Zithromax and Nausea


New member
every time i took my zythromax i would have severe stomach cramps and nausea within 2hrs of taking it. it took me a while to figure out the cause. my doc gave me a lower dose and told me to take it immidiately before bed and i havent had a problem since.


New member
every time i took my zythromax i would have severe stomach cramps and nausea within 2hrs of taking it. it took me a while to figure out the cause. my doc gave me a lower dose and told me to take it immidiately before bed and i havent had a problem since.


New member
every time i took my zythromax i would have severe stomach cramps and nausea within 2hrs of taking it. it took me a while to figure out the cause. my doc gave me a lower dose and told me to take it immidiately before bed and i havent had a problem since.


New member
every time i took my zythromax i would have severe stomach cramps and nausea within 2hrs of taking it. it took me a while to figure out the cause. my doc gave me a lower dose and told me to take it immidiately before bed and i havent had a problem since.


New member
every time i took my zythromax i would have severe stomach cramps and nausea within 2hrs of taking it. it took me a while to figure out the cause. my doc gave me a lower dose and told me to take it immidiately before bed and i havent had a problem since.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
What?!?! Their goal is to find ways to solve problems. They know the general population wants a quick fix. Unfortunately all the research money goes into man-made alternatives. It's the populations fault (not the FDA or pharm industry) for not wanting to go natural. If more people wanted natural, that's where they would put their money.</end quote></div>

You are really drinking the kool-aid there. In this capitalist system firmly in place, it's all about the money, money talks. There is no money to be made curing an illness, but treating an illness brings in booku bucks. The money donated to help find a cure doesn't find one, just better alternatives to enhanced treatments. If people stay sick, they keep their pocketbooks open. If they are cured, they no longer are obligated to max out their HMO's or mortgage their house to pay for medical bills. The FDA CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS. Since they cannot patent them, they spend money smearing them and downplaying them. The select few wealthy elite benefit at the expense of the many. The US has the most advanced health care system in the world. If we wanted, we could successfully treat every single American, but no, social class, race, and wealth determine our quality of health care.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I agree that we need to eat as much fresh food as we can, and stay away from processed, and all the chemicals. I think the populations health (partic. in American) would benefit greatly.</end quote></div>

Yes, I personally eat as much organic food that I can. But pizza is my vice, I cannot give that up.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Yes, zithromax is an antibiotic. However, the use of zithromax for those with CF is NOT as an a/b. Zithromax's use in CF is to break down the proteins that surround the thick mucus.

The over use of a/b's in the health industry aren't good, but for the CF'er it's a different ball game. If the infections aren't calmed down with a/b's, lung damage will occur, which equals a shorter life.</end quote></div>

I'm not disagreeing with you here. I realize for most CF'ers, quitting antibiotics are off the table. I'm just testifying to my success for halting antibiotics. It is already proven that antibiotics strangle your immune system- why in the hell would you want to do that, your immune system is your livelihood, without a proper immune system, you would die, no ifs ands or buts.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe we live on an earth that is in a constant state of degeneration, including the human body. The minute we are born, we start to die. Humans are different species than animals and to compare the two is ludicris.</end quote></div>

Well, Charles Darwin surely didn't think so. Chimanzees and humans share 95% of the same DNA. You might want to retract that statement to save some face. I think we are in degeneration, but willfully. We are willfully ignorant of the natural remedies amongst us. Our creator would not place us on earth if he/she didn't provide us with the essential tools that we need to remain vigorous and healthy. There are many reasons why we are in degeneration. The technology. It is more practical, not to mention a lot easier to drive now then walk. We were born with 2 legs for a reason-humans were made to walk. Fast food. Many people come home after a hard day of work and want their food quick, they don't have the energy to slave over a stove cooking their food. And everywhere you go nowadays there's soda machines, machines that have pics of people drinking sodas with deadly artificial sweetners and fake sugar smiling. That is the corporate rape of the population. People are intoxicated with drinking poison, those are some of the reasons why I believe we are in degeneration as a species.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our Creator created this world perfectly. (and if you practice religion) We are taught that sin started this world in it's degenerative nature. The Creator also gave us brains - to use. Scientists are working diligently to solve the world's problems.</end quote></div>

And why is that, do you actually beleive that scientists want to solve our problems? Money is the motivating factor, take that incentive away and there would be no scientists, in a capitalist system anyways.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe man-made drugs have aided many who are ill.</end quote></div>

I couldn't agree more, however those drugs just prolong the disaease; treating the symptom, not the root cause. That is the problem and you had better be sure the FDA knows this. Americans as a whole are wayyyy over medicated. To processed food, which cause many to experience problems hence turn to medicine that the FDA provides. The FDA is the ultimate money machine, and will be as long as we stay sick.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Prime example: Diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused y diet.

