<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Debi</b></i><br>Sean, would you mind repeating your "recipe" for inhaling the OO? I have scanned through threads and haven't located the exact thing that you do, so wondered if you would restate it. How many drops of OO do you use? Do you add it to saline, and if, show much saline? Or, can I add it to my ampule of albuterol and nebulise the two of them toogether? Any concerns about the OO being "sterile?" How long does it normally take to nebulize? How many times a day do you use it? Am I correct that you think the inhalation by neb works better than pills? Or, would you recommend trying the facial sauna route before trying the neb?
Can't thank you enough for scoping out an alternative!<hr></blockquote>
I personally feel that nebing the water soluble oil is more effective than the facial sauna, but deep inhalations of the regular oils in the facial sauna arent bad either. As far as the oil being sterile or not, due to my situation at the time, I didn't give it much thought because my need to get out of that situation that my doctors couldnt, kind of overroad any concern about that. I doubt the oil is sterile, but i'm sure there isn't anything bad in it. The company that makes the oil uses a process (I believe steam distillation) that should kill anything that might be in the oil microbe wise.
I tell everyone to use whatever they want in a realistic quantity, and if one way doesn't work, try another. I've been nebbing the stuff for 5 months or more, And have had complete blood work done not long ago (liver test, everything else you could think of, basically a complete physical blood work) and everything was at great levels. I'm personally more concerned over what collistin will do to me long term, due to what it says on the inside pamplet of the medication (That the product hasnt been tested to determine potential mutagenetic or carcinogenic properties - joy to that), so if I switch insurers and they say they won't cover the collistin, i'll be thankful. I do take the capsules, but just once a day. If you choose to only do one form of the oil, id do a decent amount to make up for not doing other forms, but of course start off low doseage wise and work your way up till you find your own sweet spot.
As for what I do: 5 - 6 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my albuterol in the morning, and then the same amount and same way at night, and then occasionally 2-3 drops under my tongue (if I feel a little funky, which is rare to never, so i basically don't do that anymore, but if I felt something maybe coming on, i'd start doing that again).
It doesn't take any longer to do the oregano + albuterol as it would to do just the albuterol. You could use the oil with any non sensitive water based medication like hypertonic (though hypertonic + oregano oil together might be a tad too harsh for some, cause it's irritant x 2), regular saline, distilled water, sterile water, and of course albuterol. I know some don't use albuterol, but I feel everyone should use it before their other aresols because it "opens up" your bronchials so the medications can get into your lungs better.