Where are we all from in the World?


New member
I'm from the UK too - I live in Bedfordshire, England. I hadn't actually heard of the CF Trust forum and this one is really good because you can post away and talk to so many different people.

Siobhan 20 f wcf


New member
Hi everyone Jon Here again

Well its really nice to see all the replies from all over the World, we truly live in a global community. Its amazing to see that CF touches so many peoples life's from so many different places.

What do we all think of the quality of treatment you receive in your countries? I think it is very good here in the UK. Then of course most treatments are paid for in this country by the state under our National Health system. Do other countries have anything similar?

If anyone is interested, a bit about myself. I am 41 years old, married for 19 years to Sheryl. No children but two dogs. I live in North Kent in a village called High Halstow in the United Kingdom. I still work full time, I own a commercial modelmaking business and run it with my wife (www.model-trechnology.co.uk) (if your interested), we have about 10 staff. I was diagnosed at 3 months of age. My health is OK but takes a lot of looking after.

Well that's briefly me, what are other peoples stories?




New member
Hi Emma

Originally from the East End, Manor Park, which I believe is now known as Newham, and I've also live in the West End, Paddington area. I have lived in Canada for 30 years, the last time I was in the UK was about 5 years ago visiting relatives in Dagenham.



New member
Hey Jon its emma....Just had a look on your website and WOW! I would absolutley love to have your job! I am currently in my last year of study for a Naitonal Diploma in 3dimensional design. We have covered scale models but obvisoulsy not up to that very high standard. I have actually just finished making a scale model building which i really enjoyed! Ive also covered product design, exhibtion and a bit of architecture and interiors. I hope to one day become a design consultant or something in that direction, that is if my health doesn't stop me before!?!? But just thought i would let you know that your company looks very sucessful and good on you for getting it all set up from scratch. I will definatly be visitng it again to look at your work in more detail! Here is my email address emzy.86@gmail.com i would love to chat to you about your job and how you got there despite health complications. I look forward to hearing from you.

Emma 18 cf

oh p.s the website was written down incorrectly.. http://www.model-technology.co.uk I think you must have mistakenly put an R in technology i think!!!


New member
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> Hello everyone,
Jon, you certainly started something here! I agree the response to your question has been great.
Here in New Zealand we receive very good health care, I cannot fault our local CF Assoc., based in Canterbury. They are very supportive and only to willing to help with enquiries. The team are 'up with' current research and although I live in a remote area on the West Coast of the Sth. Island , 2.5 hrs. from Christchurch, I do not feel isolated when I know support is but a phone call away. I am truely happy with the care I have had from the Med. Professionals over the years. Having confidence with your G.P. as well as your chest Specialist gives you certain peace of mind....I have what my Mum calls an enquiring mind, and always seeking answers......
I am 52, have mild CF and diabetesT/2, have lost a bro{23] and sister{43} to CF, and witnessed their struggles over the years, it's been really hard for my darling Mum, I think people who care for the chronically ill deserve medals!
I have a wonderful partner in life, he understands my frustrations of sometimes not been able to function and do the things that are important to me.... I am currently doing a proof-reading and editing course by correspondence. I enjoy doing Mosaic art and always have a project on the 'go'. Hope to start a little cottage industry from home sometime next year. I play alot of tennis and {walking past the car} to exercise is really important for my wellbeing.
If anyone wishes to drop me a line anytime, would love to hear from others to share their concerns
and give support too! My email is as follows:
Seasons greetings to you all,
Cheers Eileen.


New member
Born in Boston MA.

Mostly treated in Boston Children’s until a few years ago, all my family’s from there.

Grew up mostly in Texas and Virginia (Army Brat)

Currently live in Gods country KUTZTOWN PA United States of America

Ed wcf/k'n-a


New member
Hi Emma

Thanks for the correction. It is www.model-technology.co.uk.

Can you believe that I got this wrong!!!!! I blame the keyboard of course..........

I will reply to you on your email about the job so to speak.

Eileen, Thanks for your reply too. It really nice to speak to people on the other side of the World. We truly do have a CF family!

Its really nice to hear from all the other PWCF, I find it fascinating and uplifting to hear other peoples stories of how they cope with CF and their family histories.

Keep posting everyone, and Happy Christmas




New member
oh i forgot..a bit about myself...... im 18 i live in Slough (near windsor..sounds posher!) and yes slough as in where the TV series The Office was filmed! Er I am a full time student and work at Nationwide Building Society on a saturday. I was diagnosed at a year old. I am also being treated for epilepsy but have never been properly tested for it! My brother also has cf he's 16 and is a typical teen when it comes to doing his meds! I also have a sister who's 20 and suffers with epilepsy...... Mum has always wondered why her and dad got together! Er think that sums me up!

Emma 18 wcf