Working moms of CFers


New member
I had planned on going back to work part-time before DD was born and before we knew she has CF. I have not yet gone back (she is now 2) but I am hoping to in the fall. I work at a college and hope to go back at the start of the fall semester.

Staying home was the right choice for us and we are lucky that we have the option. Even when I go back she will not be in day care but will be at home with family. I do worry that she doesn't get enough interaction with other kids so we have started doing supervised play groups with her early intervention program. We also go to the park, library, and play dates with friends. We do not do any of this though if she is sick or if our friends our sick. We stay away from most public places when it is flu season or we try to go when there will be only a couple of kids around. Letting her be a normal kid was tough for me but I am getting better. I still use hand sanitizer when we are out and about but I am doing my best to let her be normal and do normal toddler things.

While I am happy to be home and I do thinnk it helps her health I also miss work. I really liked my job and I miss the social aspect and I miss contributing to something other than my family and home. Financially we are okay but a little extra money never hurts.

Good luck with your decision.



New member
I had planned on going back to work part-time before DD was born and before we knew she has CF. I have not yet gone back (she is now 2) but I am hoping to in the fall. I work at a college and hope to go back at the start of the fall semester.

Staying home was the right choice for us and we are lucky that we have the option. Even when I go back she will not be in day care but will be at home with family. I do worry that she doesn't get enough interaction with other kids so we have started doing supervised play groups with her early intervention program. We also go to the park, library, and play dates with friends. We do not do any of this though if she is sick or if our friends our sick. We stay away from most public places when it is flu season or we try to go when there will be only a couple of kids around. Letting her be a normal kid was tough for me but I am getting better. I still use hand sanitizer when we are out and about but I am doing my best to let her be normal and do normal toddler things.

While I am happy to be home and I do thinnk it helps her health I also miss work. I really liked my job and I miss the social aspect and I miss contributing to something other than my family and home. Financially we are okay but a little extra money never hurts.

Good luck with your decision.



New member
I had planned on going back to work part-time before DD was born and before we knew she has CF. I have not yet gone back (she is now 2) but I am hoping to in the fall. I work at a college and hope to go back at the start of the fall semester.

Staying home was the right choice for us and we are lucky that we have the option. Even when I go back she will not be in day care but will be at home with family. I do worry that she doesn't get enough interaction with other kids so we have started doing supervised play groups with her early intervention program. We also go to the park, library, and play dates with friends. We do not do any of this though if she is sick or if our friends our sick. We stay away from most public places when it is flu season or we try to go when there will be only a couple of kids around. Letting her be a normal kid was tough for me but I am getting better. I still use hand sanitizer when we are out and about but I am doing my best to let her be normal and do normal toddler things.

While I am happy to be home and I do thinnk it helps her health I also miss work. I really liked my job and I miss the social aspect and I miss contributing to something other than my family and home. Financially we are okay but a little extra money never hurts.

Good luck with your decision.



New member
I had planned on going back to work part-time before DD was born and before we knew she has CF. I have not yet gone back (she is now 2) but I am hoping to in the fall. I work at a college and hope to go back at the start of the fall semester.

Staying home was the right choice for us and we are lucky that we have the option. Even when I go back she will not be in day care but will be at home with family. I do worry that she doesn't get enough interaction with other kids so we have started doing supervised play groups with her early intervention program. We also go to the park, library, and play dates with friends. We do not do any of this though if she is sick or if our friends our sick. We stay away from most public places when it is flu season or we try to go when there will be only a couple of kids around. Letting her be a normal kid was tough for me but I am getting better. I still use hand sanitizer when we are out and about but I am doing my best to let her be normal and do normal toddler things.

While I am happy to be home and I do thinnk it helps her health I also miss work. I really liked my job and I miss the social aspect and I miss contributing to something other than my family and home. Financially we are okay but a little extra money never hurts.

Good luck with your decision.



