I have to agree, to a certain extent, with Amy. Personally, I think ALL small children regardless of cf or no cf are better off NOT attending daycare. An infant or toddler does not need full time socialization with other children. And, for many, the health consequences are devastating. Especially a child with a chronic illness be it something reversible like asthma or progressive like cf. However, I do NOT think those of us who work should feel guilty about it. Let's face it, there are times that we don't have a choice for whatever reason. And, of course there are those who need the career for their "mental break" from cf or just their own well being.
However, in my opinion, in a perfect world, young children would not have to go to daycare. And, Emily, to answer your question on socialization, I agree they need socialization. However, infants and toddlers can get it through play groups, scheduled activities (like tumbling, etc), play dates, siblings, and simply going to parks. Children 3 or older can also get it from preschool which is for a shorter period of time (2-3 hrs) where they are less likely to be exposed to as many illnesses for a few reasons. First off, sick children are more likely to come to daycare than preschool because the parents have to work, plus, daycares are *sometimes* larger, and the kids are there for longer.