Will know on the 10th of this month...But I think I was right :)


New member
If all my essential oil useage and supplements have paid off. Will do my PFT's then, chest xray, sputum culture, and of course general exam. I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free, like other CF's have shown after similar regimens. I must say though that I feel absolutely incredible, and that's without busting my hiney workout/exercise wise like I used to have to do (been kind of a sloth the last 2 months or so - But i'm going to change that real soon and get back to what I used to do weight/exercise wise). My lungs are incredibly clear. For nearly a month now people in my family have all been sick off and on to the seasonal bugs. Right now my fiancee is hating life with a very bad bronchitis situation and coughing like mad with stuffed up ears and bad runny nose, and we sleep together and haven't been making real attempts to avoid each other, and i'm fine. Before that my 7 year old niece who is here almost daily and around me was sick (she's always sick, shes more sick than I was with CF at her age), My mom and both my sisters (one sister living with me, the other here almost daily) were both horribly sick and around me also.

The closest I got to actually being sick was for about a day and a half my nose got stuffed up, and my ears got plugged, but no chest congestion. That was when I wasnt using the multi oil facial sauna (due to laziness), so I just uped the oil of oregano inhalation slightly, and it was gone in like a day and a half, totally gone. Before, as soon as I would get a runny nose and my ears were stuffed up, it was 100% guaranteed to settle into my chest and then turn into a full on infection and I was either in a world of s**t on home IV's or in the hospital...With the last time only got back to 85% afterwards. And those times were often when I was already on some form of preventive antibiotic like Tobi or something similar.

So I will know for sure when the 10th comes around. Even if it shows I still have PA, I know for a fact my lung functions will be off the chart. I know how I felt at my lowest recent point of only 50% capacity, and know what I felt like after the cleanout @ 85%. I feel better now many times over how I felt then. At that point, I will officially proclaim my experiment over. It's been atleast 5 months, so my pre oil self compared to my current self will probably look like a stark contrast to the doctors at my clinic, and when asked what i've done to do much more for myself than their medicines were able to, I will proudly tell them, and do my best to push for them to look into real patient trials, so what i've achieved and what other CF's have achieved, can be a common thing and prolong our lives and add quality to our lives.

I have told my CF doc's assistant what i've been doing, and what the results have been showing for myself and others, and she said she would seriously look into it. If I come back with nearly normal lungs (minus the old damage of course), i'm pretty sure I will have instant converts and advocats to recommend to other CF's what I have been doing, and that makes me very happy.

Thanks guys. If this turns out how I think it will turn out, in my opinion, i've done everything but cured myself of my disease, and made it truely manageable for the first time ever in my nearly 35 years of life. Thanks for dealing with my repetitive exuberance regarding the oils, but i must admit it will be hard to not to continue to spread my word to others. Hopefully many other CF's can feel as good as I feel now. I will keep you guys updated.


New member
If all my essential oil useage and supplements have paid off. Will do my PFT's then, chest xray, sputum culture, and of course general exam. I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free, like other CF's have shown after similar regimens. I must say though that I feel absolutely incredible, and that's without busting my hiney workout/exercise wise like I used to have to do (been kind of a sloth the last 2 months or so - But i'm going to change that real soon and get back to what I used to do weight/exercise wise). My lungs are incredibly clear. For nearly a month now people in my family have all been sick off and on to the seasonal bugs. Right now my fiancee is hating life with a very bad bronchitis situation and coughing like mad with stuffed up ears and bad runny nose, and we sleep together and haven't been making real attempts to avoid each other, and i'm fine. Before that my 7 year old niece who is here almost daily and around me was sick (she's always sick, shes more sick than I was with CF at her age), My mom and both my sisters (one sister living with me, the other here almost daily) were both horribly sick and around me also.

