Will know on the 10th of this month...But I think I was right :)


New member
Hi sean i was just wondering apart from the oregano oils what other oils and herbal suppliments do you take? also the monolaurin can you just take coconut oil from anywhere like normal health foods stores or is there a special sort which gives you all the good stuff?


New member
Hi sean i was just wondering apart from the oregano oils what other oils and herbal suppliments do you take? also the monolaurin can you just take coconut oil from anywhere like normal health foods stores or is there a special sort which gives you all the good stuff?


New member
Sean, could you put your "recipe" for the inhaled oregano oil up again? I've tried scanning through old threads, but haven't found the exact amount of oil and what else you put in the nebuliser. Do you just put a certain number of drops in with saline? Could I add the OO drops to a vial of albuterol when I do a breathing treatment? How many times a day do you use the OO?

Congratulations! I am very supportive of the alternative route. Hate to ask you to repeat yourself, but with your success, I think a lot of people are going to want to find the info quickly.


New member
Sean, could you put your "recipe" for the inhaled oregano oil up again? I've tried scanning through old threads, but haven't found the exact amount of oil and what else you put in the nebuliser. Do you just put a certain number of drops in with saline? Could I add the OO drops to a vial of albuterol when I do a breathing treatment? How many times a day do you use the OO?

Congratulations! I am very supportive of the alternative route. Hate to ask you to repeat yourself, but with your success, I think a lot of people are going to want to find the info quickly.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Debi</b></i><br>Sean, could you put your "recipe" for the inhaled oregano oil up again? I've tried scanning through old threads, but haven't found the exact amount of oil and what else you put in the nebuliser. Do you just put a certain number of drops in with saline? Could I add the OO drops to a vial of albuterol when I do a breathing treatment? How many times a day do you use the OO?

Congratulations! I am very supportive of the alternative route. Hate to ask you to repeat yourself, but with your success, I think a lot of people are going to want to find the info quickly.<hr></blockquote>

I add 5-6 drops of the water soluble oregano oil to my first aresol of the day, which is my albuterol. I do that then do my morning collistin (still think it's worthless, but whatever). At night I do the same thing, then my pulmozyme, then my nightime collistin. And no, these results aren't from my collistin, because I was on collistin a long time ago and got the sickest I had ever been while on it, and went through overall 24 days having collistin and other antibiotics pumped into my body, and never got fully better (just a FYI for others who might suggest it).

I only occasionally use the facial sauna to inhale the other oils when my sinuses seem a tad nasty. It is real nice for your sinuses.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Debi</b></i><br>Sean, could you put your "recipe" for the inhaled oregano oil up again? I've tried scanning through old threads, but haven't found the exact amount of oil and what else you put in the nebuliser. Do you just put a certain number of drops in with saline? Could I add the OO drops to a vial of albuterol when I do a breathing treatment? How many times a day do you use the OO?

Congratulations! I am very supportive of the alternative route. Hate to ask you to repeat yourself, but with your success, I think a lot of people are going to want to find the info quickly.<hr></blockquote>

I add 5-6 drops of the water soluble oregano oil to my first aresol of the day, which is my albuterol. I do that then do my morning collistin (still think it's worthless, but whatever). At night I do the same thing, then my pulmozyme, then my nightime collistin. And no, these results aren't from my collistin, because I was on collistin a long time ago and got the sickest I had ever been while on it, and went through overall 24 days having collistin and other antibiotics pumped into my body, and never got fully better (just a FYI for others who might suggest it).

I only occasionally use the facial sauna to inhale the other oils when my sinuses seem a tad nasty. It is real nice for your sinuses.


New member
Sean, would you mind repeating your "recipe" for inhaling the OO? I have scanned through threads and haven't located the exact thing that you do, so wondered if you would restate it. How many drops of OO do you use? Do you add it to saline, and if, show much saline? Or, can I add it to my ampule of albuterol and nebulise the two of them toogether? Any concerns about the OO being "sterile?" How long does it normally take to nebulize? How many times a day do you use it? Am I correct that you think the inhalation by neb works better than pills? Or, would you recommend trying the facial sauna route before trying the neb?

Can't thank you enough for scoping out an alternative!


