You'll all like this.


New member
I guess I will go out in the minority and say the handicap parking permits are way overly abused, I think they were origionally set up for people in wheelchairs, but now today anyone can get it for just having sniffles. It's amazing how most people can't walk a few extra yards into a store, but they can surely walk all over the store a few times. The last time I heard exercise was good for CF people, and I don't think just because someone has CF they should have a handicap permit. There are also too many old people that have them, these are not senior spots, they are handicap spots, so if they are on on oxygen or going to be in the store in a wheelchair, Then these are the people I think were meant to be in these spots.


New member
I guess I will go out in the minority and say the handicap parking permits are way overly abused, I think they were origionally set up for people in wheelchairs, but now today anyone can get it for just having sniffles. It's amazing how most people can't walk a few extra yards into a store, but they can surely walk all over the store a few times. The last time I heard exercise was good for CF people, and I don't think just because someone has CF they should have a handicap permit. There are also too many old people that have them, these are not senior spots, they are handicap spots, so if they are on on oxygen or going to be in the store in a wheelchair, Then these are the people I think were meant to be in these spots.


New member
I guess I will go out in the minority and say the handicap parking permits are way overly abused, I think they were origionally set up for people in wheelchairs, but now today anyone can get it for just having sniffles. It's amazing how most people can't walk a few extra yards into a store, but they can surely walk all over the store a few times. The last time I heard exercise was good for CF people, and I don't think just because someone has CF they should have a handicap permit. There are also too many old people that have them, these are not senior spots, they are handicap spots, so if they are on on oxygen or going to be in the store in a wheelchair, Then these are the people I think were meant to be in these spots.


New member
Just curious, sam123, do you have CF yourself?

As for abuse, I can only speak for myself. I have one. I use it *very* rarely. My fiance, my friends, etc. are always telling me to use it, and I'm always telling them I don't want to. I just use it if the spot is very far from where I'm going (like a college parking garage that's incredibly far from my class --- and even that I do sparingly), or if it's a really bad day. Like a day that's bitter cold and makes it hurt to breathe, etc.

I myself did not get a sticker the minute I started to drive, either. I got one when my health started to go downhill. I'm still in good shape, but like I said, I use mine very sparingly. As time goes on, I imagine I'll use it more often.

I don't like anyone who abuses their permit, no matter the reason they have it. But I think plenty of CFers have a permit because it's warranted by their declining health. I'd also be willing to bet that many only use it when they feel it's necessary, not just any ole' time they feel like it.


New member
Just curious, sam123, do you have CF yourself?

As for abuse, I can only speak for myself. I have one. I use it *very* rarely. My fiance, my friends, etc. are always telling me to use it, and I'm always telling them I don't want to. I just use it if the spot is very far from where I'm going (like a college parking garage that's incredibly far from my class --- and even that I do sparingly), or if it's a really bad day. Like a day that's bitter cold and makes it hurt to breathe, etc.

I myself did not get a sticker the minute I started to drive, either. I got one when my health started to go downhill. I'm still in good shape, but like I said, I use mine very sparingly. As time goes on, I imagine I'll use it more often.

I don't like anyone who abuses their permit, no matter the reason they have it. But I think plenty of CFers have a permit because it's warranted by their declining health. I'd also be willing to bet that many only use it when they feel it's necessary, not just any ole' time they feel like it.


New member
Just curious, sam123, do you have CF yourself?

As for abuse, I can only speak for myself. I have one. I use it *very* rarely. My fiance, my friends, etc. are always telling me to use it, and I'm always telling them I don't want to. I just use it if the spot is very far from where I'm going (like a college parking garage that's incredibly far from my class --- and even that I do sparingly), or if it's a really bad day. Like a day that's bitter cold and makes it hurt to breathe, etc.

I myself did not get a sticker the minute I started to drive, either. I got one when my health started to go downhill. I'm still in good shape, but like I said, I use mine very sparingly. As time goes on, I imagine I'll use it more often.

I don't like anyone who abuses their permit, no matter the reason they have it. But I think plenty of CFers have a permit because it's warranted by their declining health. I'd also be willing to bet that many only use it when they feel it's necessary, not just any ole' time they feel like it.


New member

That was a good responce...

I to have a HC placard and only ues it when I am not doing well.
I just got it this year

When I have used it in the past I have gotten kinda
the same Smartass remarks from people...