New member
I had planned on going back to work part-time before DD was born and before we knew she has CF. I have not yet gone back (she is now 2) but I am hoping to in the fall. I work at a college and hope to go back at the start of the fall semester.
<br />
<br />Staying home was the right choice for us and we are lucky that we have the option. Even when I go back she will not be in day care but will be at home with family. I do worry that she doesn't get enough interaction with other kids so we have started doing supervised play groups with her early intervention program. We also go to the park, library, and play dates with friends. We do not do any of this though if she is sick or if our friends our sick. We stay away from most public places when it is flu season or we try to go when there will be only a couple of kids around. Letting her be a normal kid was tough for me but I am getting better. I still use hand sanitizer when we are out and about but I am doing my best to let her be normal and do normal toddler things.
<br />
<br />While I am happy to be home and I do thinnk it helps her health I also miss work. I really liked my job and I miss the social aspect and I miss contributing to something other than my family and home. Financially we are okay but a little extra money never hurts.
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<br />Good luck with your decision.
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<br />Karen


New member
Heather makes a good point (one that I didn't even think to mention) about her husband banking vacation time to use in the case of a hospitalization. My husband tries to do that too. (Unfortunately he works for an auto supplier and is being forced to take paid vacation at set times this year...uuug - but better than time off without pay!)

The themes in many of our responses are 1. flexibility, 2. team work between spouses, 3. organization/strict schedule

If those things aren't possible, then not working/ cutting back is probably the best option.

Oh, and Liza? My weight is going by the "waist side" too! LOL!


New member
Heather makes a good point (one that I didn't even think to mention) about her husband banking vacation time to use in the case of a hospitalization. My husband tries to do that too. (Unfortunately he works for an auto supplier and is being forced to take paid vacation at set times this year...uuug - but better than time off without pay!)

The themes in many of our responses are 1. flexibility, 2. team work between spouses, 3. organization/strict schedule

If those things aren't possible, then not working/ cutting back is probably the best option.

Oh, and Liza? My weight is going by the "waist side" too! LOL!


New member
Heather makes a good point (one that I didn't even think to mention) about her husband banking vacation time to use in the case of a hospitalization. My husband tries to do that too. (Unfortunately he works for an auto supplier and is being forced to take paid vacation at set times this year...uuug - but better than time off without pay!)

The themes in many of our responses are 1. flexibility, 2. team work between spouses, 3. organization/strict schedule

If those things aren't possible, then not working/ cutting back is probably the best option.

Oh, and Liza? My weight is going by the "waist side" too! LOL!


New member
Heather makes a good point (one that I didn't even think to mention) about her husband banking vacation time to use in the case of a hospitalization. My husband tries to do that too. (Unfortunately he works for an auto supplier and is being forced to take paid vacation at set times this year...uuug - but better than time off without pay!)

The themes in many of our responses are 1. flexibility, 2. team work between spouses, 3. organization/strict schedule

If those things aren't possible, then not working/ cutting back is probably the best option.

Oh, and Liza? My weight is going by the "waist side" too! LOL!


New member
Heather makes a good point (one that I didn't even think to mention) about her husband banking vacation time to use in the case of a hospitalization. My husband tries to do that too. (Unfortunately he works for an auto supplier and is being forced to take paid vacation at set times this year...uuug - but better than time off without pay!)
<br />
<br />The themes in many of our responses are 1. flexibility, 2. team work between spouses, 3. organization/strict schedule
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<br />If those things aren't possible, then not working/ cutting back is probably the best option.
<br />
<br />Oh, and Liza? My weight is going by the "waist side" too! LOL!


New member
I work full time but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad. He's great at making sure all the doctor's appts are tracked, doing laundry, cooking (most of the time), but he's horrible at cleaning.

We have three kids under 7. Any household with young kids is busy, even without CF thrown in. I don't know how families with more than one kid and without a stay-at-home parent can keep up with it all. Though, sometimes I wonder if it would be better not having the kids home all day. They can sure make a mess of the house. If they were at day care, at least the house wouldn't be messier when I get home from work than when I left in the morning.

I think every family has to decide for themselves and their situation what's best for them. I'm not sure I'd worry too much about "proper" meals as long as they are somewhat nutritious (for CFers that means high in calories<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) and you eat most of them together. And while it's frustrating to have a cluttered house, keeping it neat is pretty low on the priorities. I'd rather go to the playground with the kids.


New member
I work full time but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad. He's great at making sure all the doctor's appts are tracked, doing laundry, cooking (most of the time), but he's horrible at cleaning.