I have type I, I am insulin dependent. </end quote></div>

Yes, but why do people have diabetes? I don't care to research when the first case was, but I'm almost positive it was after Americans had access to fast food, carbonated beverages, and the invention of static lazy-induced machines like the television- to replace exercise which we so badly need. If all the sources are eliminated, there is no need for medicines that only treat symptoms.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>However, speaking of nature - not too many years ago, insulin WAS indeed made from pigs, so, as you can see, they did search nature for finding natural solutions.</end quote></div>

Maybe, but they cannot patent as natural solution. What was pork insulin mixed with again? Insulin is NOT meant to cure diabetes, just control the symptom of high glucose.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Over time they came up with better and better types of insulins. The Creator didn't provide our current insulins in nature, but nature gave scientists a start. Scientists used the brains the Creator gave them to work to improve what they already had.</end quote></div>

Well on that same token the creator gave us the brains to develop the causes of diabetes-televisions which promote less exercise, carbonated drinks and fast food. The FDA by producing insulin, tries to promote the image that they are the remedy for diabetes, when in actuality, they are the cause. They are spoonfeeding an open-mouthed public this lie.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Bottom line: Yes, we'd all do well do go as natural as possible. I'm a believer in that. However nature doesn't hold all the keys and magical drugs. Until scietists find the cure for CF, antibiotics will be a necessary evil.</end quote></div>

Sure, in most cases, antibiotics are a necessary evil. I do not promote their discountenance unless the said person is in fairly good health to begin with. In my case, I have a very mild form of CF, and mainly in the GI tract. Right after I exited the hospital, I was in tip-top shape and decided enough is enough as I feel that big pharma has let me down. The only prescription drug I take now is Creon, that's it. I replaced Zantac with something totally natural and dirt cheap. I used to take 7 units of Lantus at night- I no longer take Lantus insulin. I used to be on Zithromax ever single day and Bactrim or Tobi every other month. I used to take the antibiotic Flagyl for gastric problems. After all these, I would endure constant yeast infections. I have been antibiotic-free for about 2 months now and feel better than ever.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
What?!?! Their goal is to find ways to solve problems. They know the general population wants a quick fix. Unfortunately all the research money goes into man-made alternatives. It's the populations fault (not the FDA or pharm industry) for not wanting to go natural. If more people wanted natural, that's where they would put their money.</end quote></div>

You are really drinking the kool-aid there. In this capitalist system firmly in place, it's all about the money, money talks. There is no money to be made curing an illness, but treating an illness brings in booku bucks. The money donated to help find a cure doesn't find one, just better alternatives to enhanced treatments. If people stay sick, they keep their pocketbooks open. If they are cured, they no longer are obligated to max out their HMO's or mortgage their house to pay for medical bills. The FDA CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS. Since they cannot patent them, they spend money smearing them and downplaying them. The select few wealthy elite benefit at the expense of the many. The US has the most advanced health care system in the world. If we wanted, we could successfully treat every single American, but no, social class, race, and wealth determine our quality of health care.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I agree that we need to eat as much fresh food as we can, and stay away from processed, and all the chemicals. I think the populations health (partic. in American) would benefit greatly.</end quote></div>

Yes, I personally eat as much organic food that I can. But pizza is my vice, I cannot give that up.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Yes, zithromax is an antibiotic. However, the use of zithromax for those with CF is NOT as an a/b. Zithromax's use in CF is to break down the proteins that surround the thick mucus.

The over use of a/b's in the health industry aren't good, but for the CF'er it's a different ball game. If the infections aren't calmed down with a/b's, lung damage will occur, which equals a shorter life.</end quote></div>

I'm not disagreeing with you here. I realize for most CF'ers, quitting antibiotics are off the table. I'm just testifying to my success for halting antibiotics. It is already proven that antibiotics strangle your immune system- why in the hell would you want to do that, your immune system is your livelihood, without a proper immune system, you would die, no ifs ands or buts.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe we live on an earth that is in a constant state of degeneration, including the human body. The minute we are born, we start to die. Humans are different species than animals and to compare the two is ludicris.</end quote></div>

Well, Charles Darwin surely didn't think so. Chimanzees and humans share 95% of the same DNA. You might want to retract that statement to save some face. I think we are in degeneration, but willfully. We are willfully ignorant of the natural remedies amongst us. Our creator would not place us on earth if he/she didn't provide us with the essential tools that we need to remain vigorous and healthy. There are many reasons why we are in degeneration. The technology. It is more practical, not to mention a lot easier to drive now then walk. We were born with 2 legs for a reason-humans were made to walk. Fast food. Many people come home after a hard day of work and want their food quick, they don't have the energy to slave over a stove cooking their food. And everywhere you go nowadays there's soda machines, machines that have pics of people drinking sodas with deadly artificial sweetners and fake sugar smiling. That is the corporate rape of the population. People are intoxicated with drinking poison, those are some of the reasons why I believe we are in degeneration as a species.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our Creator created this world perfectly. (and if you practice religion) We are taught that sin started this world in it's degenerative nature. The Creator also gave us brains - to use. Scientists are working diligently to solve the world's problems.</end quote></div>

