Will know on the 10th of this month...But I think I was right :)


New member
Pot doesnt need to be smoked. It can be eaten like in brownies. But of course I am not advocating anything illegal, just stating the facts!

By the way SeanDavis.....I am proud of you! Both for doing great for yourself & being a guinea pig for us! Hats off (sorry thats the only clothing that goes...LOL)!


New member
Pot doesnt need to be smoked. It can be eaten like in brownies. But of course I am not advocating anything illegal, just stating the facts!

By the way SeanDavis.....I am proud of you! Both for doing great for yourself & being a guinea pig for us! Hats off (sorry thats the only clothing that goes...LOL)!


New member
My thought on the pot issue was that it relieved me from noticing the fact that breathing was a struggle. so while I don't think it "actually" improved my breathing it did give me a break from "feeling" the struggle. Does that make sense?

Just my experience, for what it's worth. Oh, but i did learn to inhale much more effectively than any respitory therapist etc. had ever been able to teach me. if you want to know how to get the most benefit form anything that's inhaled find your local pot heads, they're the real experts.


New member
My thought on the pot issue was that it relieved me from noticing the fact that breathing was a struggle. so while I don't think it "actually" improved my breathing it did give me a break from "feeling" the struggle. Does that make sense?

Just my experience, for what it's worth. Oh, but i did learn to inhale much more effectively than any respitory therapist etc. had ever been able to teach me. if you want to know how to get the most benefit form anything that's inhaled find your local pot heads, they're the real experts.


New member
Debbie, When do you go in for pft's again? Please post any change. I'm also doing the OO pills. Are you inhaling it or doing the sauna? I have all of it to get started but am doing one thing at a time. So if one method doesn't work well with my system I don't write the whole thing off. Are you taking monolaurin? How much and what form? Keep up the running! You know the saying - use it or loose it! Are you on the transplant list?


New member
Debbie, When do you go in for pft's again? Please post any change. I'm also doing the OO pills. Are you inhaling it or doing the sauna? I have all of it to get started but am doing one thing at a time. So if one method doesn't work well with my system I don't write the whole thing off. Are you taking monolaurin? How much and what form? Keep up the running! You know the saying - use it or loose it! Are you on the transplant list?


New member
I think the overall best results are from nebbing the water soluble stuff, but inhaling via the facial sauna is good too. I would have stuck with the regular oil and kept trying to neb it that way, but it was pretty much a mess, and you can't get as much into your lungs as you can with the water soluble stuff. Hopefully if their company gets enough requests for the water soluble stuff they will start making more, which means lower cost etc etc. If you want to power huff via the inhaler and facial sauna with that oil combination, you will probably have to leave cinnamon oil out of the mix because it is rough. If you just did oregano oil and thyme oil you would be fine I think.

If people decide on inhaling via nebulizer down the road and haven't yet purchased the regular oil, go to http://www.p-73.com/cdcontactus.htm and tell them you can't find the water soluble stuff anywhere (I couldn't find it for sale anywhere on the net), and that you would like to buy some. I think last check a 1oz bottle was 60 bucks with shipping, considering the regular stuff on the cheap is about 35 bucks plus shipping, its considerably more expensive. Of course this doesnt matter if you just plan on using the facial inhaler and the other oils, in that case the regular oil works fine. The regular oil works relatively ok being nebed, but you only get a few good breaths of the stuff before it basically doesnt want to neb anymore, and you are left with a ton of the stuff in your cups, so it's not that efficient of a devilery method.

As for monolaurin, I was a little light in the pockets when it was time to get some more, and since I was doing so well just on the oils I didn't get anymore, but i'm sure others will have good results with keeping their CF bodies pretty clear of nasty bugs, yeast, and fungus on the stuff also (it's great at keeping you free of viruses, so good to atleast take a while before cold/flu season hits). I do plan on getting some more soon though.

Ever have one of those days where it's beautiful outside in everyway, with a wonderful deep blue sky, few wisps of clouds, beautiful temperature, and you just got stellar health news, and you feel amazing? That was me today. I had a giant cheshire cat grin on my face all the way home...Put in an old Pearl Jam CD and jammed to Given To Fly all the way home. My dream is to be able to see the day when there are legitimate patient trials for different essential oils for CF patients, and eventually before I die see a day when their use is standard practice instead of antibiotics to maintain our lung and body ecology between hospital stays.