We have three kids under 7. Any household with young kids is busy, even without CF thrown in. I don't know how families with more than one kid and without a stay-at-home parent can keep up with it all. Though, sometimes I wonder if it would be better not having the kids home all day. They can sure make a mess of the house. If they were at day care, at least the house wouldn't be messier when I get home from work than when I left in the morning.

I think every family has to decide for themselves and their situation what's best for them. I'm not sure I'd worry too much about "proper" meals as long as they are somewhat nutritious (for CFers that means high in calories<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) and you eat most of them together. And while it's frustrating to have a cluttered house, keeping it neat is pretty low on the priorities. I'd rather go to the playground with the kids.


New member
I work full time but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad. He's great at making sure all the doctor's appts are tracked, doing laundry, cooking (most of the time), but he's horrible at cleaning.

We have three kids under 7. Any household with young kids is busy, even without CF thrown in. I don't know how families with more than one kid and without a stay-at-home parent can keep up with it all. Though, sometimes I wonder if it would be better not having the kids home all day. They can sure make a mess of the house. If they were at day care, at least the house wouldn't be messier when I get home from work than when I left in the morning.

I think every family has to decide for themselves and their situation what's best for them. I'm not sure I'd worry too much about "proper" meals as long as they are somewhat nutritious (for CFers that means high in calories<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) and you eat most of them together. And while it's frustrating to have a cluttered house, keeping it neat is pretty low on the priorities. I'd rather go to the playground with the kids.


New member
I work full time but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad. He's great at making sure all the doctor's appts are tracked, doing laundry, cooking (most of the time), but he's horrible at cleaning.

We have three kids under 7. Any household with young kids is busy, even without CF thrown in. I don't know how families with more than one kid and without a stay-at-home parent can keep up with it all. Though, sometimes I wonder if it would be better not having the kids home all day. They can sure make a mess of the house. If they were at day care, at least the house wouldn't be messier when I get home from work than when I left in the morning.

I think every family has to decide for themselves and their situation what's best for them. I'm not sure I'd worry too much about "proper" meals as long as they are somewhat nutritious (for CFers that means high in calories<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) and you eat most of them together. And while it's frustrating to have a cluttered house, keeping it neat is pretty low on the priorities. I'd rather go to the playground with the kids.


New member
I work full time but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad. He's great at making sure all the doctor's appts are tracked, doing laundry, cooking (most of the time), but he's horrible at cleaning.
<br />
<br />We have three kids under 7. Any household with young kids is busy, even without CF thrown in. I don't know how families with more than one kid and without a stay-at-home parent can keep up with it all. Though, sometimes I wonder if it would be better not having the kids home all day. They can sure make a mess of the house. If they were at day care, at least the house wouldn't be messier when I get home from work than when I left in the morning.
<br />
<br />I think every family has to decide for themselves and their situation what's best for them. I'm not sure I'd worry too much about "proper" meals as long as they are somewhat nutritious (for CFers that means high in calories<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) and you eat most of them together. And while it's frustrating to have a cluttered house, keeping it neat is pretty low on the priorities. I'd rather go to the playground with the kids.


New member
It's a personal decision- whether or not to work while raising kids. Some of us have to work to survive or to have medical insurance so the important thing is not to feel guilty about the decision you make- whatever it is- cause that "comes through" to the kids. Vibes can speak louder than words. If mamma is happy, then the kids are generally happy! :)

That being said, kids with cf do take alot of work!! We have an awful lot to keep up with besides just the homework and "normal" life stuff. But, as the kids get older, they can take on more of the responsibility (and work) themselves. And not just for their cf stuff but chores, too. They can be a real help around the house plus that helps with their self-esteem.

I am blessed to be able to work from home so I can adjust my schedule to fit theirs- I try to make it to field trips and help at school and juggle my public speaking schedule around their important events. But it is hard cause I feel like I can't always keep up. That's pretty common for all of us, I bet. But I love my work and it helps me to cope better which in turn, helps the kids, too.

Give yourself some grace and know that you are doing the best you can given your circumstances. Love your kids, have fun with them, laugh and enjoy life. What else is there, really?

