Who are you in a nut shell


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who are you in a nut shell

My name is Bristy.
I am a 30y/f.
I have been married 11 years.
I am d/x at 6 months.
I am a 5/6 school teacher with a masters degree.
PFTs -- 70ish
Love reading, listening to music, playing with pets and preparing cool science lessons for my class. Ultimate joy -- spending time with husband and family.


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who are you

My Name is Amy
Female: 25
Weight:100 Height 5'7"
I live in Grand Junction, Colorado
My pft's range from 17-28%
I love the color pink
I love to do anything that outdoors
Recently placed on tx list


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who are you

I'm Stan, from the Netherlands, 27 and CF.
Diagnosed at birth because my two year older sister was already diagnosed with CF.
Fev1 of 34% , lowest ever which I feel sad about right now because I've been in for 3 weeks a month ago trying to get my slipping fev's up, instead it went down.
I'm 5"8/1.72 meters and 115 pounds/54 kg.
I get cramps just thinking about digestive problems. I've had my nose and forehead cleared of CF related polips 7 times. (get a headache thinking about it)
I'm a winter person. (Right now it's summer, make it stop.) I used to skate and rollerblade a lot, but lately I mainly train at home with tredmill, weights and do things on an empty piece of floor (hard to find, I live on my own) some 4-5x a week. I use O2 at home when excersizing, not or rarely in rest.
I'm a long haired, bearded science-geek/nerd and metalhead. A "thinker", quiet but a lot going on in my mind. I love science, philosophy, and a broad view on things to see how it all comes together. I'm an amateur astronomer with a big manly telescope. I've been playing piano since I was 6 or thereabouts and kept it up ever since. Later I also picked up the guitar. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
I think of myself as a humorous person. As an absurdist however my humour is too weird for most. It does not work with the ladies.


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who are you in a nut shell

I'm new...well, not really.
Actually, I'm 47.
I have CF
I'm a retired doctor turned wellness coach.
My coaching site is www.newdaywell.org
My passion is to help pwcf begin to exercise regularly
I'm a mother of two boys, 9 and 11
I love pretty much everything I do, and I make a practice of NOT doing what I don't like to do.
I just started a blog about being sick and happy.
Ironically, it's called www.sickandhappy.com.


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who are you in a nut shell

my name is mike
im new here
im almost 21!
i am about 5'2
i weigh 96 pounds
i live in battle creek, michigan
i love video games
eating is awesome
and other stuff


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who are you in a nut shell

My name is Jennifer. I'm new here. I'm 5'0" and weigh between 105-110 lbs depending on the day (as well as what my CF dr makes me weigh!) :) I've been recently diagnosed with CFRD. I live in Milwaukee, WI and work as a pediatric nurse practitioner at Children's hospital. I love the outdoors, but recently have really enjoyed my WII.

-- Jenn
30 year old with CF, CFRD


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who are you in a nut shell

Welcome, you all have such interesting stories, and I love reading your backgrounds! I look foroward to seeing you around the site:D


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Hi Stan!
Nice to meet you here too!
See you soon on SL!

And hi to the other newbies on here as well!

Hope you'll find all you're looking for, and more!


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who are you in a nut shell

figured I'd go ahead and make my mark here

My name is Jen
I'm a girl
I'm 23
I live in Cincinnati OH
I'm 5'5, 104 lbs.
I'm in good physical shape, other than the lung issues. I lift weights and try to walk around my neighborhood when I can.
I attended Western Kentucky University and as soon as I get my transplant, I plan on finishing my degree at St. Elizabeth Medical Center (Medical Technology... I'll be one of those evil lab people!)
I've been hospitalized only for CF related issues.
I keep track of several people with CF, but I'm more friends with their parents for some reason...
My FEV is around 27%
I don't like to define myself as someone with CF, but as time keeps going I find it's all I have to talk about anymore...
I'm skeptical about alternative treatments but try some of them anyway.
I use to dance all the time. I miss it now, but plan to return to it someday.
I have 5 things I want to do before I die: 1. Graduate college 2. Get a job that uses my degree 3. Get married 4. Have kids 5. swim with sharks!!!!

I know the last one's weird... call it a twisted obsession with shark week on discovery channel.
I have an awesome support group - friends, family, boyfriend. I know I'm loved by them as much as I love them
I have a dog that I treat as my child - Jack the toy poodle. But no... I don't dress him or carry him in a bag. He's too fat - 17lbs! AH!
I'm being evaluated for a lung tx at Cleveland... and I think I have the rest in my blog


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who are you in a nut shell

<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">Hi my name is ann and i live in texas....
My son has Cf. 14 years old on 8-24
i have a older son 18 does not have cf
and a daughter 10 who is a carrier

i am looking for a site where i can make some friends
and just talk about how i feel because you all will understand.