New member
Sean, would you mind repeating your "recipe" for inhaling the OO? I have scanned through threads and haven't located the exact thing that you do, so wondered if you would restate it. How many drops of OO do you use? Do you add it to saline, and if, show much saline? Or, can I add it to my ampule of albuterol and nebulise the two of them toogether? Any concerns about the OO being "sterile?" How long does it normally take to nebulize? How many times a day do you use it? Am I correct that you think the inhalation by neb works better than pills? Or, would you recommend trying the facial sauna route before trying the neb?

Can't thank you enough for scoping out an alternative!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hi sean i was just wondering apart from the oregano oils what other oils and herbal suppliments do you take? also the monolaurin can you just take coconut oil from anywhere like normal health foods stores or is there a special sort which gives you all the good stuff?


Here is one of several real good organic virgin coconut oils that some people swear by. I bought some and used it, but was havin some bad booty blow outs because I was eating the stuff without pills, so if you eat the stuff with meals, you should be just fine. And yes monolaurin is present in coconut products, the problem is that some coconut products arent good.

Here is some information on the coconut oil products:


I wont copy and paste because it's a lot of information sectioned up into different parts, but very interesting regardless. Basically you can either eat a heavy coconut product (the good kind, read the link info to find out whats what) diet, or you can take a monolaurin supplement, or both for added benefit.


As for what else I take...I take a ton of stuff: vitamin K, mega men multi vitamin (out now, gotta get some more), coenzyme B complex formula, B12 vitamin, oreganol super strength capsule, a supplement that contains 2001 MG of like 18 different essential and non essential amino acids, lycopene, NAC (almost out, gotta restock), powdered thyme leaf, complete EFA's, and a supplement that's a combined extract of 42 fruits and vegetables.

The above list is far from a necessity for dealing with CF, but i'm always looking for the perfect combination to battle CF in general and potential malabsorption issues. I'll try something that sounds good and makes sense, and if i feel I improve myself in some way i'll stick with it, if not ill look into something else. I'm always looking to improve my knowlege and myself through the proper use of selective supplements.

As for what other oils I use, I primarily neb water soluble oregano oil 5-6 drops in the morning and at night in my albuterol. Maybe once a week ill use the facial sauna with cinnamon (ceylon) oil, red thyme oil, and regular oregano oil (I never received the clove oil so forgot about it).

And thats about it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hi sean i was just wondering apart from the oregano oils what other oils and herbal suppliments do you take? also the monolaurin can you just take coconut oil from anywhere like normal health foods stores or is there a special sort which gives you all the good stuff?


Here is one of several real good organic virgin coconut oils that some people swear by. I bought some and used it, but was havin some bad booty blow outs because I was eating the stuff without pills, so if you eat the stuff with meals, you should be just fine. And yes monolaurin is present in coconut products, the problem is that some coconut products arent good.

Here is some information on the coconut oil products:


I wont copy and paste because it's a lot of information sectioned up into different parts, but very interesting regardless. Basically you can either eat a heavy coconut product (the good kind, read the link info to find out whats what) diet, or you can take a monolaurin supplement, or both for added benefit.


As for what else I take...I take a ton of stuff: vitamin K, mega men multi vitamin (out now, gotta get some more), coenzyme B complex formula, B12 vitamin, oreganol super strength capsule, a supplement that contains 2001 MG of like 18 different essential and non essential amino acids, lycopene, NAC (almost out, gotta restock), powdered thyme leaf, complete EFA's, and a supplement that's a combined extract of 42 fruits and vegetables.

The above list is far from a necessity for dealing with CF, but i'm always looking for the perfect combination to battle CF in general and potential malabsorption issues. I'll try something that sounds good and makes sense, and if i feel I improve myself in some way i'll stick with it, if not ill look into something else. I'm always looking to improve my knowlege and myself through the proper use of selective supplements.

As for what other oils I use, I primarily neb water soluble oregano oil 5-6 drops in the morning and at night in my albuterol. Maybe once a week ill use the facial sauna with cinnamon (ceylon) oil, red thyme oil, and regular oregano oil (I never received the clove oil so forgot about it).