If anyone has any other questions for me, don't fail to ask. I'm going to email my doc now with what I have. Life is good!


New member
I think the overall best results are from nebbing the water soluble stuff, but inhaling via the facial sauna is good too. I would have stuck with the regular oil and kept trying to neb it that way, but it was pretty much a mess, and you can't get as much into your lungs as you can with the water soluble stuff. Hopefully if their company gets enough requests for the water soluble stuff they will start making more, which means lower cost etc etc. If you want to power huff via the inhaler and facial sauna with that oil combination, you will probably have to leave cinnamon oil out of the mix because it is rough. If you just did oregano oil and thyme oil you would be fine I think.

If people decide on inhaling via nebulizer down the road and haven't yet purchased the regular oil, go to http://www.p-73.com/cdcontactus.htm and tell them you can't find the water soluble stuff anywhere (I couldn't find it for sale anywhere on the net), and that you would like to buy some. I think last check a 1oz bottle was 60 bucks with shipping, considering the regular stuff on the cheap is about 35 bucks plus shipping, its considerably more expensive. Of course this doesnt matter if you just plan on using the facial inhaler and the other oils, in that case the regular oil works fine. The regular oil works relatively ok being nebed, but you only get a few good breaths of the stuff before it basically doesnt want to neb anymore, and you are left with a ton of the stuff in your cups, so it's not that efficient of a devilery method.

As for monolaurin, I was a little light in the pockets when it was time to get some more, and since I was doing so well just on the oils I didn't get anymore, but i'm sure others will have good results with keeping their CF bodies pretty clear of nasty bugs, yeast, and fungus on the stuff also (it's great at keeping you free of viruses, so good to atleast take a while before cold/flu season hits). I do plan on getting some more soon though.

Ever have one of those days where it's beautiful outside in everyway, with a wonderful deep blue sky, few wisps of clouds, beautiful temperature, and you just got stellar health news, and you feel amazing? That was me today. I had a giant cheshire cat grin on my face all the way home...Put in an old Pearl Jam CD and jammed to Given To Fly all the way home. My dream is to be able to see the day when there are legitimate patient trials for different essential oils for CF patients, and eventually before I die see a day when their use is standard practice instead of antibiotics to maintain our lung and body ecology between hospital stays.

If anyone has any other questions for me, don't fail to ask. I'm going to email my doc now with what I have. Life is good!


New member
Some info on monolaurin in general (just opened google and punched it in, i'm sure others can find all kinds of stuff):

(most of these are good reads, do yourself a favor and read the info on the stuff, neat stuff)



(this next guy is a total health pimp, knows his stuff. you can order it on second link, but there are other sources for it as well...It OWNS herpes btw)







(read the following on this link)


(this next one is a good read also)


Here is the actual brand I took, just because it's one of the few high MG monolaurin supplements I could find. I've read elsewhere that a decent therapeutic dose is atleast 1500mg per day, and if you get a low MG per cap supplement, you are going to be taking a ton of pills and possibly spend more cash, so up to you:


One of the scientific research databases I use, and searching for monolaurin, read up on it, very neat stuff:



New member
Some info on monolaurin in general (just opened google and punched it in, i'm sure others can find all kinds of stuff):

(most of these are good reads, do yourself a favor and read the info on the stuff, neat stuff)



(this next guy is a total health pimp, knows his stuff. you can order it on second link, but there are other sources for it as well...It OWNS herpes btw)







(read the following on this link)


(this next one is a good read also)


Here is the actual brand I took, just because it's one of the few high MG monolaurin supplements I could find. I've read elsewhere that a decent therapeutic dose is atleast 1500mg per day, and if you get a low MG per cap supplement, you are going to be taking a ton of pills and possibly spend more cash, so up to you:


One of the scientific research databases I use, and searching for monolaurin, read up on it, very neat stuff:



New member
/feels so happy people are benefitting from my guinea pig trials <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'll post some more research info if you guys are bored and want to read, some new, some older, gonna carpet bomb my docs with the reasearch info I have.