The closest I got to actually being sick was for about a day and a half my nose got stuffed up, and my ears got plugged, but no chest congestion. That was when I wasnt using the multi oil facial sauna (due to laziness), so I just uped the oil of oregano inhalation slightly, and it was gone in like a day and a half, totally gone. Before, as soon as I would get a runny nose and my ears were stuffed up, it was 100% guaranteed to settle into my chest and then turn into a full on infection and I was either in a world of s**t on home IV's or in the hospital...With the last time only got back to 85% afterwards. And those times were often when I was already on some form of preventive antibiotic like Tobi or something similar.

So I will know for sure when the 10th comes around. Even if it shows I still have PA, I know for a fact my lung functions will be off the chart. I know how I felt at my lowest recent point of only 50% capacity, and know what I felt like after the cleanout @ 85%. I feel better now many times over how I felt then. At that point, I will officially proclaim my experiment over. It's been atleast 5 months, so my pre oil self compared to my current self will probably look like a stark contrast to the doctors at my clinic, and when asked what i've done to do much more for myself than their medicines were able to, I will proudly tell them, and do my best to push for them to look into real patient trials, so what i've achieved and what other CF's have achieved, can be a common thing and prolong our lives and add quality to our lives.

I have told my CF doc's assistant what i've been doing, and what the results have been showing for myself and others, and she said she would seriously look into it. If I come back with nearly normal lungs (minus the old damage of course), i'm pretty sure I will have instant converts and advocats to recommend to other CF's what I have been doing, and that makes me very happy.

Thanks guys. If this turns out how I think it will turn out, in my opinion, i've done everything but cured myself of my disease, and made it truely manageable for the first time ever in my nearly 35 years of life. Thanks for dealing with my repetitive exuberance regarding the oils, but i must admit it will be hard to not to continue to spread my word to others. Hopefully many other CF's can feel as good as I feel now. I will keep you guys updated.


New member
again this is prob me showing my lack of knowledge but.. over in scotland i have never heard of this oil.... is it worth tryin out? askin about? loads of things people speak on about hear i have never heard of... this "oil" being one of them. any information sites i can look at or any one i can speak to about this stuff?



New member
again this is prob me showing my lack of knowledge but.. over in scotland i have never heard of this oil.... is it worth tryin out? askin about? loads of things people speak on about hear i have never heard of... this "oil" being one of them. any information sites i can look at or any one i can speak to about this stuff?



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>smoothdave</b></i><br>again this is prob me showing my lack of knowledge but.. over in scotland i have never heard of this oil.... is it worth tryin out? askin about? loads of things people speak on about hear i have never heard of... this "oil" being one of them. any information sites i can look at or any one i can speak to about this stuff?


Ton of threads on here regarding oregano oil and other essential oils and their benefits for CF patients. Just search on here for oregano oil as a starting point, and go on from there. I've posted tons of info about it, most of the early threads with a lot of research information listed is buried pretty deep by now.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>smoothdave</b></i><br>again this is prob me showing my lack of knowledge but.. over in scotland i have never heard of this oil.... is it worth tryin out? askin about? loads of things people speak on about hear i have never heard of... this "oil" being one of them. any information sites i can look at or any one i can speak to about this stuff?


Ton of threads on here regarding oregano oil and other essential oils and their benefits for CF patients. Just search on here for oregano oil as a starting point, and go on from there. I've posted tons of info about it, most of the early threads with a lot of research information listed is buried pretty deep by now.


New member

Well I did my PFT's, and I blew 99% overall, with a 98% oxygen stauration. My small airways were 96% or 97% also. Remember, I was 49% when I was sick before the oils, and after 10 days of nukeage with IV's in the hospital and then 2 more weeks of nukeage of IV's at home, I could only manage 83% overall with a low oxygen saturation.

The CF doctors nearly fell out of their chairs when They saw my current PFT results, and the first thing he asked was "WHAT have you been doing?!?!". I told them about the oregano oil and other essential oils and how I had been nebulizing the oregano oil, and my doc listened and then said "Well I don't see anything outright wrong with it, we are now nebing salt water, and I even know some cystics who swear by smoking pot, so whatever works, but you are amazing". I told him before I started doing the oils I did my own research, and I told him "No offense guys, and I know you guys know your stuff and you tried to clean me up as good as you could, but the best that could be done with me the last time around was massive antibiotics, and I still felt like crap afterwards, and still couldnt get clean". He wants me to send them everything I know about the oils research wise and what I have learned, and couldnt get over my current state.

