Hi Emma

Nice to hear from you. Do you use the UK CF Trust forum? If not find it at http://www.cftrust.org.uk.

Infact does anyone from this Forum use this other forum.

Are most users of this site from America?




New member
Heya Jon

I have visited that website several times just to get information never really browsed it. Can you actually post your own forums on that site? If so where abouts!?!? Do you mind me asking where abouts in England you live?

Emma 18 w cf


New member
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> Hello everyone,
We are well spread out over the globe! I live over in the Pacific Ocean in a lovely place called New Zealand. I only joined recently, but somehow feel closer to you all through reading and relating to soooooooooo much of your lives. I will try to tune in daily!
Christmas peace and happiness to all of you.


New member
I have never emailed before to the site, but have been checking it out lately. Where in IL. do you live? I live in IL. and I am 32yrs. old