And why is that, do you actually beleive that scientists want to solve our problems? Money is the motivating factor, take that incentive away and there would be no scientists, in a capitalist system anyways.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe man-made drugs have aided many who are ill.</end quote></div>

I couldn't agree more, however those drugs just prolong the disaease; treating the symptom, not the root cause. That is the problem and you had better be sure the FDA knows this. Americans as a whole are wayyyy over medicated. To processed food, which cause many to experience problems hence turn to medicine that the FDA provides. The FDA is the ultimate money machine, and will be as long as we stay sick.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Prime example: Diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused y diet.

I have type I, I am insulin dependent. </end quote></div>

Yes, but why do people have diabetes? I don't care to research when the first case was, but I'm almost positive it was after Americans had access to fast food, carbonated beverages, and the invention of static lazy-induced machines like the television- to replace exercise which we so badly need. If all the sources are eliminated, there is no need for medicines that only treat symptoms.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>However, speaking of nature - not too many years ago, insulin WAS indeed made from pigs, so, as you can see, they did search nature for finding natural solutions.</end quote></div>

Maybe, but they cannot patent as natural solution. What was pork insulin mixed with again? Insulin is NOT meant to cure diabetes, just control the symptom of high glucose.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Over time they came up with better and better types of insulins. The Creator didn't provide our current insulins in nature, but nature gave scientists a start. Scientists used the brains the Creator gave them to work to improve what they already had.</end quote></div>

Well on that same token the creator gave us the brains to develop the causes of diabetes-televisions which promote less exercise, carbonated drinks and fast food. The FDA by producing insulin, tries to promote the image that they are the remedy for diabetes, when in actuality, they are the cause. They are spoonfeeding an open-mouthed public this lie.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Bottom line: Yes, we'd all do well do go as natural as possible. I'm a believer in that. However nature doesn't hold all the keys and magical drugs. Until scietists find the cure for CF, antibiotics will be a necessary evil.</end quote></div>

Sure, in most cases, antibiotics are a necessary evil. I do not promote their discountenance unless the said person is in fairly good health to begin with. In my case, I have a very mild form of CF, and mainly in the GI tract. Right after I exited the hospital, I was in tip-top shape and decided enough is enough as I feel that big pharma has let me down. The only prescription drug I take now is Creon, that's it. I replaced Zantac with something totally natural and dirt cheap. I used to take 7 units of Lantus at night- I no longer take Lantus insulin. I used to be on Zithromax ever single day and Bactrim or Tobi every other month. I used to take the antibiotic Flagyl for gastric problems. After all these, I would endure constant yeast infections. I have been antibiotic-free for about 2 months now and feel better than ever.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
What?!?! Their goal is to find ways to solve problems. They know the general population wants a quick fix. Unfortunately all the research money goes into man-made alternatives. It's the populations fault (not the FDA or pharm industry) for not wanting to go natural. If more people wanted natural, that's where they would put their money.</end quote></div>

You are really drinking the kool-aid there. In this capitalist system firmly in place, it's all about the money, money talks. There is no money to be made curing an illness, but treating an illness brings in booku bucks. The money donated to help find a cure doesn't find one, just better alternatives to enhanced treatments. If people stay sick, they keep their pocketbooks open. If they are cured, they no longer are obligated to max out their HMO's or mortgage their house to pay for medical bills. The FDA CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS. Since they cannot patent them, they spend money smearing them and downplaying them. The select few wealthy elite benefit at the expense of the many. The US has the most advanced health care system in the world. If we wanted, we could successfully treat every single American, but no, social class, race, and wealth determine our quality of health care.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I agree that we need to eat as much fresh food as we can, and stay away from processed, and all the chemicals. I think the populations health (partic. in American) would benefit greatly.</end quote></div>

Yes, I personally eat as much organic food that I can. But pizza is my vice, I cannot give that up.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Yes, zithromax is an antibiotic. However, the use of zithromax for those with CF is NOT as an a/b. Zithromax's use in CF is to break down the proteins that surround the thick mucus.