Check it out, this is one of the newest research findings regarding oregano oil...Notice that while it of course totally destroys PA, it does an even better job on C. Albicans (Yeast I suppose?). Just look at ALL the insane antimicrobial substances in this stuff, it's wild.

(source: International association for food protection - Taken from one of the largest academic and professional research databases on the internet): http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?title=oregano+oil&title_type=tka&year_from=1998&year_to=2005&database=1&pageSize=20&index=1

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Compounds with Antimicrobial Activity from Origanum vulgare L.: Determination of Optimal Extraction Parameters

Oregano leaves were extracted using a pilot-scale supercritical fluid extraction plant under a wide range of extraction conditions, with the goal of determining the extraction and fractionation conditions to obtain extracts with optimal antimicrobial activity. In this investigation, the essential oil?rich fractions were selectively precipitated in the second separator, and their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity were investigated. Gas chromatography?mass spectrometry analysis of the various fractions resulted in the identification of 27 compounds of the essential oil. The main components of these fractions were carvacrol, trans-sabinene hydrate, cis-piperitol, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, and linalool. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by the disk diffusion and broth dilution methods against six different microbial species, including two gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis), two gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), a yeast (Candida albicans), and a fungus (Aspergillus niger). All of the supercritical fluid extraction fractions obtained showed antimicrobial activity against all of the microorganisms tested, although the most active fraction was the one obtained in experiment 5 (fraction was obtained with 7% ethanol at 150 bar and 40°C). C. albicans was the most sensitive microorganism to the oregano extracts, whereas the least susceptible was A. niger. Carvacrol, sabinene hydrate, borneol, and linalool standards also showed antimicrobial activity against all of the microorganisms tested, with carvacrol being the most effective. Consequently, it was confirmed that essential oil from experiment 5, with the best antimicrobial activity, also presented the highest quantity of carvacrol.


Minimum inhibitory concentrations of herbal essential oils and monolaurin for gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

New, safe antimicrobial agents are needed to prevent and overcome severe bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Based on our previous experience and that of others, we postulated that herbal essential oils, such as those of origanum, and monolaurin offer such possibilities. We examined in vitro the cidal and/or static effects of oil of origanum, several other essential oils, and monolaurin on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, and Mycobacterium terrae. Origanum proved cidal to all tested organisms with the exception of B. anthracis Sterne in which it was static. Monolaurin was cidal to S. aureus and M. terrae but not to E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Unlike the other two gram-negative organisms, H. pylori were extremely sensitive to monolaurin. Similar to origanum, monolaurin was static to B. anthracis Sterne. Because of their longstanding safety record, origanum and/or monolaurin, alone or combined with antibiotics, might prove useful in the prevention and treatment of severe bacterial infections, especially those that are difficult to treat and/or are antibiotic resistant.

(one more before I stop, this study showed just how lethal oregano oil was to every bad microorganism they tested, including PA):


Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from Plants against Selected Pathogenic and Saprophytic Microorganisms

The beneficial health effects of extracts from many types of plants that are used as seasoning agents in foods and beverages have been claimed for centuries. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of selected herb and spice essential oils for control of growth and survival of microorganisms. Inhibition of growth was tested by the paper disc agar diffusion method. Antibiotic susceptibility discs were used as control. Minimum lethal concentration (MLC) was determined by the tube dilution method. Essential oils from anise, angelica, basil, carrot, celery, cardamom, coriander, dill weed, fennel, oregano, parsley, and rosemary were evaluated. Inhibition ranged from complete with oregano to no inhibition with carrot oil for each of the test strains that included: Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O:157:H7, Yersinia enterocolitica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lactobacillus plantarum, Aspergillus niger, Geotrichum, and Rhodotorula. Oregano essential oil showed the greatest inhibition (zone, ge70 to 80 mm) (MLC, inhibitory (MLC, 25 to 50 ppm) to E. coli O:157:H7 and to the other bacteria and fungi tested. Anise oil was not particularly inhibitory to bacteria (inhibition zone, 25 mm); however, anise oil was highly inhibitory to molds. Because some of the herbal and spice essential oils are highly inhibitory to selected pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, they may provide alternatives and supplements to conventional antimicrobial additives in foods. 8 ppm). Coriander and basil were also highly


New member
/feels so happy people are benefitting from my guinea pig trials <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'll post some more research info if you guys are bored and want to read, some new, some older, gonna carpet bomb my docs with the reasearch info I have.

