Will know on the 10th of this month...But I think I was right :)


New member
I tried the oregano tonight, and its actually not bad at all. I coughed up quite a bit afterwards, and my lungs felt just a bit more clear. I'm definitly going to keep this up long term to see if its as helpful to me, as it is to you.


New member
I tried the oregano tonight, and its actually not bad at all. I coughed up quite a bit afterwards, and my lungs felt just a bit more clear. I'm definitly going to keep this up long term to see if its as helpful to me, as it is to you.


New member
Hello Sean

I am new hear and I was reading about the Oil .....

Where can I get some ?

Sounds like something I want to try....

Brad 49 w Cf


New member
Hello Sean

I am new hear and I was reading about the Oil .....

Where can I get some ?

Sounds like something I want to try....

Brad 49 w Cf


New member
Hi Sean, I'm catching up on these oils and treatments you've listed here. One question, what is PA? You said, "I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free..." I missed what that was. And, where did you originally hear of all these natural remedies? Curious how you came upon it. Have you heard of or do you like Dr. Andrew Weil at all? Wondering if there's any combined info with what you've found and his experience/knowledge.

Overall sounds like I should read up on all these links you've provided. Thanks.


New member
Hi Sean, I'm catching up on these oils and treatments you've listed here. One question, what is PA? You said, "I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free..." I missed what that was. And, where did you originally hear of all these natural remedies? Curious how you came upon it. Have you heard of or do you like Dr. Andrew Weil at all? Wondering if there's any combined info with what you've found and his experience/knowledge.

Overall sounds like I should read up on all these links you've provided. Thanks.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>MyNewfy</b></i><br>Hi Sean, I'm catching up on these oils and treatments you've listed here. One question, what is PA? You said, "I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free..." I missed what that was. And, where did you originally hear of all these natural remedies? Curious how you came upon it. Have you heard of or do you like Dr. Andrew Weil at all? Wondering if there's any combined info with what you've found and his experience/knowledge.

Overall sounds like I should read up on all these links you've provided. Thanks.<hr></blockquote>

As for "PA" I am refering to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, the most common lung bug that us cystics have. Oregano oil and some other essential oils have been shown to totally destroy the bug, along with tons of other nasty microbes. As for where I heard about oregano oil, my ultra hippy sister one day told me it was all that, and I thought it was BS so I started to do my own research. After tons of research and trying to find out that it was BS, I found out it wasn't BS and put 2 and 2 together and figured since it was so good at destroying PA and other nasty microbes, I would neb the stuff. Seeing as how conventional CF medications (antibiotics) weren't doing it for me anymore, and not wanting to slowly die, I started nebbing the stuff and taking the capsules and putting it under my tongue.

As for Dr. Weil, I have only briefly read a few things he has written, but I've liked what I have read.

As for others asking where they can get the oil...I prefer to use the oreganol P73 brand from north american herb and spice, because they have an excellent track record with medicinal grade oils and supplements, and their oregano oil was actually used in some research. To get the proper type of oil it has to be high altitude mediterranian oreganum vulgare, so that's why I use this brand. There might be other brands out there that are the same, but I didn't want to take any chances.

For the regular oregano oil, just google up oreganol P-73, and you will find quite a few sites that sell it. About the cheapest I have found it online is 35 bucks for a one ounce bottle of it, shipping not included. The one ounce bottle will last a pretty long time @ a couple drops 2-3 times a day inhaled.

The regular stuff is what I started with, but soon found out that the water soluble form of it is better because it doesnt leave residue, and it fully dissolves into the fluid in your neb and therefore you are able to inhale all of it (the regular stuff leaves a ton behind). If you are looking to buy the water soluble stuff, go to www.p-73.com and click on contacts, and call them during business hours and tell them you have not been able to find the water soluble oreganol p73 (its called H2 Orega), and they will happily sell it to you over the phone. It's nearly twice as expensive as the regular oil due to them making small batches at a time and the process to make it water soluble, but in my opinion if you plan on nebbing the oil, it's worth it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>MyNewfy</b></i><br>Hi Sean, I'm catching up on these oils and treatments you've listed here. One question, what is PA? You said, "I am hoping that my sputum will show that i'm PA free..." I missed what that was. And, where did you originally hear of all these natural remedies? Curious how you came upon it. Have you heard of or do you like Dr. Andrew Weil at all? Wondering if there's any combined info with what you've found and his experience/knowledge.