And thats about it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Debi</b></i><br>Sean, would you mind repeating your "recipe" for inhaling the OO? I have scanned through threads and haven't located the exact thing that you do, so wondered if you would restate it. How many drops of OO do you use? Do you add it to saline, and if, show much saline? Or, can I add it to my ampule of albuterol and nebulise the two of them toogether? Any concerns about the OO being "sterile?" How long does it normally take to nebulize? How many times a day do you use it? Am I correct that you think the inhalation by neb works better than pills? Or, would you recommend trying the facial sauna route before trying the neb?

Can't thank you enough for scoping out an alternative!<hr></blockquote>

I personally feel that nebing the water soluble oil is more effective than the facial sauna, but deep inhalations of the regular oils in the facial sauna arent bad either. As far as the oil being sterile or not, due to my situation at the time, I didn't give it much thought because my need to get out of that situation that my doctors couldnt, kind of overroad any concern about that. I doubt the oil is sterile, but i'm sure there isn't anything bad in it. The company that makes the oil uses a process (I believe steam distillation) that should kill anything that might be in the oil microbe wise.

I tell everyone to use whatever they want in a realistic quantity, and if one way doesn't work, try another. I've been nebbing the stuff for 5 months or more, And have had complete blood work done not long ago (liver test, everything else you could think of, basically a complete physical blood work) and everything was at great levels. I'm personally more concerned over what collistin will do to me long term, due to what it says on the inside pamplet of the medication (That the product hasnt been tested to determine potential mutagenetic or carcinogenic properties - joy to that), so if I switch insurers and they say they won't cover the collistin, i'll be thankful. I do take the capsules, but just once a day. If you choose to only do one form of the oil, id do a decent amount to make up for not doing other forms, but of course start off low doseage wise and work your way up till you find your own sweet spot.

As for what I do: 5 - 6 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my albuterol in the morning, and then the same amount and same way at night, and then occasionally 2-3 drops under my tongue (if I feel a little funky, which is rare to never, so i basically don't do that anymore, but if I felt something maybe coming on, i'd start doing that again).

It doesn't take any longer to do the oregano + albuterol as it would to do just the albuterol. You could use the oil with any non sensitive water based medication like hypertonic (though hypertonic + oregano oil together might be a tad too harsh for some, cause it's irritant x 2), regular saline, distilled water, sterile water, and of course albuterol. I know some don't use albuterol, but I feel everyone should use it before their other aresols because it "opens up" your bronchials so the medications can get into your lungs better.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Debi</b></i><br>Sean, would you mind repeating your "recipe" for inhaling the OO? I have scanned through threads and haven't located the exact thing that you do, so wondered if you would restate it. How many drops of OO do you use? Do you add it to saline, and if, show much saline? Or, can I add it to my ampule of albuterol and nebulise the two of them toogether? Any concerns about the OO being "sterile?" How long does it normally take to nebulize? How many times a day do you use it? Am I correct that you think the inhalation by neb works better than pills? Or, would you recommend trying the facial sauna route before trying the neb?

Can't thank you enough for scoping out an alternative!<hr></blockquote>

I personally feel that nebing the water soluble oil is more effective than the facial sauna, but deep inhalations of the regular oils in the facial sauna arent bad either. As far as the oil being sterile or not, due to my situation at the time, I didn't give it much thought because my need to get out of that situation that my doctors couldnt, kind of overroad any concern about that. I doubt the oil is sterile, but i'm sure there isn't anything bad in it. The company that makes the oil uses a process (I believe steam distillation) that should kill anything that might be in the oil microbe wise.

I tell everyone to use whatever they want in a realistic quantity, and if one way doesn't work, try another. I've been nebbing the stuff for 5 months or more, And have had complete blood work done not long ago (liver test, everything else you could think of, basically a complete physical blood work) and everything was at great levels. I'm personally more concerned over what collistin will do to me long term, due to what it says on the inside pamplet of the medication (That the product hasnt been tested to determine potential mutagenetic or carcinogenic properties - joy to that), so if I switch insurers and they say they won't cover the collistin, i'll be thankful. I do take the capsules, but just once a day. If you choose to only do one form of the oil, id do a decent amount to make up for not doing other forms, but of course start off low doseage wise and work your way up till you find your own sweet spot.