The over use of a/b's in the health industry aren't good, but for the CF'er it's a different ball game. If the infections aren't calmed down with a/b's, lung damage will occur, which equals a shorter life.</end quote></div>

I'm not disagreeing with you here. I realize for most CF'ers, quitting antibiotics are off the table. I'm just testifying to my success for halting antibiotics. It is already proven that antibiotics strangle your immune system- why in the hell would you want to do that, your immune system is your livelihood, without a proper immune system, you would die, no ifs ands or buts.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe we live on an earth that is in a constant state of degeneration, including the human body. The minute we are born, we start to die. Humans are different species than animals and to compare the two is ludicris.</end quote></div>

Well, Charles Darwin surely didn't think so. Chimanzees and humans share 95% of the same DNA. You might want to retract that statement to save some face. I think we are in degeneration, but willfully. We are willfully ignorant of the natural remedies amongst us. Our creator would not place us on earth if he/she didn't provide us with the essential tools that we need to remain vigorous and healthy. There are many reasons why we are in degeneration. The technology. It is more practical, not to mention a lot easier to drive now then walk. We were born with 2 legs for a reason-humans were made to walk. Fast food. Many people come home after a hard day of work and want their food quick, they don't have the energy to slave over a stove cooking their food. And everywhere you go nowadays there's soda machines, machines that have pics of people drinking sodas with deadly artificial sweetners and fake sugar smiling. That is the corporate rape of the population. People are intoxicated with drinking poison, those are some of the reasons why I believe we are in degeneration as a species.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our Creator created this world perfectly. (and if you practice religion) We are taught that sin started this world in it's degenerative nature. The Creator also gave us brains - to use. Scientists are working diligently to solve the world's problems.</end quote></div>

And why is that, do you actually beleive that scientists want to solve our problems? Money is the motivating factor, take that incentive away and there would be no scientists, in a capitalist system anyways.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe man-made drugs have aided many who are ill.</end quote></div>

I couldn't agree more, however those drugs just prolong the disaease; treating the symptom, not the root cause. That is the problem and you had better be sure the FDA knows this. Americans as a whole are wayyyy over medicated. To processed food, which cause many to experience problems hence turn to medicine that the FDA provides. The FDA is the ultimate money machine, and will be as long as we stay sick.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Prime example: Diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused y diet.

I have type I, I am insulin dependent. </end quote></div>

Yes, but why do people have diabetes? I don't care to research when the first case was, but I'm almost positive it was after Americans had access to fast food, carbonated beverages, and the invention of static lazy-induced machines like the television- to replace exercise which we so badly need. If all the sources are eliminated, there is no need for medicines that only treat symptoms.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>However, speaking of nature - not too many years ago, insulin WAS indeed made from pigs, so, as you can see, they did search nature for finding natural solutions.</end quote></div>

Maybe, but they cannot patent as natural solution. What was pork insulin mixed with again? Insulin is NOT meant to cure diabetes, just control the symptom of high glucose.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Over time they came up with better and better types of insulins. The Creator didn't provide our current insulins in nature, but nature gave scientists a start. Scientists used the brains the Creator gave them to work to improve what they already had.</end quote></div>

Well on that same token the creator gave us the brains to develop the causes of diabetes-televisions which promote less exercise, carbonated drinks and fast food. The FDA by producing insulin, tries to promote the image that they are the remedy for diabetes, when in actuality, they are the cause. They are spoonfeeding an open-mouthed public this lie.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Bottom line: Yes, we'd all do well do go as natural as possible. I'm a believer in that. However nature doesn't hold all the keys and magical drugs. Until scietists find the cure for CF, antibiotics will be a necessary evil.</end quote></div>

Sure, in most cases, antibiotics are a necessary evil. I do not promote their discountenance unless the said person is in fairly good health to begin with. In my case, I have a very mild form of CF, and mainly in the GI tract. Right after I exited the hospital, I was in tip-top shape and decided enough is enough as I feel that big pharma has let me down. The only prescription drug I take now is Creon, that's it. I replaced Zantac with something totally natural and dirt cheap. I used to take 7 units of Lantus at night- I no longer take Lantus insulin. I used to be on Zithromax ever single day and Bactrim or Tobi every other month. I used to take the antibiotic Flagyl for gastric problems. After all these, I would endure constant yeast infections. I have been antibiotic-free for about 2 months now and feel better than ever.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
What?!?! Their goal is to find ways to solve problems. They know the general population wants a quick fix. Unfortunately all the research money goes into man-made alternatives. It's the populations fault (not the FDA or pharm industry) for not wanting to go natural. If more people wanted natural, that's where they would put their money.</end quote>

You are really drinking the kool-aid there. In this capitalist system firmly in place, it's all about the money, money talks. There is no money to be made curing an illness, but treating an illness brings in booku bucks. The money donated to help find a cure doesn't find one, just better alternatives to enhanced treatments. If people stay sick, they keep their pocketbooks open. If they are cured, they no longer are obligated to max out their HMO's or mortgage their house to pay for medical bills. The FDA CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS. Since they cannot patent them, they spend money smearing them and downplaying them. The select few wealthy elite benefit at the expense of the many. The US has the most advanced health care system in the world. If we wanted, we could successfully treat every single American, but no, social class, race, and wealth determine our quality of health care.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I agree that we need to eat as much fresh food as we can, and stay away from processed, and all the chemicals. I think the populations health (partic. in American) would benefit greatly.</end quote>

Yes, I personally eat as much organic food that I can. But pizza is my vice, I cannot give that up.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Yes, zithromax is an antibiotic. However, the use of zithromax for those with CF is NOT as an a/b. Zithromax's use in CF is to break down the proteins that surround the thick mucus.