Overall sounds like I should read up on all these links you've provided. Thanks.<hr></blockquote>

As for "PA" I am refering to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, the most common lung bug that us cystics have. Oregano oil and some other essential oils have been shown to totally destroy the bug, along with tons of other nasty microbes. As for where I heard about oregano oil, my ultra hippy sister one day told me it was all that, and I thought it was BS so I started to do my own research. After tons of research and trying to find out that it was BS, I found out it wasn't BS and put 2 and 2 together and figured since it was so good at destroying PA and other nasty microbes, I would neb the stuff. Seeing as how conventional CF medications (antibiotics) weren't doing it for me anymore, and not wanting to slowly die, I started nebbing the stuff and taking the capsules and putting it under my tongue.

As for Dr. Weil, I have only briefly read a few things he has written, but I've liked what I have read.

As for others asking where they can get the oil...I prefer to use the oreganol P73 brand from north american herb and spice, because they have an excellent track record with medicinal grade oils and supplements, and their oregano oil was actually used in some research. To get the proper type of oil it has to be high altitude mediterranian oreganum vulgare, so that's why I use this brand. There might be other brands out there that are the same, but I didn't want to take any chances.

For the regular oregano oil, just google up oreganol P-73, and you will find quite a few sites that sell it. About the cheapest I have found it online is 35 bucks for a one ounce bottle of it, shipping not included. The one ounce bottle will last a pretty long time @ a couple drops 2-3 times a day inhaled.

The regular stuff is what I started with, but soon found out that the water soluble form of it is better because it doesnt leave residue, and it fully dissolves into the fluid in your neb and therefore you are able to inhale all of it (the regular stuff leaves a ton behind). If you are looking to buy the water soluble stuff, go to www.p-73.com and click on contacts, and call them during business hours and tell them you have not been able to find the water soluble oreganol p73 (its called H2 Orega), and they will happily sell it to you over the phone. It's nearly twice as expensive as the regular oil due to them making small batches at a time and the process to make it water soluble, but in my opinion if you plan on nebbing the oil, it's worth it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lynda</b></i><br>Sean

I may have missed this someplace, but do you do oregano as maintenance long term or more as a 'tune up' when you feel you need to due to infection, decreased lung function, etc?<hr></blockquote>

I started taking the oil as a response to me not getting well after 24 days of I.V. antibiotics, and not "bouncing back" like I used to. I was very depressed and pissed off, and scared. I had always been able to bounce back to around 100% after I got sick and went in for a cleanout, but not this time. I started taking the stuff under the tongue and in capsule form, and later nebbing it. That was probably 6 months ago, and I now use the oil daily just like I would a long term daily antibiotic, like if I was on Tobi forever. I plan on continuing to take the oil twice a day via nebbing untill i'm dead because of my response to it.

I went and got a full blood analysis for everything health wise after being on the oil for maybe 5 months, and got a perfect report. So I have faith that it more than likely doesnt have any long term negative side effects. Even if there was a chance of it doing something to me a while down the road, the benefits now are too great to pass up in my opinion.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lynda</b></i><br>Sean

I may have missed this someplace, but do you do oregano as maintenance long term or more as a 'tune up' when you feel you need to due to infection, decreased lung function, etc?<hr></blockquote>

I started taking the oil as a response to me not getting well after 24 days of I.V. antibiotics, and not "bouncing back" like I used to. I was very depressed and pissed off, and scared. I had always been able to bounce back to around 100% after I got sick and went in for a cleanout, but not this time. I started taking the stuff under the tongue and in capsule form, and later nebbing it. That was probably 6 months ago, and I now use the oil daily just like I would a long term daily antibiotic, like if I was on Tobi forever. I plan on continuing to take the oil twice a day via nebbing untill i'm dead because of my response to it.

I went and got a full blood analysis for everything health wise after being on the oil for maybe 5 months, and got a perfect report. So I have faith that it more than likely doesnt have any long term negative side effects. Even if there was a chance of it doing something to me a while down the road, the benefits now are too great to pass up in my opinion.