Check it out, this is one of the newest research findings regarding oregano oil...Notice that while it of course totally destroys PA, it does an even better job on C. Albicans (Yeast I suppose?). Just look at ALL the insane antimicrobial substances in this stuff, it's wild.

(source: International association for food protection - Taken from one of the largest academic and professional research databases on the internet): http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?title=oregano+oil&title_type=tka&year_from=1998&year_to=2005&database=1&pageSize=20&index=1

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Compounds with Antimicrobial Activity from Origanum vulgare L.: Determination of Optimal Extraction Parameters

Oregano leaves were extracted using a pilot-scale supercritical fluid extraction plant under a wide range of extraction conditions, with the goal of determining the extraction and fractionation conditions to obtain extracts with optimal antimicrobial activity. In this investigation, the essential oil?rich fractions were selectively precipitated in the second separator, and their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity were investigated. Gas chromatography?mass spectrometry analysis of the various fractions resulted in the identification of 27 compounds of the essential oil. The main components of these fractions were carvacrol, trans-sabinene hydrate, cis-piperitol, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, and linalool. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by the disk diffusion and broth dilution methods against six different microbial species, including two gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis), two gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), a yeast (Candida albicans), and a fungus (Aspergillus niger). All of the supercritical fluid extraction fractions obtained showed antimicrobial activity against all of the microorganisms tested, although the most active fraction was the one obtained in experiment 5 (fraction was obtained with 7% ethanol at 150 bar and 40°C). C. albicans was the most sensitive microorganism to the oregano extracts, whereas the least susceptible was A. niger. Carvacrol, sabinene hydrate, borneol, and linalool standards also showed antimicrobial activity against all of the microorganisms tested, with carvacrol being the most effective. Consequently, it was confirmed that essential oil from experiment 5, with the best antimicrobial activity, also presented the highest quantity of carvacrol.


Minimum inhibitory concentrations of herbal essential oils and monolaurin for gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

New, safe antimicrobial agents are needed to prevent and overcome severe bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Based on our previous experience and that of others, we postulated that herbal essential oils, such as those of origanum, and monolaurin offer such possibilities. We examined in vitro the cidal and/or static effects of oil of origanum, several other essential oils, and monolaurin on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, and Mycobacterium terrae. Origanum proved cidal to all tested organisms with the exception of B. anthracis Sterne in which it was static. Monolaurin was cidal to S. aureus and M. terrae but not to E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Unlike the other two gram-negative organisms, H. pylori were extremely sensitive to monolaurin. Similar to origanum, monolaurin was static to B. anthracis Sterne. Because of their longstanding safety record, origanum and/or monolaurin, alone or combined with antibiotics, might prove useful in the prevention and treatment of severe bacterial infections, especially those that are difficult to treat and/or are antibiotic resistant.

(one more before I stop, this study showed just how lethal oregano oil was to every bad microorganism they tested, including PA):


Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from Plants against Selected Pathogenic and Saprophytic Microorganisms

The beneficial health effects of extracts from many types of plants that are used as seasoning agents in foods and beverages have been claimed for centuries. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of selected herb and spice essential oils for control of growth and survival of microorganisms. Inhibition of growth was tested by the paper disc agar diffusion method. Antibiotic susceptibility discs were used as control. Minimum lethal concentration (MLC) was determined by the tube dilution method. Essential oils from anise, angelica, basil, carrot, celery, cardamom, coriander, dill weed, fennel, oregano, parsley, and rosemary were evaluated. Inhibition ranged from complete with oregano to no inhibition with carrot oil for each of the test strains that included: Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O:157:H7, Yersinia enterocolitica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lactobacillus plantarum, Aspergillus niger, Geotrichum, and Rhodotorula. Oregano essential oil showed the greatest inhibition (zone, ge70 to 80 mm) (MLC, inhibitory (MLC, 25 to 50 ppm) to E. coli O:157:H7 and to the other bacteria and fungi tested. Anise oil was not particularly inhibitory to bacteria (inhibition zone, 25 mm); however, anise oil was highly inhibitory to molds. Because some of the herbal and spice essential oils are highly inhibitory to selected pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, they may provide alternatives and supplements to conventional antimicrobial additives in foods. 8 ppm). Coriander and basil were also highly


New member
Ahh! So much to read so little time! Sean this is awesome info thank you so much. My PFTs are around the numbers as yours (before the oils, mid 80's) I think I am going to sit down and read all this info and get some of this stuff.

