Where are we all from in the World?


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I lived in New York City when I was younger, relocated to New Jersey a few years ago. I still consider myself a city girl though- I'm in there all the time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Mother of Daughter 14 w/cf, cfrd, chronic pancreatitis

We are from Florida

Kate was diagnosed at 1 yr. old, and has been a fighter all her life.
At present we are dealing with Kates unwillingness to cooperate
when it comes to her medications. Besides that she is a wonderful
young lady. She is an artist and writter, and is an honor student
in high school-hopital homebound program with a 3.7 GPA.

Iam new to this forum.



New member
Oh right. Is that from SAT tests or whatever it is? Sorry, the only knowledge I have about American school-systems comes from the rather unreliable source of early 'Dawson's Creek'. We have SAT's in the UK, but they dont really mean anything except to help sort out league tables of schools. Would SAT's be equivalent to our GCSE's taken at 16yrs or our A-Levels taken at 18yrs?


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Hi I am Cindy fron Western Australia. Hi especially to Eileen from New Zealand - We're almost neighbours!! So many Kiwis live in Australia. Your country is reputed to be one of the most beautiful in the world, besides Australia of course! I am hoping to visit NZ in the next couple of years and the Cook Islands - they sound just gorgeous. Any places you can specifically recommend in NZ? My boyfriend has been there and adores it. But we are still better at cricket (a draw because of rain in the 1 day series- Hmmmm...) and rugby, although you mob seem to be rather good at Netball.
Keep up the good work - 52 is great. I'll be there in just over 22years! Nearly 30 - don't know whether to dread getting older or be proud of it !!
I think I'll go the latter.
Merry Christmas! It's 40 degrees celcius here - How's the cold in the northern winter?? I'm off to the beach!


New member
Ahhh okay. SATs are 800 points max in math and 800 points max in verbal, making the highest possible score 1600. SATs are generally taken in junior and / or senior years of high school.

A GPA is your average grades in school. Like As are worth a certain number, and Bs, Cs, etc. At the end of the year or semester, they all them all up together to get a GPA. The system goes from 0 to 4.0, 4.0 being the highest (I'm pretty sure this is how it works). Therefore, a 3.7 GPA is a damn good one. Robynne was just bragging about her daughter's excellent grades. Hehehe. All moms love doing that. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Hey, I'm from Virginia and I go to Portsmouth Naval Hospital...I really like it there. There's a CHKD right here, too, but I reeeeally didn't like it for some reason


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My name is Emma and I am also from the UK. I have always used the UK CF Trust forums (think I've seen you before on there Jon...my username is Emmie), but stumbled on this one the other day, it seems really good. I am 30 years old and have a brother called Mark with CF who is 33 yrs old.

Nice to meet you all!

Emmie (30 yrs old from Wiltshire, UK)


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I live in Illinois. A western suburb of Chicago. We moved here to be closer to Cory's doctor's. We are originally from Central Illinois.
Mom to Cory 18wcf,cfrd,cepacia, and now kidney disease


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Hi everyone....I live in northern Indiana just east of South Bend.

Jen 34 w/cf steno. maltophilia, asthma, GERD, epilepsy
Married, mother of 4 children


New member
Woo Hoo!!!! another Aussie here... from Sydney

i am 18, female doing fairly well, finished school last year and looking at uni and travelling Europe this year....
Go the Aussies, we have a top-notch health care system i say. Drugs are greatly subsidised as are medical visits and hospital stays. So they should be! ive never had a problem obtaining drugs becasue the govt. pays for almost all their cost.

Anyways, hope all are doing well



While I might not be from down under, I'm sure from down south. I'm from Kerrville Texas, though I live part time in San Antonio while going to the University of Texas @ San Antonio. Currently I'm trying to get a transfer to Irvine California, Dallas Texas, or Ann Arbor Michigan. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> 18 years old, almost 19. 2 years post tx. Doing quite well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> My only complaint about Texas... it's too hot. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


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Hi, I'm Andrew (24years old) from Canberra, Australia. I am 18 months post-transplant, now working full-time and doing great!


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hi Jen, mother of 4. Did you conceive or did you adopt your four children? I am 26 w/Cf and I just had my first child about 2 months ago. Knowing that you have 4 gives me hope of having more. My husband and I want 3. I am doing extremely well. PLease email me:
My name is Alaina and I would love to chat.