As for what I do: 5 - 6 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my albuterol in the morning, and then the same amount and same way at night, and then occasionally 2-3 drops under my tongue (if I feel a little funky, which is rare to never, so i basically don't do that anymore, but if I felt something maybe coming on, i'd start doing that again).

It doesn't take any longer to do the oregano + albuterol as it would to do just the albuterol. You could use the oil with any non sensitive water based medication like hypertonic (though hypertonic + oregano oil together might be a tad too harsh for some, cause it's irritant x 2), regular saline, distilled water, sterile water, and of course albuterol. I know some don't use albuterol, but I feel everyone should use it before their other aresols because it "opens up" your bronchials so the medications can get into your lungs better.


New member
I may be repeating something you've mentioned before Sean - but I bought the oil of oregano today, and want to add it to water to inhale. Can you do that? If so, how much water should be added to 2 drops of oregano?


New member
I may be repeating something you've mentioned before Sean - but I bought the oil of oregano today, and want to add it to water to inhale. Can you do that? If so, how much water should be added to 2 drops of oregano?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i><br>I may be repeating something you've mentioned before Sean - but I bought the oil of oregano today, and want to add it to water to inhale. Can you do that? If so, how much water should be added to 2 drops of oregano?<hr></blockquote>

You can use water, just dont use tap water...Use some form of clean water, as in sterile, saline, hypertonic, distilled, etc.

Just add a normal amount of either of those, as in the fluid line stops at the maximum notched level.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i><br>I may be repeating something you've mentioned before Sean - but I bought the oil of oregano today, and want to add it to water to inhale. Can you do that? If so, how much water should be added to 2 drops of oregano?<hr></blockquote>

You can use water, just dont use tap water...Use some form of clean water, as in sterile, saline, hypertonic, distilled, etc.

Just add a normal amount of either of those, as in the fluid line stops at the maximum notched level.


New member
That's awesome news Sean, i'm absolutely stoked for you!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I am adding the oregano oil to my facial saunas now too, along with the clove, cinnamon and thyme and to be even cheekier as I can't be bothered going to see my doc, i've starting adding 10ml of sodium chloride to my water as well (I get little sterile plastic tubes of it for when i need to do home IV's and have heaps left over) - i figure it's gotta be the same as hypertonic saline - does anybody know if this is correct?
Anyway, i can offer some assistance regarding the smoking of marijuana - i do, every day and have done for the last 15 or so years. I find that not only do i truly struggle to stop smoking it, from an emotional point of view (as soon as I stop for a few days I wind up in hospital emergency having an anxiety attack!) but part of me also wonders if the pot is quite good for my lungs. Now i know this seems ridiculous but hearing that Sean's doctor said 'some cystics swear by smoking pot' makes me wonder if i'm correct here.
From the investigations that i have done into pot and it's effect on the lungs, it would appear that the main thing it does is suppress the body's immune response slightly, thereby eliminating an inflammatory response in the lungs from the bugs we culture. And as inflammation is one of the main reasons our lungs deteriorate so much, obviously anything we can do to reduce that inflammation is a good thing. True we can take steroids (no thanks!!) or something like Azithromicin, but i'd rather take something more natural given a choice.
I have another theory that perhaps the thick and sticky mucus coating our airways actually helps to prevent the smoke from damaging the lung tissue underneath to the same extent as it would in a healthy pair of lungs??? Maybe wishful thinking but something I wonder about often.
The immediate benefit i find from having a smoke is the fact that it opens my airways right up and stops any coughing I may have been doing prior, also the munchies help me eat lots of high calorie foods when otherwise my appetite isn't that huge, as I do tend to digest my food very well these days - when i was on pancrease i had a huge appetite as food was basically still going straight through me, but now that i'm absorbing it so much better i don't need to eat as much, can be a problem as i 'm still way too thin!
I plan to continue my sauna inhalations with oils and saline, keep going to the gym three times a week, keep walking the dog as much as possible and working in my garden on the weekends and put on another 5 kgs over the next two months - then i'm gonna make an appointment to see my doc and get some tests done. I can only hope and pray my results will be as impressive as Seans!!