Before that the dieticians came in and wondered how in the hell I was able to be 206 lbs. We talked and they asked me how my lung function test was, and I told them. They said "You sure your almost 35?". I then told them about the oils and what they had been doing for me. Both dieticians took down the information from me and off the bottle and swore to look into it. It did feel a little weird sitting there telling a dietician what monolaurin was and where it came from and what it did.

I went to give a sputum culture, and I was clear as a bell, so it took some real hard work of coughing and huffing like mad to bring up just a spec of light green goo with mostly saliva. He said they might be able to get a reading off that. I hope my results come back showing no PA like a few other CF's have shown, but even if it doesn't I feel amazing and have PFT's through the roof (as I knew I would, you know when you feel clear and awesome that it means real high pft's).

So i'm going to email everything I have/know of to my CF specialist, dieticians, the PFT technician, and the CF specialists assistant, and they will go through everything. I hope after they do their own research like I did, they become advocates for the substance AND the overall use of certain essential oils to help with CF lung and sinus health.

Very good day overall, and I have to wait about 7 days to get the culture results back. I'm gonna be trying out the hypertonic solution (40 bucks a month for F'ing salt water! I'm tempted to mix it myself), the accapela device, and trying to get the upgrade to the 104 vest.

I will report back to you guys what my culture shows. My doc is the type of CF specialist that generally believes "Whatever gets great results, do it", so i'm pretty sure after seeing me and looking through the other research findings, he will probably be a big advocate of the oil, and with him seeing so many CF patients, the use will spread like wildfire.


New member

Well I did my PFT's, and I blew 99% overall, with a 98% oxygen stauration. My small airways were 96% or 97% also. Remember, I was 49% when I was sick before the oils, and after 10 days of nukeage with IV's in the hospital and then 2 more weeks of nukeage of IV's at home, I could only manage 83% overall with a low oxygen saturation.

The CF doctors nearly fell out of their chairs when They saw my current PFT results, and the first thing he asked was "WHAT have you been doing?!?!". I told them about the oregano oil and other essential oils and how I had been nebulizing the oregano oil, and my doc listened and then said "Well I don't see anything outright wrong with it, we are now nebing salt water, and I even know some cystics who swear by smoking pot, so whatever works, but you are amazing". I told him before I started doing the oils I did my own research, and I told him "No offense guys, and I know you guys know your stuff and you tried to clean me up as good as you could, but the best that could be done with me the last time around was massive antibiotics, and I still felt like crap afterwards, and still couldnt get clean". He wants me to send them everything I know about the oils research wise and what I have learned, and couldnt get over my current state.

Before that the dieticians came in and wondered how in the hell I was able to be 206 lbs. We talked and they asked me how my lung function test was, and I told them. They said "You sure your almost 35?". I then told them about the oils and what they had been doing for me. Both dieticians took down the information from me and off the bottle and swore to look into it. It did feel a little weird sitting there telling a dietician what monolaurin was and where it came from and what it did.

I went to give a sputum culture, and I was clear as a bell, so it took some real hard work of coughing and huffing like mad to bring up just a spec of light green goo with mostly saliva. He said they might be able to get a reading off that. I hope my results come back showing no PA like a few other CF's have shown, but even if it doesn't I feel amazing and have PFT's through the roof (as I knew I would, you know when you feel clear and awesome that it means real high pft's).

So i'm going to email everything I have/know of to my CF specialist, dieticians, the PFT technician, and the CF specialists assistant, and they will go through everything. I hope after they do their own research like I did, they become advocates for the substance AND the overall use of certain essential oils to help with CF lung and sinus health.

Very good day overall, and I have to wait about 7 days to get the culture results back. I'm gonna be trying out the hypertonic solution (40 bucks a month for F'ing salt water! I'm tempted to mix it myself), the accapela device, and trying to get the upgrade to the 104 vest.

