Ya know you have CF when....


New member
.......wen old women with walking sticks overtake u on the stairs!

.......wen ur purse rattles of pills....not money.....

......wen total strangers offer u a drink of water on the bus because ur blue in the face from coughing


New member
.......wen old women with walking sticks overtake u on the stairs!

.......wen ur purse rattles of pills....not money.....

......wen total strangers offer u a drink of water on the bus because ur blue in the face from coughing


New member
.......wen old women with walking sticks overtake u on the stairs!

.......wen ur purse rattles of pills....not money.....

......wen total strangers offer u a drink of water on the bus because ur blue in the face from coughing


New member
.......wen old women with walking sticks overtake u on the stairs!

.......wen ur purse rattles of pills....not money.....

......wen total strangers offer u a drink of water on the bus because ur blue in the face from coughing


New member
.......wen old women with walking sticks overtake u on the stairs!

.......wen ur purse rattles of pills....not money.....

......wen total strangers offer u a drink of water on the bus because ur blue in the face from coughing


New member
When you're given your own salt shaker at holiday meals.

<i>This happened to be once. My fiance's mom put two salt shakers on the table at Thanksgiving. One in the middle near the pepper, and one right in front of my plate.</i>


New member
When you're given your own salt shaker at holiday meals.

<i>This happened to be once. My fiance's mom put two salt shakers on the table at Thanksgiving. One in the middle near the pepper, and one right in front of my plate.</i>


New member
When you're given your own salt shaker at holiday meals.

<i>This happened to be once. My fiance's mom put two salt shakers on the table at Thanksgiving. One in the middle near the pepper, and one right in front of my plate.</i>


New member
When you're given your own salt shaker at holiday meals.

<i>This happened to be once. My fiance's mom put two salt shakers on the table at Thanksgiving. One in the middle near the pepper, and one right in front of my plate.</i>


New member
When you're given your own salt shaker at holiday meals.

<i>This happened to be once. My fiance's mom put two salt shakers on the table at Thanksgiving. One in the middle near the pepper, and one right in front of my plate.</i>


New member
*when your friends are sick and they ask you if the antibotic their doctor gave them is any good!

*when your roommate checks on you when your sleeping to make sure your alive because she hasn't heard you cough in a while <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
*when your friends are sick and they ask you if the antibotic their doctor gave them is any good!

*when your roommate checks on you when your sleeping to make sure your alive because she hasn't heard you cough in a while <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
*when your friends are sick and they ask you if the antibotic their doctor gave them is any good!

*when your roommate checks on you when your sleeping to make sure your alive because she hasn't heard you cough in a while <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
*when your friends are sick and they ask you if the antibotic their doctor gave them is any good!

*when your roommate checks on you when your sleeping to make sure your alive because she hasn't heard you cough in a while <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
*when your friends are sick and they ask you if the antibotic their doctor gave them is any good!

*when your roommate checks on you when your sleeping to make sure your alive because she hasn't heard you cough in a while <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

-When the term "Dropping an F-Bomb" has a completely different meaning for you.
-When more than once you've been on the way to a party only to turn around halfway because you "Didn't realize the 5 bottles in the car had run out!"
-When hundreds of evenings in your life have been ended with "I can't... I have to go home and do therapy..."
-When going to dinner your nickname suddenly becomes "Mooch"
-When people who don't know better try to talk to you while doing your vest/flutter, and you just smile, nod and go "Uh-huh... uh-huh" and finally they realize you can't hear a dang thing
-When "Underarm funk" goes beyond am inconvenience and becomes simply a joke with friends
-When getting onto an airplain and only one of your six bags is clothes, toilettries and other "normal" packing stuff.


New member

-When the term "Dropping an F-Bomb" has a completely different meaning for you.
-When more than once you've been on the way to a party only to turn around halfway because you "Didn't realize the 5 bottles in the car had run out!"
-When hundreds of evenings in your life have been ended with "I can't... I have to go home and do therapy..."
-When going to dinner your nickname suddenly becomes "Mooch"
-When people who don't know better try to talk to you while doing your vest/flutter, and you just smile, nod and go "Uh-huh... uh-huh" and finally they realize you can't hear a dang thing
-When "Underarm funk" goes beyond am inconvenience and becomes simply a joke with friends
-When getting onto an airplain and only one of your six bags is clothes, toilettries and other "normal" packing stuff.


New member

-When the term "Dropping an F-Bomb" has a completely different meaning for you.
-When more than once you've been on the way to a party only to turn around halfway because you "Didn't realize the 5 bottles in the car had run out!"
-When hundreds of evenings in your life have been ended with "I can't... I have to go home and do therapy..."
-When going to dinner your nickname suddenly becomes "Mooch"
-When people who don't know better try to talk to you while doing your vest/flutter, and you just smile, nod and go "Uh-huh... uh-huh" and finally they realize you can't hear a dang thing
-When "Underarm funk" goes beyond am inconvenience and becomes simply a joke with friends
-When getting onto an airplain and only one of your six bags is clothes, toilettries and other "normal" packing stuff.


New member

-When the term "Dropping an F-Bomb" has a completely different meaning for you.
-When more than once you've been on the way to a party only to turn around halfway because you "Didn't realize the 5 bottles in the car had run out!"
-When hundreds of evenings in your life have been ended with "I can't... I have to go home and do therapy..."
-When going to dinner your nickname suddenly becomes "Mooch"
-When people who don't know better try to talk to you while doing your vest/flutter, and you just smile, nod and go "Uh-huh... uh-huh" and finally they realize you can't hear a dang thing
-When "Underarm funk" goes beyond am inconvenience and becomes simply a joke with friends
-When getting onto an airplain and only one of your six bags is clothes, toilettries and other "normal" packing stuff.


New member

-When the term "Dropping an F-Bomb" has a completely different meaning for you.
-When more than once you've been on the way to a party only to turn around halfway because you "Didn't realize the 5 bottles in the car had run out!"
-When hundreds of evenings in your life have been ended with "I can't... I have to go home and do therapy..."
-When going to dinner your nickname suddenly becomes "Mooch"
-When people who don't know better try to talk to you while doing your vest/flutter, and you just smile, nod and go "Uh-huh... uh-huh" and finally they realize you can't hear a dang thing
-When "Underarm funk" goes beyond am inconvenience and becomes simply a joke with friends
-When getting onto an airplain and only one of your six bags is clothes, toilettries and other "normal" packing stuff.