I tell them that I am SYCODIC !!

The don't want to talk to me any more afte I tell them that !

ps,,,, Sam, I didn't need one when I was 26 either, it wasen't until
I was 49 that I got a placard................


New member

That was a good responce...

I to have a HC placard and only ues it when I am not doing well.
I just got it this year

When I have used it in the past I have gotten kinda
the same Smartass remarks from people...

I tell them that I am SYCODIC !!

The don't want to talk to me any more afte I tell them that !

ps,,,, Sam, I didn't need one when I was 26 either, it wasen't until
I was 49 that I got a placard................


New member

That was a good responce...

I to have a HC placard and only ues it when I am not doing well.
I just got it this year

When I have used it in the past I have gotten kinda
the same Smartass remarks from people...

I tell them that I am SYCODIC !!

The don't want to talk to me any more afte I tell them that !

ps,,,, Sam, I didn't need one when I was 26 either, it wasen't until
I was 49 that I got a placard................


New member
I got one too approx a year ago & it's just for those days when I feel SOB and it's terribly cold. But I do find I'm too proud to use it.
As a matter of fact, I used it only once at Lowe's and the guy parked next to me said that it was "BS...You're not handicapped" to which I replied "It's not BS, try to live one day in my shoes"
I agree, there is abuse with those. Heck, even if I wanted to park in a space at WalMart, I couldn't, there are never any open.
What gets me, though, is the older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?


New member
I got one too approx a year ago & it's just for those days when I feel SOB and it's terribly cold. But I do find I'm too proud to use it.
As a matter of fact, I used it only once at Lowe's and the guy parked next to me said that it was "BS...You're not handicapped" to which I replied "It's not BS, try to live one day in my shoes"
I agree, there is abuse with those. Heck, even if I wanted to park in a space at WalMart, I couldn't, there are never any open.
What gets me, though, is the older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?


New member
I got one too approx a year ago & it's just for those days when I feel SOB and it's terribly cold. But I do find I'm too proud to use it.
As a matter of fact, I used it only once at Lowe's and the guy parked next to me said that it was "BS...You're not handicapped" to which I replied "It's not BS, try to live one day in my shoes"
I agree, there is abuse with those. Heck, even if I wanted to park in a space at WalMart, I couldn't, there are never any open.
What gets me, though, is the older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?


New member
OH OH OH I am going to use that if and when someone says something to me.

As for abusing the privilege. I never wanted one because I didn't want to "take advantage of the system". I actually just got mine a month ago and my lung function is at 30% - 1 month after I got it I went to my first transplant appt. So seriously think about what you say and who you direct it to before you accuse people of abusing the HC placard thing. That comment just struck me wrong.

I got my disabled tag mostly for when we go to WDW on trips at first. I have used it more than I thought I would since I got it though. It is difficult enough sometimes to just make it through the store to get what you need - let alone having to walk a mile to the entrance from the car. I don't use my tag all the time only if I am having a really hard day or if the alternative is hellishly far away or a handicapped spot - then I will use the handicap spot. If I CAN walk the distance that day I normally try too - because it is good for you, but depending on where your health is sometimes the thought of walking drains you let alone actually doing it.

Happy Holidays,


New member
OH OH OH I am going to use that if and when someone says something to me.

As for abusing the privilege. I never wanted one because I didn't want to "take advantage of the system". I actually just got mine a month ago and my lung function is at 30% - 1 month after I got it I went to my first transplant appt. So seriously think about what you say and who you direct it to before you accuse people of abusing the HC placard thing. That comment just struck me wrong.

I got my disabled tag mostly for when we go to WDW on trips at first. I have used it more than I thought I would since I got it though. It is difficult enough sometimes to just make it through the store to get what you need - let alone having to walk a mile to the entrance from the car. I don't use my tag all the time only if I am having a really hard day or if the alternative is hellishly far away or a handicapped spot - then I will use the handicap spot. If I CAN walk the distance that day I normally try too - because it is good for you, but depending on where your health is sometimes the thought of walking drains you let alone actually doing it.

Happy Holidays,


New member
OH OH OH I am going to use that if and when someone says something to me.

As for abusing the privilege. I never wanted one because I didn't want to "take advantage of the system". I actually just got mine a month ago and my lung function is at 30% - 1 month after I got it I went to my first transplant appt. So seriously think about what you say and who you direct it to before you accuse people of abusing the HC placard thing. That comment just struck me wrong.