I will report back to you guys what my culture shows. My doc is the type of CF specialist that generally believes "Whatever gets great results, do it", so i'm pretty sure after seeing me and looking through the other research findings, he will probably be a big advocate of the oil, and with him seeing so many CF patients, the use will spread like wildfire.


New member
WOW, thats incredible news Sean, I am very excited for you, man just reading all that makes me want to take oregano oil even more! I see my doc in two more weeks hopefully with what I printed off of the internet he will allow me to take it, but maybe I ought to print this page off and show him your results. WOW, so awesome. Keep up the good work, and I hope that you are clear of PA.

Princess JDC (Jennifer)

Live, Love, and be Happy


New member
WOW, thats incredible news Sean, I am very excited for you, man just reading all that makes me want to take oregano oil even more! I see my doc in two more weeks hopefully with what I printed off of the internet he will allow me to take it, but maybe I ought to print this page off and show him your results. WOW, so awesome. Keep up the good work, and I hope that you are clear of PA.

Princess JDC (Jennifer)

Live, Love, and be Happy


New member
Way to go Sean! I have been on OO for 1 month now, not inhaling though. I think I am seeing some results but can't seem to get rid of the haemophilus. I will have to go get a facial sauna. Have you found in your research that oils help with haemophilus. I can't seem to find anything.

32 cf


New member
Way to go Sean! I have been on OO for 1 month now, not inhaling though. I think I am seeing some results but can't seem to get rid of the haemophilus. I will have to go get a facial sauna. Have you found in your research that oils help with haemophilus. I can't seem to find anything.

32 cf


New member
I couldn't help but notice in your follow up, that your doc said that some Cystics swear by pot? I would think that this would irratate your lungs? Does anyone have any advice on this comment?


New member
I couldn't help but notice in your follow up, that your doc said that some Cystics swear by pot? I would think that this would irratate your lungs? Does anyone have any advice on this comment?


New member
Sean that's wonderful!! I have been on OO capsules for 2 weeks and am going to start nebulizing soon. I'm not seeing much change yet. What's the amt. and routine of taking monolaurin that you follow? and the benefits?


New member
Sean that's wonderful!! I have been on OO capsules for 2 weeks and am going to start nebulizing soon. I'm not seeing much change yet. What's the amt. and routine of taking monolaurin that you follow? and the benefits?


New member
So I've been doing the oils and melaican'tspellit for 2 weeks now and since I was running late for work today (not unusual) I picked up my pace and jogged (I walk to work 2.5 blocks). I haven't attempted to jog from my couch to my fridge in what feels like eons let alone 2 blocks. I was breathing hard when I got here, but I wasn't coughing and I as threw myslef exhaustedly into my chair (only 7 minutes late, which is under the 10 minute rule) I thought "thanks for the tip Sean".

This little experiment is expensive and a little time consuming, but all in all I feel so much better. I'm falling asleep without being serenaded to sleep by the harmonious wheeze and crackle symphony no. 5 that my lungs have become so famous for. it's a nice break.

I might add that my PFTs are much lower than Sean's just in case anyone who has less than stellar PFT's is looking for comparison, and by low, I mean LOW. 20-25.

In case your Dr. want some testimonials <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
So I've been doing the oils and melaican'tspellit for 2 weeks now and since I was running late for work today (not unusual) I picked up my pace and jogged (I walk to work 2.5 blocks). I haven't attempted to jog from my couch to my fridge in what feels like eons let alone 2 blocks. I was breathing hard when I got here, but I wasn't coughing and I as threw myslef exhaustedly into my chair (only 7 minutes late, which is under the 10 minute rule) I thought "thanks for the tip Sean".

This little experiment is expensive and a little time consuming, but all in all I feel so much better. I'm falling asleep without being serenaded to sleep by the harmonious wheeze and crackle symphony no. 5 that my lungs have become so famous for. it's a nice break.

I might add that my PFTs are much lower than Sean's just in case anyone who has less than stellar PFT's is looking for comparison, and by low, I mean LOW. 20-25.

In case your Dr. want some testimonials <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">