The over use of a/b's in the health industry aren't good, but for the CF'er it's a different ball game. If the infections aren't calmed down with a/b's, lung damage will occur, which equals a shorter life.</end quote>

I'm not disagreeing with you here. I realize for most CF'ers, quitting antibiotics are off the table. I'm just testifying to my success for halting antibiotics. It is already proven that antibiotics strangle your immune system- why in the hell would you want to do that, your immune system is your livelihood, without a proper immune system, you would die, no ifs ands or buts.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe we live on an earth that is in a constant state of degeneration, including the human body. The minute we are born, we start to die. Humans are different species than animals and to compare the two is ludicris.</end quote>

Well, Charles Darwin surely didn't think so. Chimanzees and humans share 95% of the same DNA. You might want to retract that statement to save some face. I think we are in degeneration, but willfully. We are willfully ignorant of the natural remedies amongst us. Our creator would not place us on earth if he/she didn't provide us with the essential tools that we need to remain vigorous and healthy. There are many reasons why we are in degeneration. The technology. It is more practical, not to mention a lot easier to drive now then walk. We were born with 2 legs for a reason-humans were made to walk. Fast food. Many people come home after a hard day of work and want their food quick, they don't have the energy to slave over a stove cooking their food. And everywhere you go nowadays there's soda machines, machines that have pics of people drinking sodas with deadly artificial sweetners and fake sugar smiling. That is the corporate rape of the population. People are intoxicated with drinking poison, those are some of the reasons why I believe we are in degeneration as a species.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our Creator created this world perfectly. (and if you practice religion) We are taught that sin started this world in it's degenerative nature. The Creator also gave us brains - to use. Scientists are working diligently to solve the world's problems.</end quote>

And why is that, do you actually beleive that scientists want to solve our problems? Money is the motivating factor, take that incentive away and there would be no scientists, in a capitalist system anyways.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe man-made drugs have aided many who are ill.</end quote>

I couldn't agree more, however those drugs just prolong the disaease; treating the symptom, not the root cause. That is the problem and you had better be sure the FDA knows this. Americans as a whole are wayyyy over medicated. To processed food, which cause many to experience problems hence turn to medicine that the FDA provides. The FDA is the ultimate money machine, and will be as long as we stay sick.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Prime example: Diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused y diet.

I have type I, I am insulin dependent. </end quote>

Yes, but why do people have diabetes? I don't care to research when the first case was, but I'm almost positive it was after Americans had access to fast food, carbonated beverages, and the invention of static lazy-induced machines like the television- to replace exercise which we so badly need. If all the sources are eliminated, there is no need for medicines that only treat symptoms.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>However, speaking of nature - not too many years ago, insulin WAS indeed made from pigs, so, as you can see, they did search nature for finding natural solutions.</end quote>

Maybe, but they cannot patent as natural solution. What was pork insulin mixed with again? Insulin is NOT meant to cure diabetes, just control the symptom of high glucose.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Over time they came up with better and better types of insulins. The Creator didn't provide our current insulins in nature, but nature gave scientists a start. Scientists used the brains the Creator gave them to work to improve what they already had.</end quote>

Well on that same token the creator gave us the brains to develop the causes of diabetes-televisions which promote less exercise, carbonated drinks and fast food. The FDA by producing insulin, tries to promote the image that they are the remedy for diabetes, when in actuality, they are the cause. They are spoonfeeding an open-mouthed public this lie.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Bottom line: Yes, we'd all do well do go as natural as possible. I'm a believer in that. However nature doesn't hold all the keys and magical drugs. Until scietists find the cure for CF, antibiotics will be a necessary evil.</end quote>

