why live?


New member
hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.


New member
hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.


New member
hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.


New member
why live ?
ill tell you why ,, becuase theres ppl worse off in this world..
i ask myself the same question but ive come to realise were even lucky to be living a life at all and we shud be thankful for wat weve got and make the most of life instead of being miserable about it.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
why live ?
ill tell you why ,, becuase theres ppl worse off in this world..
i ask myself the same question but ive come to realise were even lucky to be living a life at all and we shud be thankful for wat weve got and make the most of life instead of being miserable about it.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
why live ?
ill tell you why ,, becuase theres ppl worse off in this world..
i ask myself the same question but ive come to realise were even lucky to be living a life at all and we shud be thankful for wat weve got and make the most of life instead of being miserable about it.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think personally its best to write stuff down. Whether its good or bad if you need to discuss stuff thats on your mind then lets talk about it. There is always the thing of "they never told me when they were alive, I could have helped them".


New member
I think personally its best to write stuff down. Whether its good or bad if you need to discuss stuff thats on your mind then lets talk about it. There is always the thing of "they never told me when they were alive, I could have helped them".


New member
I think personally its best to write stuff down. Whether its good or bad if you need to discuss stuff thats on your mind then lets talk about it. There is always the thing of "they never told me when they were alive, I could have helped them".


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>robert321</b></i>

hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.</end quote></div>

Thank you. You could not have said it any better. I am happy for you that you have such a realistic view on life.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>robert321</b></i>

hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.</end quote></div>

Thank you. You could not have said it any better. I am happy for you that you have such a realistic view on life.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>robert321</b></i>

hey stop being so down, yes death is something we have to deal with as cfers and the fact that you can feel it coming is the worst of it, my case is mild but my condition has fallen dramatically recently and i, as well as the other people here know what your going though, just remember, your not dead yet enjoy the time you have here while you have it. plan for the future because when you've lost hope you've lost it all, hang onto hope keep your spirits up. No one comes though this earth and doesn't make an impact on someone else's life, you have really made me think about how i have going about my life recently, you have people that love you and want you to hang around for a while, look at the things you can look forward to, even the little things are worth hanging around for; your favorite tv show, a baby laughing, falling in love, i didn't realize this till not long ago and i was right where you are now, you can do it, think about your parents and friends and family, you have impacted their lives in some way, you might not realize it but its there. Go talk to a counceler or a minister and take heed their advise, its probably good.</end quote></div>

Thank you. You could not have said it any better. I am happy for you that you have such a realistic view on life.


New member
cfboy--DON'T YOU GIVE UP! I'm 44 years old with CF. I know there are varying degrees of the disease. But don't give up. You have family fighting for you everyday. YOU have plenty to offer. There is more love around you could possibly know. There are always new medication and breakthoughs.

I know that some folks in school don't understand. Sometimes they say cruel things but they are scared as well. They are not mature enough to handle such things. Remember, not one person is genetically perfect. They all will have health issues as they age. Trust me on that one.

Please don't even think of killing yourself --EVER! Talk to your family and your real friends. Hang in there. We are all fighting this battle together.



New member
cfboy--DON'T YOU GIVE UP! I'm 44 years old with CF. I know there are varying degrees of the disease. But don't give up. You have family fighting for you everyday. YOU have plenty to offer. There is more love around you could possibly know. There are always new medication and breakthoughs.

I know that some folks in school don't understand. Sometimes they say cruel things but they are scared as well. They are not mature enough to handle such things. Remember, not one person is genetically perfect. They all will have health issues as they age. Trust me on that one.

Please don't even think of killing yourself --EVER! Talk to your family and your real friends. Hang in there. We are all fighting this battle together.



New member
cfboy--DON'T YOU GIVE UP! I'm 44 years old with CF. I know there are varying degrees of the disease. But don't give up. You have family fighting for you everyday. YOU have plenty to offer. There is more love around you could possibly know. There are always new medication and breakthoughs.

I know that some folks in school don't understand. Sometimes they say cruel things but they are scared as well. They are not mature enough to handle such things. Remember, not one person is genetically perfect. They all will have health issues as they age. Trust me on that one.

Please don't even think of killing yourself --EVER! Talk to your family and your real friends. Hang in there. We are all fighting this battle together.



New member
Wow. Okay I didn't read everything between the first post and now, so I'll just answer your question as me.<br><br>

I'm actually quite shocked, because I asked, to the letter, the EXACT same question when I was 16. I got really depressed, I hated life, I hated CF, I hated myself, I almost hated God.
The ONLY reasons I didn't kill myself was because I was terribly afraid of Hell. And I didnt want to hurt those around me. "What is the point of living in this life, if you're going to die anyway, I just want to go to heaven right now". That is what I said every day, every night when I would go to bed I BEGGED God to kill me in my sleep. <br><br>

Theres a whole long story to this, and I ended up getting addicted to certain things, dropped out of highschool and hurt many people around me.<br>
But one day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, and I didn't even know who I was anymore. I had gotten so obsessed with death and anger that I forgot my purpose, and I forgot myself.<br><br>

I kind of made a deal with God, and my own head. And I was like "Okay, I can either sit here and mope my whole life just waiting to die, or I can just decide that FOR SOME REASON God put me on this earth. I'm not dead yet, so I'm not going to waste time thinking about it, I'm just going to trust that God put me here for a reason, and go on with life, and hopefully fulfill all his plans for me."