New member
Sean - hat to make you repeat yourself, but I couldn't find it in other threads - what other essential oils do you neb along with the oregano?


New member
Sean - hat to make you repeat yourself, but I couldn't find it in other threads - what other essential oils do you neb along with the oregano?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i><br>Sean - hat to make you repeat yourself, but I couldn't find it in other threads - what other essential oils do you neb along with the oregano?<hr></blockquote>

I only neb oregano oil. The recipe for the "bronchitis cure" that someone else posted here in a cepacia thread called for cinnamon oil, clove oil, and thyme oil (and they added oregano oil afterwards) to be added to clean water in a facial sauna for inhalation. I do that occasionally, and it would probably be to my benefit to do it daily, but with my awesome response to the oregano oil I have slacked off on it quite a bit.

I would be hesitant to neb any other oils because some essential oils aren't all too friendly to the human body when taken internally, and it appears that oregano oil is one of the friendliest to be taken internally. Some stuff is REAL bad but REAL helpful at the same time. Tea Tree oil is a good example of that. It is one of the strongest natural antiseptics known to man, but if you take it internally it can be pretty bad, in some cases it has caused a coma and mental confusion. Those conditions were brought about by large amounts of it being taken though, but i'm not too sure if the terpines in that particular oil build up within the body, so I wouldn't risk it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i><br>Sean - hat to make you repeat yourself, but I couldn't find it in other threads - what other essential oils do you neb along with the oregano?<hr></blockquote>

I only neb oregano oil. The recipe for the "bronchitis cure" that someone else posted here in a cepacia thread called for cinnamon oil, clove oil, and thyme oil (and they added oregano oil afterwards) to be added to clean water in a facial sauna for inhalation. I do that occasionally, and it would probably be to my benefit to do it daily, but with my awesome response to the oregano oil I have slacked off on it quite a bit.

I would be hesitant to neb any other oils because some essential oils aren't all too friendly to the human body when taken internally, and it appears that oregano oil is one of the friendliest to be taken internally. Some stuff is REAL bad but REAL helpful at the same time. Tea Tree oil is a good example of that. It is one of the strongest natural antiseptics known to man, but if you take it internally it can be pretty bad, in some cases it has caused a coma and mental confusion. Those conditions were brought about by large amounts of it being taken though, but i'm not too sure if the terpines in that particular oil build up within the body, so I wouldn't risk it.


New member
Well I think you're being very responsible about this whole thing, considering you are giving out an alternative medicinal recommendation. I think it's great that you are responding to everyone's questions like you are! That's really great. I feel a bit hestitant to start anything new that my doctor hasn't recommended, that goes directly to my lungs of all things. I am very curious though and will read up on this for sure. I've always been very pro herbal, Eastern methods, alternative ways etc, because there is a ton of validity to it in my opinion, centuries worth in some cases. But when it comes to inhaling something, that's what makes me nervous. I have PA, and have had it ever since I can remember and would love to get rid of it, if possible.

I've always gotten frustrated at how our Western doctors often miss the boat when it comes to furthering their care! If they could only open their minds to using both East and West approaches, I think we would be FAR BETTER overall in our CF health situation. It just makes sense, but they don't teach that in medical school.

Several years ago I mentioned to my doctor that I was using Echinacea for colds, and he said right away to not use the Echinacea/Goldenseal combination because the combo would conflict with medicines I was taking. He said that some herbal things weren't good for CFers because of the other meds we take. So ever since, I've been hesitant to do any of it, but I do believe there are some incredible natural options out there. It just makes sense as well.

I went to a "Cranial Therapist" a few times, because this guys was mentioned as studying under Dr. Weil. This cranial therapist had only seen a few other CFers in his doctors office, but had some really great tips for me. One thing I do when I am coughing a ton at night, can't stop, can't get a night's worth of rest, is I use a rolled up wash cloth and place it under my back. This might sound strange, but it's pretty incredible. He told me that the muscles on both sides of your spinal chord are connected to your bronchial tubes and when those muscles are massaged and relaxed, your airways open up. I swear this it true too. You roll up the wash cloth and place it perpendicular to your spinal chord and lay on it, a few vertebraes at a time. Once you feel relaxed move it further up your back until it's at the top. Half way up my back I often fall asleep (by acccident) because those muscles are getting such a direct massage I suppose. It's just a nice little additional tip if anyone wants to try a simple, relaxing thing at night when you just want to go sleep. I know this is off the oil subject though, sorry I got a tangent.