Sure, in most cases, antibiotics are a necessary evil. I do not promote their discountenance unless the said person is in fairly good health to begin with. In my case, I have a very mild form of CF, and mainly in the GI tract. Right after I exited the hospital, I was in tip-top shape and decided enough is enough as I feel that big pharma has let me down. The only prescription drug I take now is Creon, that's it. I replaced Zantac with something totally natural and dirt cheap. I used to take 7 units of Lantus at night- I no longer take Lantus insulin. I used to be on Zithromax ever single day and Bactrim or Tobi every other month. I used to take the antibiotic Flagyl for gastric problems. After all these, I would endure constant yeast infections. I have been antibiotic-free for about 2 months now and feel better than ever.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
<br />What?!?! Their goal is to find ways to solve problems. They know the general population wants a quick fix. Unfortunately all the research money goes into man-made alternatives. It's the populations fault (not the FDA or pharm industry) for not wanting to go natural. If more people wanted natural, that's where they would put their money.</end quote>
<br />
<br />You are really drinking the kool-aid there. In this capitalist system firmly in place, it's all about the money, money talks. There is no money to be made curing an illness, but treating an illness brings in booku bucks. The money donated to help find a cure doesn't find one, just better alternatives to enhanced treatments. If people stay sick, they keep their pocketbooks open. If they are cured, they no longer are obligated to max out their HMO's or mortgage their house to pay for medical bills. The FDA CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS. Since they cannot patent them, they spend money smearing them and downplaying them. The select few wealthy elite benefit at the expense of the many. The US has the most advanced health care system in the world. If we wanted, we could successfully treat every single American, but no, social class, race, and wealth determine our quality of health care.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I agree that we need to eat as much fresh food as we can, and stay away from processed, and all the chemicals. I think the populations health (partic. in American) would benefit greatly.</end quote>
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<br />Yes, I personally eat as much organic food that I can. But pizza is my vice, I cannot give that up.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Yes, zithromax is an antibiotic. However, the use of zithromax for those with CF is NOT as an a/b. Zithromax's use in CF is to break down the proteins that surround the thick mucus.
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<br />The over use of a/b's in the health industry aren't good, but for the CF'er it's a different ball game. If the infections aren't calmed down with a/b's, lung damage will occur, which equals a shorter life.</end quote>
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<br />I'm not disagreeing with you here. I realize for most CF'ers, quitting antibiotics are off the table. I'm just testifying to my success for halting antibiotics. It is already proven that antibiotics strangle your immune system- why in the hell would you want to do that, your immune system is your livelihood, without a proper immune system, you would die, no ifs ands or buts.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe we live on an earth that is in a constant state of degeneration, including the human body. The minute we are born, we start to die. Humans are different species than animals and to compare the two is ludicris.</end quote>
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<br />Well, Charles Darwin surely didn't think so. Chimanzees and humans share 95% of the same DNA. You might want to retract that statement to save some face. I think we are in degeneration, but willfully. We are willfully ignorant of the natural remedies amongst us. Our creator would not place us on earth if he/she didn't provide us with the essential tools that we need to remain vigorous and healthy. There are many reasons why we are in degeneration. The technology. It is more practical, not to mention a lot easier to drive now then walk. We were born with 2 legs for a reason-humans were made to walk. Fast food. Many people come home after a hard day of work and want their food quick, they don't have the energy to slave over a stove cooking their food. And everywhere you go nowadays there's soda machines, machines that have pics of people drinking sodas with deadly artificial sweetners and fake sugar smiling. That is the corporate rape of the population. People are intoxicated with drinking poison, those are some of the reasons why I believe we are in degeneration as a species.
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<br /> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our Creator created this world perfectly. (and if you practice religion) We are taught that sin started this world in it's degenerative nature. The Creator also gave us brains - to use. Scientists are working diligently to solve the world's problems.</end quote>
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<br />And why is that, do you actually beleive that scientists want to solve our problems? Money is the motivating factor, take that incentive away and there would be no scientists, in a capitalist system anyways.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I believe man-made drugs have aided many who are ill.</end quote>
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<br />I couldn't agree more, however those drugs just prolong the disaease; treating the symptom, not the root cause. That is the problem and you had better be sure the FDA knows this. Americans as a whole are wayyyy over medicated. To processed food, which cause many to experience problems hence turn to medicine that the FDA provides. The FDA is the ultimate money machine, and will be as long as we stay sick.
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<br /> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Prime example: Diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused y diet.
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<br />I have type I, I am insulin dependent. </end quote>
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<br />Yes, but why do people have diabetes? I don't care to research when the first case was, but I'm almost positive it was after Americans had access to fast food, carbonated beverages, and the invention of static lazy-induced machines like the television- to replace exercise which we so badly need. If all the sources are eliminated, there is no need for medicines that only treat symptoms.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>However, speaking of nature - not too many years ago, insulin WAS indeed made from pigs, so, as you can see, they did search nature for finding natural solutions.</end quote>
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<br />Maybe, but they cannot patent as natural solution. What was pork insulin mixed with again? Insulin is NOT meant to cure diabetes, just control the symptom of high glucose.
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<br /> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Over time they came up with better and better types of insulins. The Creator didn't provide our current insulins in nature, but nature gave scientists a start. Scientists used the brains the Creator gave them to work to improve what they already had.</end quote>
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<br />Well on that same token the creator gave us the brains to develop the causes of diabetes-televisions which promote less exercise, carbonated drinks and fast food. The FDA by producing insulin, tries to promote the image that they are the remedy for diabetes, when in actuality, they are the cause. They are spoonfeeding an open-mouthed public this lie.
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Bottom line: Yes, we'd all do well do go as natural as possible. I'm a believer in that. However nature doesn't hold all the keys and magical drugs. Until scietists find the cure for CF, antibiotics will be a necessary evil.</end quote>
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<br />Sure, in most cases, antibiotics are a necessary evil. I do not promote their discountenance unless the said person is in fairly good health to begin with. In my case, I have a very mild form of CF, and mainly in the GI tract. Right after I exited the hospital, I was in tip-top shape and decided enough is enough as I feel that big pharma has let me down. The only prescription drug I take now is Creon, that's it. I replaced Zantac with something totally natural and dirt cheap. I used to take 7 units of Lantus at night- I no longer take Lantus insulin. I used to be on Zithromax ever single day and Bactrim or Tobi every other month. I used to take the antibiotic Flagyl for gastric problems. After all these, I would endure constant yeast infections. I have been antibiotic-free for about 2 months now and feel better than ever.
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New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>

