You know you're a CF mom\dad\parent when......


New member
Sorry to put this at the top again, but. . .

While driving in the midwest, you really can't tell whether you passed a hog farm or your CFer has a stinky in his pants.

(Happened to me tonight. . . really, wasn't sure)


New member
Sorry to put this at the top again, but. . .

While driving in the midwest, you really can't tell whether you passed a hog farm or your CFer has a stinky in his pants.

(Happened to me tonight. . . really, wasn't sure)


New member
Sorry to put this at the top again, but. . .

While driving in the midwest, you really can't tell whether you passed a hog farm or your CFer has a stinky in his pants.

(Happened to me tonight. . . really, wasn't sure)


New member
Sorry to put this at the top again, but. . .

While driving in the midwest, you really can't tell whether you passed a hog farm or your CFer has a stinky in his pants.

(Happened to me tonight. . . really, wasn't sure)


New member
Sorry to put this at the top again, but. . .

While driving in the midwest, you really can't tell whether you passed a hog farm or your CFer has a stinky in his pants.

(Happened to me tonight. . . really, wasn't sure)


New member
Oh my goodness, Shannon, don't apologize for putting this back up at the top! I missed much of it the first time around and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading every single entry!!! I can not beleive how many times I said "YES! That's me, too!" Now I"ll have to put on my thinking cap to see what I can add.


New member
Oh my goodness, Shannon, don't apologize for putting this back up at the top! I missed much of it the first time around and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading every single entry!!! I can not beleive how many times I said "YES! That's me, too!" Now I"ll have to put on my thinking cap to see what I can add.


New member
Oh my goodness, Shannon, don't apologize for putting this back up at the top! I missed much of it the first time around and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading every single entry!!! I can not beleive how many times I said "YES! That's me, too!" Now I"ll have to put on my thinking cap to see what I can add.


New member
Oh my goodness, Shannon, don't apologize for putting this back up at the top! I missed much of it the first time around and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading every single entry!!! I can not beleive how many times I said "YES! That's me, too!" Now I"ll have to put on my thinking cap to see what I can add.


New member
Oh my goodness, Shannon, don't apologize for putting this back up at the top! I missed much of it the first time around and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading every single entry!!! I can not beleive how many times I said "YES! That's me, too!" Now I"ll have to put on my thinking cap to see what I can add.


New member
As a CFer, the sound of an emptying neb is the only alarm clock I needed as a kid.

OK, I'm a mom that has CF, and raised a healthy child... Here's some of mine:

You explain to both the kindergarten and 1st grade teachers that a story starting with "When Daddy was beating Mommy..." really is a good thing, not a reason to suspect domestic abuse.

at your healthy child's first trip to the Dr, they automatically take a deep breathe before they are told to.

your 4 year old knows how to silence an IV pump...and does so at the nursing home for a stranger when their daycare is Christmas caroling.

same caroling trip, the kid gets in trouble for falling behind the group because she was talking to the nurses who asked how I was.

your 6 year old knows which floor have which flavors of sodas stocked in the pop machines at the hospital, and the short-cut around construction areas.

your 8 year old knows the nurses and the best waiting rooms at the "heart and lung" clinic when grandma and grandpa come to town to go to the heart doctor.

your vest is entertainment at your child's slumber party...and suddenly, the over-nighters are always at your house.

your teenage daughter makes you swear not to fart in the store, because, "Mom, they FOLLOW you!"


New member
As a CFer, the sound of an emptying neb is the only alarm clock I needed as a kid.

OK, I'm a mom that has CF, and raised a healthy child... Here's some of mine:

You explain to both the kindergarten and 1st grade teachers that a story starting with "When Daddy was beating Mommy..." really is a good thing, not a reason to suspect domestic abuse.

at your healthy child's first trip to the Dr, they automatically take a deep breathe before they are told to.

your 4 year old knows how to silence an IV pump...and does so at the nursing home for a stranger when their daycare is Christmas caroling.

same caroling trip, the kid gets in trouble for falling behind the group because she was talking to the nurses who asked how I was.

your 6 year old knows which floor have which flavors of sodas stocked in the pop machines at the hospital, and the short-cut around construction areas.

your 8 year old knows the nurses and the best waiting rooms at the "heart and lung" clinic when grandma and grandpa come to town to go to the heart doctor.

your vest is entertainment at your child's slumber party...and suddenly, the over-nighters are always at your house.

your teenage daughter makes you swear not to fart in the store, because, "Mom, they FOLLOW you!"


New member
As a CFer, the sound of an emptying neb is the only alarm clock I needed as a kid.
<br />
<br />
<br />OK, I'm a mom that has CF, and raised a healthy child... Here's some of mine:
<br />
<br />You explain to both the kindergarten and 1st grade teachers that a story starting with "When Daddy was beating Mommy..." really is a good thing, not a reason to suspect domestic abuse.
<br />
<br />at your healthy child's first trip to the Dr, they automatically take a deep breathe before they are told to.
<br />
<br />your 4 year old knows how to silence an IV pump...and does so at the nursing home for a stranger when their daycare is Christmas caroling.
<br />
<br />same caroling trip, the kid gets in trouble for falling behind the group because she was talking to the nurses who asked how I was.
<br />
<br />your 6 year old knows which floor have which flavors of sodas stocked in the pop machines at the hospital, and the short-cut around construction areas.
<br />
<br />your 8 year old knows the nurses and the best waiting rooms at the "heart and lung" clinic when grandma and grandpa come to town to go to the heart doctor.
<br />
<br />your vest is entertainment at your child's slumber party...and suddenly, the over-nighters are always at your house.
<br />
<br />your teenage daughter makes you swear not to fart in the store, because, "Mom, they FOLLOW you!"


New member
Okay - I must not have been on this site when this first went around, but I just have to add...<div>When you are so excited about your daughter's first solid bowel movement, that you tell everyone and consider it appropriate dinner conversation (with people outside your family). BTW, she only ever had that one, during her first hospital stay.</div><div><br></div>


New member
Okay - I must not have been on this site when this first went around, but I just have to add...When you are so excited about your daughter's first solid bowel movement, that you tell everyone and consider it appropriate dinner conversation (with people outside your family). BTW, she only ever had that one, during her first hospital stay.<br>


New member
Okay - I must not have been on this site when this first went around, but I just have to add...When you are so excited about your daughter's first solid bowel movement, that you tell everyone and consider it appropriate dinner conversation (with people outside your family). BTW, she only ever had that one, during her first hospital stay.<br>


New member
You don't know how to explain why you are over weight and your child is so excited about the"treat" AKA cucumber being served at the neighbor's party. Then you are not sure how to explain why your child politely declined the icecream dessert instead asking if there was more cucumber left.


New member
You don't know how to explain why you are over weight and your child is so excited about the"treat" AKA cucumber being served at the neighbor's party. Then you are not sure how to explain why your child politely declined the icecream dessert instead asking if there was more cucumber left.


New member
You don't know how to explain why you are over weight and your child is so excited about the"treat" AKA cucumber being served at the neighbor's party. Then you are not sure how to explain why your child politely declined the icecream dessert instead asking if there was more cucumber left.


New member
This stuff is all too funny!
A great man once said that in order for humor to be funny there must be a certain element of truth to it. So here's your proof...
I really enjoy this site; just wish it had been around (maybe I just hadn't found it yet) when I was going through some really hard times dealing with CF.