New member
Well I think you're being very responsible about this whole thing, considering you are giving out an alternative medicinal recommendation. I think it's great that you are responding to everyone's questions like you are! That's really great. I feel a bit hestitant to start anything new that my doctor hasn't recommended, that goes directly to my lungs of all things. I am very curious though and will read up on this for sure. I've always been very pro herbal, Eastern methods, alternative ways etc, because there is a ton of validity to it in my opinion, centuries worth in some cases. But when it comes to inhaling something, that's what makes me nervous. I have PA, and have had it ever since I can remember and would love to get rid of it, if possible.

I've always gotten frustrated at how our Western doctors often miss the boat when it comes to furthering their care! If they could only open their minds to using both East and West approaches, I think we would be FAR BETTER overall in our CF health situation. It just makes sense, but they don't teach that in medical school.

Several years ago I mentioned to my doctor that I was using Echinacea for colds, and he said right away to not use the Echinacea/Goldenseal combination because the combo would conflict with medicines I was taking. He said that some herbal things weren't good for CFers because of the other meds we take. So ever since, I've been hesitant to do any of it, but I do believe there are some incredible natural options out there. It just makes sense as well.

I went to a "Cranial Therapist" a few times, because this guys was mentioned as studying under Dr. Weil. This cranial therapist had only seen a few other CFers in his doctors office, but had some really great tips for me. One thing I do when I am coughing a ton at night, can't stop, can't get a night's worth of rest, is I use a rolled up wash cloth and place it under my back. This might sound strange, but it's pretty incredible. He told me that the muscles on both sides of your spinal chord are connected to your bronchial tubes and when those muscles are massaged and relaxed, your airways open up. I swear this it true too. You roll up the wash cloth and place it perpendicular to your spinal chord and lay on it, a few vertebraes at a time. Once you feel relaxed move it further up your back until it's at the top. Half way up my back I often fall asleep (by acccident) because those muscles are getting such a direct massage I suppose. It's just a nice little additional tip if anyone wants to try a simple, relaxing thing at night when you just want to go sleep. I know this is off the oil subject though, sorry I got a tangent.


New member
Sounds cool man. Yeah the way western doctors approach anything is on the antibiotic/pill train. Are you feeling bad? Here take this antibiotic. Walk funny? Here take this antibiotic. Unusual farts? Here take this antibiotic. Now add to that the pharmaceutical companies and how they carpet bomb doctors with their newest antibiotic/pill of the week, then add how western doctors training almost fully excludes herbal and alternative medical treatments, and you have a bad combination. I'm not anti conventional medications and treatments, i'm just pro herbal and alternative to a large extent. I feel both of them have a place in treating health ailments, and CF is no exception. It's hard to find out what actually helps and what might actually harm though, so in that sense, it's up to the individual to be their own advocate and do their own research. It takes time and effort, but just like I found what appears to be a magic bullet against CF in oregano oil for myself, your time and effort and $$ might pay off similarly and you could find a very helpful treatment for your disease.

The information is almost always out there, you just gotta do some digging to find it.


New member
Sounds cool man. Yeah the way western doctors approach anything is on the antibiotic/pill train. Are you feeling bad? Here take this antibiotic. Walk funny? Here take this antibiotic. Unusual farts? Here take this antibiotic. Now add to that the pharmaceutical companies and how they carpet bomb doctors with their newest antibiotic/pill of the week, then add how western doctors training almost fully excludes herbal and alternative medical treatments, and you have a bad combination. I'm not anti conventional medications and treatments, i'm just pro herbal and alternative to a large extent. I feel both of them have a place in treating health ailments, and CF is no exception. It's hard to find out what actually helps and what might actually harm though, so in that sense, it's up to the individual to be their own advocate and do their own research. It takes time and effort, but just like I found what appears to be a magic bullet against CF in oregano oil for myself, your time and effort and $$ might pay off similarly and you could find a very helpful treatment for your disease.

The information is almost always out there, you just gotta do some digging to find it.