that is exactly my point. i know it is the mrsa causing problems because he has nothing else. His seems to be constantly acting up now <u>unless</u> he is on an antibiotic. i don't call this bacteria harmless. i am afraid it is getting stronger in there because his infections are more frequent. Any time he gets "a cold" it turns into pnemonia or a cf exacerbation, and the only thing that cultures is Mrsa. He has been on Vancomycin and that does not even do the trick. Does anyone know if azythromycin fights mrsa? Since he can't be off of an antibiotic for more than two weeks or so i was thinking of seeing if he should go on that permanantly.
If i keep him off of antibiotics for more than 1 month he starts getting really sick. once the infection starts it seems to move fast until treated. knocking it down just a little, but not all the way.
If i keep him off of antibiotics for more than 1 month he starts getting really sick. once the infection starts it seems to move fast until treated. knocking it down just a little, but not all the way.