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who are you in a nut shell

My name is Ryan, from Williams lake, BC, CA
New on here
26 wcf, dx/2yr
Married for 5 years with 2 Daughter wo/cf
I middle of careers, Currently First Aid Attendant
I love motorcycles, Fishing, swimming and any other outdoor sports
Been in the hospital when i was 12,13,14,23,24,25yr, and have been good for the last 9 months
Never known anyone with CF or talked to anyone with CF
Glad to see that everyone seems really nice and upbeat.
looking forward to meeting new people.


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who are you in a nut shell

Hello to All!
Im Krysta, Rista for short.
I'm a girl.
I was dx @ 4 months of age.
I live with both of my parents in Central, NJ
I'm 5'4
I weigh 113 lbs.
I took dance & gymnastics up until high school
In high school I was a cheerleader!
I am currently studying Web Design for my Associates Degree. (Fall '09)
I want to become a teacher.
I love all animals. ( I have 3 cats & a bird)

I hope to meet new friends on this forum since I don't have many in real life.

<3 Rista


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who are you

I'm Miss Gunky
I'm 28 and single
I'm a part-time teacher at a Christian School
(full-time puts to much stress on the bod)
My weight is 135 and height is 5'4"
My FEV1 is around 68%, but I want it higher
(don't we all?)
I like reading, miniature golf - probably too much -
writing stories and plays, and being sarcastic.
My hair is brown, and my eyes are hazel,
And my mucus is like a purty rainbow.....


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Welcome to the site guys! Since I did this a while ago...I'm going to update and repost my info!

<UL>My name is Chrissy
I'm 31
I live in PA, born in VA, raised in MD
My mutations azre DF508 and R347P
I was diagnosed at 21 (I have a few other medical issues)
I am 5' 1 and will admit that my CF dr calls me her cubby cystic!
I have a husband and daughter (both are healthy with out CF) Hubby is a cancer survivor.
My PFTs were 80% at my last clinic visit
I like dogs not cats
I have a brother, Pete--no CF
I currently am on long term disability with my job and soo will apply for SSDI
I love to travel with my family! [/BULLET

My daughter and Me!!
<img src="http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z202/chrissydun/Hanging%20out/KateandCC3.jpg">


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who are you in a nut shell

Hey everybody Im new here.

My name is Nate, I was diagnosed @ 6 months Im 22 attending University of Washington with 1 quarter left to go. Im 5'7 about 160. My interests are cars, working out, and the great outdoors. I was a volunteer firefighter in high shool for 3 years and I look forward to joining back up when I am done with college. Im pretty big into fitness/ nutrition and Im thinking about getting a sportbike after I graduate although quite a few people are trying to talk me out of it. Im doing pretty well with CF never been hospitalized or on IV antibiotics. I just do my vest, nebulizer, and take my enzymes. If anybody has any questions feel free to ask.


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who are you in a nut shell

WELCOME to all those who introduced themselves. I havent been able to respond to a lot in the last 6 weeks or so & for that I apologize!


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Debbie.
I'm 27.
I'm a year and a half out from my double lunng tx.
I am a free spirit hippie and I love music.
I have a beagle named Darwin.
I love to ski and hike in Colorful Colorado.
I weigh about 97 lbs and my FEV1 is %78! (mad props)
I am applyng to law school and I have a degree in Literature.
I am in love.
I went to Space Camp twice as a kid!

Live the life you love, Love the Life you live!


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Stan.
I am 37.
I have no idea what my mutation is.
My PFT's are usually around 30%
I am 5'10" and weigh around 138.
I was diagnosed at 6 monts old.
I don't bother working anymore, but I do live on a farm.
I have never attempted marrage.
I live in the state of Tennessee, against my will.
I have been to Europe a couple of times.
Germany is great, Amsterdam is wild.
I am moving to Amsterdam the day after I win the lottery.
I have an Associate degree in Accounting(collecting dust)
I don't know anyone else that has Cf. I did when I was little but she passed away. There seem to be a lot of people on here that maybe know one onother. I have read some things that are familiar though. So, I guess we all at least have a few things in common. I have noticed a lot of things I have never herd of before though. I actually thought I'd be the oldest on here, happy to see some are doing well past my age.