Lisa G


New member
It's a personal decision- whether or not to work while raising kids. Some of us have to work to survive or to have medical insurance so the important thing is not to feel guilty about the decision you make- whatever it is- cause that "comes through" to the kids. Vibes can speak louder than words. If mamma is happy, then the kids are generally happy! :)

That being said, kids with cf do take alot of work!! We have an awful lot to keep up with besides just the homework and "normal" life stuff. But, as the kids get older, they can take on more of the responsibility (and work) themselves. And not just for their cf stuff but chores, too. They can be a real help around the house plus that helps with their self-esteem.

I am blessed to be able to work from home so I can adjust my schedule to fit theirs- I try to make it to field trips and help at school and juggle my public speaking schedule around their important events. But it is hard cause I feel like I can't always keep up. That's pretty common for all of us, I bet. But I love my work and it helps me to cope better which in turn, helps the kids, too.

Give yourself some grace and know that you are doing the best you can given your circumstances. Love your kids, have fun with them, laugh and enjoy life. What else is there, really?

Lisa G


New member
It's a personal decision- whether or not to work while raising kids. Some of us have to work to survive or to have medical insurance so the important thing is not to feel guilty about the decision you make- whatever it is- cause that "comes through" to the kids. Vibes can speak louder than words. If mamma is happy, then the kids are generally happy! :)

That being said, kids with cf do take alot of work!! We have an awful lot to keep up with besides just the homework and "normal" life stuff. But, as the kids get older, they can take on more of the responsibility (and work) themselves. And not just for their cf stuff but chores, too. They can be a real help around the house plus that helps with their self-esteem.

I am blessed to be able to work from home so I can adjust my schedule to fit theirs- I try to make it to field trips and help at school and juggle my public speaking schedule around their important events. But it is hard cause I feel like I can't always keep up. That's pretty common for all of us, I bet. But I love my work and it helps me to cope better which in turn, helps the kids, too.

Give yourself some grace and know that you are doing the best you can given your circumstances. Love your kids, have fun with them, laugh and enjoy life. What else is there, really?

Lisa G


New member
It's a personal decision- whether or not to work while raising kids. Some of us have to work to survive or to have medical insurance so the important thing is not to feel guilty about the decision you make- whatever it is- cause that "comes through" to the kids. Vibes can speak louder than words. If mamma is happy, then the kids are generally happy! :)

That being said, kids with cf do take alot of work!! We have an awful lot to keep up with besides just the homework and "normal" life stuff. But, as the kids get older, they can take on more of the responsibility (and work) themselves. And not just for their cf stuff but chores, too. They can be a real help around the house plus that helps with their self-esteem.

I am blessed to be able to work from home so I can adjust my schedule to fit theirs- I try to make it to field trips and help at school and juggle my public speaking schedule around their important events. But it is hard cause I feel like I can't always keep up. That's pretty common for all of us, I bet. But I love my work and it helps me to cope better which in turn, helps the kids, too.

Give yourself some grace and know that you are doing the best you can given your circumstances. Love your kids, have fun with them, laugh and enjoy life. What else is there, really?

Lisa G


New member
It's a personal decision- whether or not to work while raising kids. Some of us have to work to survive or to have medical insurance so the important thing is not to feel guilty about the decision you make- whatever it is- cause that "comes through" to the kids. Vibes can speak louder than words. If mamma is happy, then the kids are generally happy! :)
<br />
<br />That being said, kids with cf do take alot of work!! We have an awful lot to keep up with besides just the homework and "normal" life stuff. But, as the kids get older, they can take on more of the responsibility (and work) themselves. And not just for their cf stuff but chores, too. They can be a real help around the house plus that helps with their self-esteem.
<br />
<br />I am blessed to be able to work from home so I can adjust my schedule to fit theirs- I try to make it to field trips and help at school and juggle my public speaking schedule around their important events. But it is hard cause I feel like I can't always keep up. That's pretty common for all of us, I bet. But I love my work and it helps me to cope better which in turn, helps the kids, too.
<br />
<br />Give yourself some grace and know that you are doing the best you can given your circumstances. Love your kids, have fun with them, laugh and enjoy life. What else is there, really?
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<br />Hugs!
<br />Lisa G
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