You are greatly misinformed about diabetes.

There are two classifications to diabetes - Type I and Type II.

Type II diabetics = their body makes insulin, but because of being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive stress; their body can not properly utilize the insulin.

In Type II, when the diabetes is slight, they only need pills. When it more out of control, they need insulin. When type II diabetics get their weight under control (and increase exercise) they can at some point stop their meds. My dad was type II and was on pills. After loosing some weight, he was able to stop his meds.

Type I diabetics = their pancrease makes NO insulin whatsoever. No amount of exercise or change in diet will change that fact. Type I diabetics must always use insulin.

So, before you claim the FDA is responsible for continuing diabetes, get your facts straight. Sounds like you are the one drinking the Kool-Aid here.</end quote></div>

Excellent, well-thought out reply to everything I have stated prior. Kudos. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I don't need a lecture about diabetes from an overachiever, thank you very much, as I've had it for well over a decade. IMO if we haven't invented marvels such as the television, video games, or the internet, etc, and fast food, there would be no diabetes. You see everything has a consequence. If people would stop watching tv, playing video games, stop sitting on the computer, and stop eating foods that are unhealthy, and quit driving-nobody would be diabetic. We were not born with cars, tvs, and fast food. But we were born with 2 legs. That should throw up a red flag. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to give all that up, I'm just stating the reasons why we have diabetes. America's technological no how is contributing to obesity and a host of ills to ensure that money keeps on going through the FDA.

Now you said that in Type 1 diabetics, no amount of exercise will change that fact. Then how come I was on Lantus, but don't take it now? It turns out my pancreas DOES produce insulin after all. And I am Type 1, as I rely on Novolog to cover for meals.

I apologize to Ratatosk for hijacking this thread with this screaming match.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>

You are greatly misinformed about diabetes.

There are two classifications to diabetes - Type I and Type II.

Type II diabetics = their body makes insulin, but because of being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive stress; their body can not properly utilize the insulin.

In Type II, when the diabetes is slight, they only need pills. When it more out of control, they need insulin. When type II diabetics get their weight under control (and increase exercise) they can at some point stop their meds. My dad was type II and was on pills. After loosing some weight, he was able to stop his meds.

Type I diabetics = their pancrease makes NO insulin whatsoever. No amount of exercise or change in diet will change that fact. Type I diabetics must always use insulin.

So, before you claim the FDA is responsible for continuing diabetes, get your facts straight. Sounds like you are the one drinking the Kool-Aid here.</end quote></div>

Excellent, well-thought out reply to everything I have stated prior. Kudos. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I don't need a lecture about diabetes from an overachiever, thank you very much, as I've had it for well over a decade. IMO if we haven't invented marvels such as the television, video games, or the internet, etc, and fast food, there would be no diabetes. You see everything has a consequence. If people would stop watching tv, playing video games, stop sitting on the computer, and stop eating foods that are unhealthy, and quit driving-nobody would be diabetic. We were not born with cars, tvs, and fast food. But we were born with 2 legs. That should throw up a red flag. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to give all that up, I'm just stating the reasons why we have diabetes. America's technological no how is contributing to obesity and a host of ills to ensure that money keeps on going through the FDA.

Now you said that in Type 1 diabetics, no amount of exercise will change that fact. Then how come I was on Lantus, but don't take it now? It turns out my pancreas DOES produce insulin after all. And I am Type 1, as I rely on Novolog to cover for meals.

I apologize to Ratatosk for hijacking this thread with this screaming match.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>

You are greatly misinformed about diabetes.

There are two classifications to diabetes - Type I and Type II.

Type II diabetics = their body makes insulin, but because of being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive stress; their body can not properly utilize the insulin.

In Type II, when the diabetes is slight, they only need pills. When it more out of control, they need insulin. When type II diabetics get their weight under control (and increase exercise) they can at some point stop their meds. My dad was type II and was on pills. After loosing some weight, he was able to stop his meds.