Couple questions. How long did you use it? I want to be able to use it long enough to get to upper 90's so I can go do PFTs and get the same reaction from my Doc!


New member
Ahh! So much to read so little time! Sean this is awesome info thank you so much. My PFTs are around the numbers as yours (before the oils, mid 80's) I think I am going to sit down and read all this info and get some of this stuff.

Couple questions. How long did you use it? I want to be able to use it long enough to get to upper 90's so I can go do PFTs and get the same reaction from my Doc!


New member

I am taking the super strength pill one a.m. and one p.m., taking the monolaurin at night with the p.m. dose. I take 2 of the monolaurin (more like I choke them down, they're huge) wich I believe is 1,000 whatevers. I'm pretty sure what I had read recommended 1000-1500 and since I'm small I thought I should start on the low end.

I'm currently using a sauna and the H2O soluable oregano oil. I bought the sauna Sean recommended and it is very nice. eventually I will use the inhaler atachement, but I wanted to use the Sauna becasue for the last few months I have had 3 semi-small cyst like masses on my face. They look like zits but they are definitely not zits and they were not going away. So in the midst of all this hub bub around oregano oil I happened to google MRSA to learn as much as i could to try to gage if the oils would possibly be affective against it, and what I learned was that MRSA is on the rise in the general public and showing up in emergency rooms around the country in the form of cysts on the face and arms. Strange I know. So I theorized that that was possibly what was happening to me, and so I have been soaking my face for 10 minutes a day in organo oil steam and what do you know. i have one out of three left and it is signifigantly smaller. If it goes away then I will probably switch to using the neb attachment and using the facial part once a week just to be prevenative.

I have to tell you I avoid the clinic like the plague. My Dr. blackmails me into coming in once in a while by refusing to write for anymore refills until i come in. So I only go about every 6 months. Maybe I'll shock them to their toes and make an appt. in a month or so just to see if my numbers have changed. Primarily i go by how I feel. And i can tell you I feel good. Real good. I've even gained 3 lbs. Granted that has nothing to do with the oils but hey, it 's still good.


New member

I am taking the super strength pill one a.m. and one p.m., taking the monolaurin at night with the p.m. dose. I take 2 of the monolaurin (more like I choke them down, they're huge) wich I believe is 1,000 whatevers. I'm pretty sure what I had read recommended 1000-1500 and since I'm small I thought I should start on the low end.

I'm currently using a sauna and the H2O soluable oregano oil. I bought the sauna Sean recommended and it is very nice. eventually I will use the inhaler atachement, but I wanted to use the Sauna becasue for the last few months I have had 3 semi-small cyst like masses on my face. They look like zits but they are definitely not zits and they were not going away. So in the midst of all this hub bub around oregano oil I happened to google MRSA to learn as much as i could to try to gage if the oils would possibly be affective against it, and what I learned was that MRSA is on the rise in the general public and showing up in emergency rooms around the country in the form of cysts on the face and arms. Strange I know. So I theorized that that was possibly what was happening to me, and so I have been soaking my face for 10 minutes a day in organo oil steam and what do you know. i have one out of three left and it is signifigantly smaller. If it goes away then I will probably switch to using the neb attachment and using the facial part once a week just to be prevenative.

I have to tell you I avoid the clinic like the plague. My Dr. blackmails me into coming in once in a while by refusing to write for anymore refills until i come in. So I only go about every 6 months. Maybe I'll shock them to their toes and make an appt. in a month or so just to see if my numbers have changed. Primarily i go by how I feel. And i can tell you I feel good. Real good. I've even gained 3 lbs. Granted that has nothing to do with the oils but hey, it 's still good.


New member
Thanks Sean, i'm obviously bored at work, and i appreciate the much needed reading material <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks Sean, i'm obviously bored at work, and i appreciate the much needed reading material <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">