Kat (37, with CF, NZ)


New member
That's awesome news Sean, i'm absolutely stoked for you!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I am adding the oregano oil to my facial saunas now too, along with the clove, cinnamon and thyme and to be even cheekier as I can't be bothered going to see my doc, i've starting adding 10ml of sodium chloride to my water as well (I get little sterile plastic tubes of it for when i need to do home IV's and have heaps left over) - i figure it's gotta be the same as hypertonic saline - does anybody know if this is correct?
Anyway, i can offer some assistance regarding the smoking of marijuana - i do, every day and have done for the last 15 or so years. I find that not only do i truly struggle to stop smoking it, from an emotional point of view (as soon as I stop for a few days I wind up in hospital emergency having an anxiety attack!) but part of me also wonders if the pot is quite good for my lungs. Now i know this seems ridiculous but hearing that Sean's doctor said 'some cystics swear by smoking pot' makes me wonder if i'm correct here.
From the investigations that i have done into pot and it's effect on the lungs, it would appear that the main thing it does is suppress the body's immune response slightly, thereby eliminating an inflammatory response in the lungs from the bugs we culture. And as inflammation is one of the main reasons our lungs deteriorate so much, obviously anything we can do to reduce that inflammation is a good thing. True we can take steroids (no thanks!!) or something like Azithromicin, but i'd rather take something more natural given a choice.
I have another theory that perhaps the thick and sticky mucus coating our airways actually helps to prevent the smoke from damaging the lung tissue underneath to the same extent as it would in a healthy pair of lungs??? Maybe wishful thinking but something I wonder about often.
The immediate benefit i find from having a smoke is the fact that it opens my airways right up and stops any coughing I may have been doing prior, also the munchies help me eat lots of high calorie foods when otherwise my appetite isn't that huge, as I do tend to digest my food very well these days - when i was on pancrease i had a huge appetite as food was basically still going straight through me, but now that i'm absorbing it so much better i don't need to eat as much, can be a problem as i 'm still way too thin!
I plan to continue my sauna inhalations with oils and saline, keep going to the gym three times a week, keep walking the dog as much as possible and working in my garden on the weekends and put on another 5 kgs over the next two months - then i'm gonna make an appointment to see my doc and get some tests done. I can only hope and pray my results will be as impressive as Seans!!

Kat (37, with CF, NZ)


New member
I hope so too Kat! Personally If I could smoke pot (always viewed it as something not to do more than a couple times for experimentations sake, due to lungs and all), i'd smoke kind of often and not drink at all. Drinking dries out the lungs, makes you fat, is easy to get a DUI with, and probably kills brain cells faster than pot, not to mention people are generally idiots while drunk as opposed to mellow and thinking while stoned.

I absolutely LOVE the smell of pot, as opposed to cigarettes. Cig smell actually messes my lungs bad, pot smoke smells good and doesnt have the same irritant lung/nose reaction. I think they should legalize the drug because in the scheme of things (ESPECIALLY when compared to alcohol), it's harmless. How many people do you know that smoke pot and then get violent? How many people do you know that smoke pot then get behind the wheel of a car and kill a family of 8 in a car wreck? This list could get mighty long.

As long as your PFT's don't take a nose dive and you don't feel like crap from an occasional joint/hit on the bong, who cares. Do whatever works best for you. If helping my CF meant sniffing gary colemans dirty underwear skid marks, you better believe I would.


New member
I hope so too Kat! Personally If I could smoke pot (always viewed it as something not to do more than a couple times for experimentations sake, due to lungs and all), i'd smoke kind of often and not drink at all. Drinking dries out the lungs, makes you fat, is easy to get a DUI with, and probably kills brain cells faster than pot, not to mention people are generally idiots while drunk as opposed to mellow and thinking while stoned.

I absolutely LOVE the smell of pot, as opposed to cigarettes. Cig smell actually messes my lungs bad, pot smoke smells good and doesnt have the same irritant lung/nose reaction. I think they should legalize the drug because in the scheme of things (ESPECIALLY when compared to alcohol), it's harmless. How many people do you know that smoke pot and then get violent? How many people do you know that smoke pot then get behind the wheel of a car and kill a family of 8 in a car wreck? This list could get mighty long.

As long as your PFT's don't take a nose dive and you don't feel like crap from an occasional joint/hit on the bong, who cares. Do whatever works best for you. If helping my CF meant sniffing gary colemans dirty underwear skid marks, you better believe I would.