Type I diabetics = their pancrease makes NO insulin whatsoever. No amount of exercise or change in diet will change that fact. Type I diabetics must always use insulin.

So, before you claim the FDA is responsible for continuing diabetes, get your facts straight. Sounds like you are the one drinking the Kool-Aid here.</end quote></div>

Excellent, well-thought out reply to everything I have stated prior. Kudos. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I don't need a lecture about diabetes from an overachiever, thank you very much, as I've had it for well over a decade. IMO if we haven't invented marvels such as the television, video games, or the internet, etc, and fast food, there would be no diabetes. You see everything has a consequence. If people would stop watching tv, playing video games, stop sitting on the computer, and stop eating foods that are unhealthy, and quit driving-nobody would be diabetic. We were not born with cars, tvs, and fast food. But we were born with 2 legs. That should throw up a red flag. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to give all that up, I'm just stating the reasons why we have diabetes. America's technological no how is contributing to obesity and a host of ills to ensure that money keeps on going through the FDA.

Now you said that in Type 1 diabetics, no amount of exercise will change that fact. Then how come I was on Lantus, but don't take it now? It turns out my pancreas DOES produce insulin after all. And I am Type 1, as I rely on Novolog to cover for meals.

I apologize to Ratatosk for hijacking this thread with this screaming match.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>

You are greatly misinformed about diabetes.

There are two classifications to diabetes - Type I and Type II.

Type II diabetics = their body makes insulin, but because of being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive stress; their body can not properly utilize the insulin.

In Type II, when the diabetes is slight, they only need pills. When it more out of control, they need insulin. When type II diabetics get their weight under control (and increase exercise) they can at some point stop their meds. My dad was type II and was on pills. After loosing some weight, he was able to stop his meds.

Type I diabetics = their pancrease makes NO insulin whatsoever. No amount of exercise or change in diet will change that fact. Type I diabetics must always use insulin.

So, before you claim the FDA is responsible for continuing diabetes, get your facts straight. Sounds like you are the one drinking the Kool-Aid here.</end quote>

Excellent, well-thought out reply to everything I have stated prior. Kudos. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I don't need a lecture about diabetes from an overachiever, thank you very much, as I've had it for well over a decade. IMO if we haven't invented marvels such as the television, video games, or the internet, etc, and fast food, there would be no diabetes. You see everything has a consequence. If people would stop watching tv, playing video games, stop sitting on the computer, and stop eating foods that are unhealthy, and quit driving-nobody would be diabetic. We were not born with cars, tvs, and fast food. But we were born with 2 legs. That should throw up a red flag. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to give all that up, I'm just stating the reasons why we have diabetes. America's technological no how is contributing to obesity and a host of ills to ensure that money keeps on going through the FDA.

Now you said that in Type 1 diabetics, no amount of exercise will change that fact. Then how come I was on Lantus, but don't take it now? It turns out my pancreas DOES produce insulin after all. And I am Type 1, as I rely on Novolog to cover for meals.

I apologize to Ratatosk for hijacking this thread with this screaming match.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i>
<br />
<br />You are greatly misinformed about diabetes.
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<br />There are two classifications to diabetes - Type I and Type II.
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<br />Type II diabetics = their body makes insulin, but because of being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive stress; their body can not properly utilize the insulin.
<br />
<br />In Type II, when the diabetes is slight, they only need pills. When it more out of control, they need insulin. When type II diabetics get their weight under control (and increase exercise) they can at some point stop their meds. My dad was type II and was on pills. After loosing some weight, he was able to stop his meds.
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<br />Type I diabetics = their pancrease makes NO insulin whatsoever. No amount of exercise or change in diet will change that fact. Type I diabetics must always use insulin.
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<br />So, before you claim the FDA is responsible for continuing diabetes, get your facts straight. Sounds like you are the one drinking the Kool-Aid here.</end quote>
<br />
<br />Excellent, well-thought out reply to everything I have stated prior. Kudos. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I don't need a lecture about diabetes from an overachiever, thank you very much, as I've had it for well over a decade. IMO if we haven't invented marvels such as the television, video games, or the internet, etc, and fast food, there would be no diabetes. You see everything has a consequence. If people would stop watching tv, playing video games, stop sitting on the computer, and stop eating foods that are unhealthy, and quit driving-nobody would be diabetic. We were not born with cars, tvs, and fast food. But we were born with 2 legs. That should throw up a red flag. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to give all that up, I'm just stating the reasons why we have diabetes. America's technological no how is contributing to obesity and a host of ills to ensure that money keeps on going through the FDA.
<br />
<br />Now you said that in Type 1 diabetics, no amount of exercise will change that fact. Then how come I was on Lantus, but don't take it now? It turns out my pancreas DOES produce insulin after all. And I am Type 1, as I rely on Novolog to cover for meals.
<br />
<br />I apologize to Ratatosk for hijacking this thread with this screaming match.
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