I trust God completely, I don't really know why, but I do. I suppose I kind of have to. Either I trust God, and trust that he has a plan for me/will take care of me, or I spend my whole life moping waiting to die. So I'm going to make the best of what I'm given, and when it is my time to die, I believe I will die no sooner and no later than when I have fulfilled my purpose on this earth. And I'm content with leaving that decision up to God.

Right before I turned 20 I went back and finished highschool, I've had cool jobs, I've traveled, I've lived an AMAZING life for an almost 21 year old. I've seen things and experienced things that nobody will ever see or experience in two lifetimes. I'm not suicidal, I'm not HOPING to die, I've given all that up to God, when it is my time, I'll go. And I'm okay with that.


New member
Wow. Okay I didn't read everything between the first post and now, so I'll just answer your question as me.<br><br>

I'm actually quite shocked, because I asked, to the letter, the EXACT same question when I was 16. I got really depressed, I hated life, I hated CF, I hated myself, I almost hated God.
The ONLY reasons I didn't kill myself was because I was terribly afraid of Hell. And I didnt want to hurt those around me. "What is the point of living in this life, if you're going to die anyway, I just want to go to heaven right now". That is what I said every day, every night when I would go to bed I BEGGED God to kill me in my sleep. <br><br>

Theres a whole long story to this, and I ended up getting addicted to certain things, dropped out of highschool and hurt many people around me.<br>
But one day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, and I didn't even know who I was anymore. I had gotten so obsessed with death and anger that I forgot my purpose, and I forgot myself.<br><br>

I kind of made a deal with God, and my own head. And I was like "Okay, I can either sit here and mope my whole life just waiting to die, or I can just decide that FOR SOME REASON God put me on this earth. I'm not dead yet, so I'm not going to waste time thinking about it, I'm just going to trust that God put me here for a reason, and go on with life, and hopefully fulfill all his plans for me."

I trust God completely, I don't really know why, but I do. I suppose I kind of have to. Either I trust God, and trust that he has a plan for me/will take care of me, or I spend my whole life moping waiting to die. So I'm going to make the best of what I'm given, and when it is my time to die, I believe I will die no sooner and no later than when I have fulfilled my purpose on this earth. And I'm content with leaving that decision up to God.

Right before I turned 20 I went back and finished highschool, I've had cool jobs, I've traveled, I've lived an AMAZING life for an almost 21 year old. I've seen things and experienced things that nobody will ever see or experience in two lifetimes. I'm not suicidal, I'm not HOPING to die, I've given all that up to God, when it is my time, I'll go. And I'm okay with that.


New member
Wow. Okay I didn't read everything between the first post and now, so I'll just answer your question as me.<br><br>

I'm actually quite shocked, because I asked, to the letter, the EXACT same question when I was 16. I got really depressed, I hated life, I hated CF, I hated myself, I almost hated God.
The ONLY reasons I didn't kill myself was because I was terribly afraid of Hell. And I didnt want to hurt those around me. "What is the point of living in this life, if you're going to die anyway, I just want to go to heaven right now". That is what I said every day, every night when I would go to bed I BEGGED God to kill me in my sleep. <br><br>

Theres a whole long story to this, and I ended up getting addicted to certain things, dropped out of highschool and hurt many people around me.<br>
But one day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, and I didn't even know who I was anymore. I had gotten so obsessed with death and anger that I forgot my purpose, and I forgot myself.<br><br>

I kind of made a deal with God, and my own head. And I was like "Okay, I can either sit here and mope my whole life just waiting to die, or I can just decide that FOR SOME REASON God put me on this earth. I'm not dead yet, so I'm not going to waste time thinking about it, I'm just going to trust that God put me here for a reason, and go on with life, and hopefully fulfill all his plans for me."

I trust God completely, I don't really know why, but I do. I suppose I kind of have to. Either I trust God, and trust that he has a plan for me/will take care of me, or I spend my whole life moping waiting to die. So I'm going to make the best of what I'm given, and when it is my time to die, I believe I will die no sooner and no later than when I have fulfilled my purpose on this earth. And I'm content with leaving that decision up to God.

Right before I turned 20 I went back and finished highschool, I've had cool jobs, I've traveled, I've lived an AMAZING life for an almost 21 year old. I've seen things and experienced things that nobody will ever see or experience in two lifetimes. I'm not suicidal, I'm not HOPING to die, I've given all that up to God, when it is my time, I'll go. And I'm okay with that.


New member
I have actually dreamt that I have died. In a dream I had a while ago someone killed me and what happened was they stabbed me and I melted it was very peaceful.


New member
I have actually dreamt that I have died. In a dream I had a while ago someone killed me and what happened was they stabbed me and I melted it was very peaceful.