I got my disabled tag mostly for when we go to WDW on trips at first. I have used it more than I thought I would since I got it though. It is difficult enough sometimes to just make it through the store to get what you need - let alone having to walk a mile to the entrance from the car. I don't use my tag all the time only if I am having a really hard day or if the alternative is hellishly far away or a handicapped spot - then I will use the handicap spot. If I CAN walk the distance that day I normally try too - because it is good for you, but depending on where your health is sometimes the thought of walking drains you let alone actually doing it.

Happy Holidays,


I have one as well and like most of the others that have them, I don't use it that often. I do get the snide remarks and the dirty looks when I do use it.

I think that we have to be careful as well as others about making judgements on people who use them. Like Lynda said "older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?" I am truly not trying to start trouble, but maybe that older person has a problem with the air outside that day, like I sometimes do, but they still want their exercise. We cannot ask people to not judge us when we use ours, but then judge other people for using theirs.

As far as Sam goes, he is only 26 and maybe he is fortunate that he does not need one yet and I hope and pray that he does not, but he may someday and then he will see what it is like. I did not need one until I was in my late 30's.

Rosie 45 w/CF


I have one as well and like most of the others that have them, I don't use it that often. I do get the snide remarks and the dirty looks when I do use it.

I think that we have to be careful as well as others about making judgements on people who use them. Like Lynda said "older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?" I am truly not trying to start trouble, but maybe that older person has a problem with the air outside that day, like I sometimes do, but they still want their exercise. We cannot ask people to not judge us when we use ours, but then judge other people for using theirs.

As far as Sam goes, he is only 26 and maybe he is fortunate that he does not need one yet and I hope and pray that he does not, but he may someday and then he will see what it is like. I did not need one until I was in my late 30's.

Rosie 45 w/CF


I have one as well and like most of the others that have them, I don't use it that often. I do get the snide remarks and the dirty looks when I do use it.

I think that we have to be careful as well as others about making judgements on people who use them. Like Lynda said "older people that go to the mall to walk laps, but park in the handicap spot. If they're there to walk, what's the extra 20 feet gonna hurt?" I am truly not trying to start trouble, but maybe that older person has a problem with the air outside that day, like I sometimes do, but they still want their exercise. We cannot ask people to not judge us when we use ours, but then judge other people for using theirs.

As far as Sam goes, he is only 26 and maybe he is fortunate that he does not need one yet and I hope and pray that he does not, but he may someday and then he will see what it is like. I did not need one until I was in my late 30's.

Rosie 45 w/CF


New member
To all but mainly Sam:
Abuse can be a problem, but having it available & being able to use when needed & not using it when not needed is a tad different. I always leave my marker on my rearview mirror (tho its against the law when driving, I dont lose it that way), I have actually had people tell me when there is a handicapped parking spot available. I tell them thank you, but as we speak I am ok. Save it for someone who isnt today. Then there are days that I might start ok & by the end of the shopping (grocery not window browsing) that the extra 20/30 steps to the car does me in. HOW DARE you say (excuse me if I just misinterpreted it wrong) that just because someone has CF that they feel they should have a parking marker. Yes exercise is good IF you can tolerate it. Everyone with any illness is different & that includes CF. I put myself thru hell not having one for much longer than I should have just because of people who think like you do. Well I have had mine for a few years now & I WILL use it....who are you to say when/how/where I am up to using it or not. OK I will shut up now!


New member
To all but mainly Sam:
Abuse can be a problem, but having it available & being able to use when needed & not using it when not needed is a tad different. I always leave my marker on my rearview mirror (tho its against the law when driving, I dont lose it that way), I have actually had people tell me when there is a handicapped parking spot available. I tell them thank you, but as we speak I am ok. Save it for someone who isnt today. Then there are days that I might start ok & by the end of the shopping (grocery not window browsing) that the extra 20/30 steps to the car does me in. HOW DARE you say (excuse me if I just misinterpreted it wrong) that just because someone has CF that they feel they should have a parking marker. Yes exercise is good IF you can tolerate it. Everyone with any illness is different & that includes CF. I put myself thru hell not having one for much longer than I should have just because of people who think like you do. Well I have had mine for a few years now & I WILL use it....who are you to say when/how/where I am up to using it or not. OK I will shut up now!